r/SneerClub archives


To be honest I worry for you dude. You should probably be more protective of your privacy, you never know what's up with those people (not gwern himself but some of the more fucked up nuts at themotte). Take care and I hope you enjoy your new place

We’re actually a community dedicated to achieving better metaphors than from fantasy fiction.

That said, liches are metal af so I’m okay with it.

liches attract and become deeply poisonous Dark Triad types.

“No, this isn’t armchair psychology. It’s, uh, throne clairvoyance.”

I was reading along wondering if they’d find their way to a point and then they dropped that turd
Just remember that Dark Triad types are also Alpha as fuck
We can also summon dementors.

Wait liches are immortal, that is good right? Congrats to ANTIFA for being immortal, and all that without an acousalrobotgod

Brb searching for 8chans Phylactery. (Which doesnt even make sense btw 8chan clearly stands for something, aka extreme free speech, even for pedos and people who want to murder them in the most convoluted way ever)

E: the dark traid thing also doesnt make sense at least not for sc, we are not machiavellian, narcissistic nor psychopathic.

Gwern: ‘why would sneerclub casts ’power word:locker’ when they could join a group focussed on casting the 14 white power words instead?’

8chan is that thing in the witches article where the only people who actually value it as a platform are racists who keep getting kicked out of places.

I think you mean lichess, the best chess site around

lichess good, chesscom bad
I kind of miss ICC/FICS being where it's at, but they never quite made the leap when in-browser and phone/tablet apps became big...
FICS had so much potential but the admins seem to have been stuck in 1997. I remember a rant by a former FICS member who wanted to add features and correct bugs but the admins wouldn't let him do any modification because 'the source code is complete' (wtf?)

“based on hating outgroups” Oh, the irony…

remember, low self-awareness is just a sign of high decoupling
i only hate those who hate the outgroup
This is rich coming from a dude who self describes as 'misanthropic' and 'low-agreeableness'. Hate the world all you like but don't act surprised when others deem you a part of that world
All part and parcel of the persecution complex.


For the record, I am a completely secure drop out, and I just like the shadenfraude of dunking on a bunch of shitty ideas and people.

I ain’t here for no community.


And they say we dehumanize rationalists.

Now we are all sons of liches.

Hmmm, now I’m curious.

What’s the sneerclub equivalent of a lolcow? Just Eliezer Yudkowsky?

That said, this is the guy who chemical companies won’t sell to because he wrote a thing about stopping the robot god by attacking microchip factories right

ooh here’s a fun reply:

the framing I always use is that if you define yourself as “not X”, you grant X power over who you are

–> “the framing I always use is that if you define yourself as”not irrational”, you grant ‘irrational’ power over who you are”



Haven't heard from them in ages. Some legit crit buried in piles and piles of shit from bad contributors rightly banned


Oh dear, seems I’ve gone from writing about liches for a living to being a lich.

Ah, well, c’est la mort.

Do they really think disgruntled members of their own community founded SneerClub because of ideological or personal axes to grind? Do they not realize that they are ridiculous specimens on display, and we’re just here to tap on the glass?

> Do they really think No.

The bitcoin equivalent is when scammers say “WHAT HAVE YOU BUILT HUH” or just the word “BUIDL”

a handy way to find scammers in crypto is to search twitter for “BUIDL” then go up the thread to see what scam they’re making an excuse for

Imagine spending ur day editing a trash and biased wiki