r/SneerClub archives

Just as a PSA, speaking from experience as a more or less lifelong alcoholic, most of whose close friends have had significant substance abuse problems

Do not drink acetone

Notwithstanding that it’s dumb as fuck to try and use first principles to question the very idea of not drinking industrial solvents…you will get fucked up and not in a good way - I can’t believe that we’re at the point where I feel the need to say this

There’s no reason to do so. It’s (presumably) disgusting.

There’s always a line in this horseshit that gives the game away

Hand cleanser is still ok though, right?
Well duh, it’s not as if there isn’t a bunch of it around right now
A bunch of people have gotten methanol poisoning from it recently, so no, do not drink that shit.

The problem with being contrarian openminded is that it leads to constant stupid posts like this ‘dont drink acetone, but also dont believe the mainstream media lies telling you it is super deadly’.

It is just signalling smug rationallity no matter the social cost. Up next, telling 4 year olds santa isnt real.

E: ah an ‘now do this for rubbing alcohol’ in the comments. Soon they will be drinking mouthwash… (which you also shouldnt do).

Mmmmm bone-hurting juice
I shit you not. I’ve seen alcoholics drink mouthwash, and rubbing alcohol. 🤮

Fact #5: Acetone is probably marginally more toxic than ethanol.

In animals, the Oral LD50 for acetone ranges from 3 g/kg in mice to 5.8 g/kg in rats. For ethanol it is around 7.3 g/kg for both mice and rats.

I know this is small potatoes compared to everything else, but I enjoy that a potential 150% increase in toxicity is considered “marginally more.”

I for one would be very concerned if I encountered a 1 kg rat.
I've met some that were probably twice that, tbh. New York City and Chicago rats are *not fucking around*.

Speaking as someone who has never drunk paint thinner and is therefore prejudiced against it, seriously?

This, uh… Hmm.

I wish I could say I was more surprised by this than I actually am. Most of my surprise comes from how soon this came along- I would have expected it to take another year or two before the Rationalists started openly advocating drinking industrial solvents.

They’re drowning their sorrows in acetone...
I came here to say I did this back in 04’

Back in the USSR days folks found ways to drink all kinds of stuff, despite much of it being very intentionally made too disgusting for human consumption. But no one above the age of 5 was ever dumb enough to drink fucking acetone. Stick to ethyl alcohol and ether, people.

I’m pretty sure this is a parody of some other article. It’s gotta be… right?

Doesn't appear so.
I’m pretty sure it’s some top grade idiocracy

I heard somewhere that drinking propanol could get you drunk without a hangover. But I also heard it has high lead contamination. That’s not a huge issue under the assumption it will be used as an industrial solvent rather than as the drink of choice for overmen unbeholden to society’s norms.

Also I wonder if anyone read this lesswrong post and went right for the nail polish remover.