r/SneerClub archives

Music, art, literature, film, these things are all like alcohol. They’re fun to indulge in every once and a while, and they feel good, but one certainly does not live life for them and maintain health.

I’m sure they’re very fun at parties

Higher education should be for a few, the rest can go into the labor market as soon as they’re physically fit.

He can’t wait to join the salt mines

Most of these people never volunteer themselves to be the ones on the lower caste lmao "Higher education should be for a few, like me, the rest, who are not me, can go into the labor market as soon as they're physically fit" Although, I'm pretty sure I've seen someone really argue that they should be one of the unprivileged ones to benefit the class of ubermensch. I'm not sure which is really more dangerous or delusional
i mean, i think most people praising feudalism think they'd be the king
Or one of the nobles, plus totally ignorant with regards to the life expectancy of either.
> go into the labor market as soon as they're physically fit lmao, I'm all for strengthening apprenticeships and stopping Universities from becoming a glorified job training program but this sounds like some 19th century shit. Like we have this enormous demand of pickaxe wielding coal miners.
Ah, but having the progenitors of lesser thoughtforms die in the pits is *eugenic*. Did you consider this?
More people should be like [blindsight vampires](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blindsight_(Watts_novel\)) isn't a take I expected today.
>He can't wait to join the salt mines No, no, that's for the average IQ Untermenschen.
I live my life for music. Without it I'd be a statistic.
once AND a while? in this economy???


>every time I've had a conversation with a philosophy major I want a recording of this, now.
It sounds a lot more impressive if they dont mention the conversation topic was what to buy for groceries
>NIH Health, right? Oh, Christ. This one's not going to wind up a psychiatrist, is he?
"I estimate we can make doctors by age 20 comfortably with the people who are really fit for it." 🤮
Terrifying really.

A representative sample of the replies:

I strongly disagree with barring women from higher education. In the spirit of conversation however, I invite you to expand upon why.

Ah, yes! Such reasonableness! Very rational discussion. This is how you Marketplace of Ideas.

The correct response to crap like this is to stick your tongue out, close your lips around it, and exhale, making a “PPPBBBBBBBBBBTHS” sound.

"I strongly disagree with the idea of exterminating an entire ethnic group. In the spirit of conversation however, I invite you to expand upon why."
This is why it doesn't matter if he's a troll. Tolerating him says everything that needs saying about The Motte.
You are correct here. Tolerating him while not even pointing out the multitide of pretty simple logical errors he makes btw. (Which is no suprise, this seems like the kind of person who is totally convinced they are right) E: it is funny that he basically agrees with the Taliban.
>it is funny that he basically agrees with the Taliban I wonder how much of The Motte basically agrees with the Taliban vs. the general population. Even vs. the general population of 20-40 y.o. white American males (also, how much of The Motte are these? What does Bayes say about it?).
It's like they think the bit from *Mitchell and Webb* where they run "kill all the poor" through the computer was just normal conversation.
I prefer miming masturbation very slowly while maintaining eye contact.
"well, let's steelman the opposition: 'BAH BUH BAH BUH DUH DAH DER DUH DAH BUH BEH KILL ALL MEN BAH BUH BEH BAH' Not very convincing, is it?"
> 'BAH BUH BAH BUH DUH DAH DER DUH DAH BUH BEH KILL ALL MEN BAH BUH BEH BAH' Not very convincing, is it? I mean, hell, I'm convinced.
The reasoning was that if you don't lock women back into the house ( which would require a lot of push via policies. I thought these people hated big government) then they won't have 4 children and the only way to raise children is for mom to stay at home and don't do anything else , clearly this is the only way children can be raised! (Maybe if the woman is especially clever she can have a maid or something , we are not sure.
>Maybe if the woman is especially clever she can have a maid or something, we are not sure. Especially Aryan feeemales will be allowed out on Thursdays provided they don't do anything hypergamous like driving motor vehicles or mocking the size/shape/function of my penis. Incidentally all cars will be Tesla™s and we will defund and dismantle the trains.

Ohh and the poster is yet another IQ fetishist. How many times does that junk need to be debunked?

Too much effort to be a troll. All the more frightening considering he posts shit like this:

What does it follow that the world should look like based on my descriptive and normative beliefs? At the core I’d put eugenics, by which I simply mean the betterment of the gene pool […] In practice, what would I do right now if I had absolute power in the US? I don’t know for sure, but all anti-white, anti-merit policies would end. There’d probably be IQ favoring tax incentives. Eugenic immigration only. Every race in the country would be gradually improved like this, but I descriptively believe that white people would become 90+% of the population in a few generations.

What should actually be moved towards in the reality of 2020? We have to stop the dysgenics […] Right now we have less intelligent people coming into the US replacing a more intelligent population (whites). We have them outbreeding the intelligent. This is true on a racial and class scale. Both need to stop.

I support heavily restricted, selective, generally or all white immigration. I support an end to affirmative action. I support monogamy. Etc. All these things are the practical things that are pretty much inside the Overton, if not to the right. Welfare reform is another huge one. We have to quit paying people to reproduce. People on welfare should get some sort of punishment for having a ton of kids on it.

The 90s called; they want their welfare queens back.
It's absolutely wild how many conservatives in the United States think that we are currently "paying people" for having kids. Is he talking about TANF, where (assuming you live in poverty) the state of Texas gives you a whopping $318 dollars per child? It's like, politicians may as well not be afraid to create a generous welfare state and hand out checks to people for being poor, since the Right is going to claim that they're doing that anyway, regardless of reality.
Except that, just as with racism, being accused of doing the thing is somehow worse than actually doing the thing, so that will actually stop them every time (looking at you, new Representative from Florida).
>Is he talking about TANF, where (assuming you live in poverty) the state of Texas gives you a whopping $318 dollars per child? In a libertarian society such a scheme would not exist because every man would own 10,000 children in a purpose-built basement. Such is the logical outcome of my thought experiment.
Sadly, he actually has a response to that ("It's not just about maximizing IQ, its about other more intangible qualities"). This shitty community guides its members 99% of the way to the Fourteen Words, and then clutches its pearls and mock disgust when people take that final logical step.
Holy fuck the amount of times the quoted tries to equate race with IQ and "merit". Do these people never ever question their so-called Bayesian priors?

They hold that these things make people “happier.” I disagree descriptively, but even if these things made people happier, it doesn’t matter to me.

One wonders: Is he an actual psychopath as he appears to admit here? Or does he just have to pretend to be one, because that’s the only world in which his logic, morality, and general worldview could conceivably make sense?

The actual answer is that he's performatively LARPing on the internet as a way to channel all the excess misery in his life.

I decided to torture myself with that tread a bit. My conclusion is that besides the misogyny, these people have “I am an american who didn’t check how other places have responded to certain problems” syndrome. What is with the fetishism of housewives? ” smart women can’t have both carieer and child :/, so we shouldn’t encourage them to pursue higher education. Okay maybe if the underclass is incentivised to be maids” If only affordable childcare and workplace protection for new parents was a thing. Unfortunately it has been never implement ever, anywhere on Earth /s

But enough talk from me, I want to hear your values!

I suppose just the opposite of every value underlying your post there, dude.

Username checks out; this is much joke.

Also possibly a Sneerclub troll, considering how much other inflammatory opinions he’s posted.

Sneerclub troll, or honest themotte poster, you decide. (I think Jiro_T is [partially] right here btw, anybody who posts CultureWarNerdBait like this looks trolling to me (E: and needing to post this and not being able to figure this out yourself clearly makes you low IQ and a prime saltmine candidate, sorry much_joke, you are the weakest link, goodbye)).

E: lol now 18 hours later they removed their comment because we are laughing at him. But of course people are still convinced that this person is actually one of the sneerclubbers. Such Rational. Much evidence.

They should thank us, we provide such an easy out for the cognitive dissonance between ‘we are a good community’ and ‘lotta people here are open fascists’, all the open fascists are not real themotte posters, they are all sneerclubbers!

E2: lol, casually setting up comparisons where themotte is black people, and sneerclub is white nationalists, classy Jiro_t

Eh, seems too realistic, down to being extremely long winded. My money on it being a sincere nutjob. There are instances of doing this tongue in cheek, like HistoryDave on shit wehraboos say but they always include some giveaway, or add something that's funny, or have some twist to another take. edit: also going back to first posts, seems genuine.
Basically Poe's law in action. In fact a corollary of Poe's law IMO, if trolling and sincerity cannot be distinguished in a community, then that community is shit and deserves to be ridiculed.
There is also the metamodern thing, where you express sincere beliefs through irony poisoned trolling.
Isn't it more like a reverse Poe's Law in this case? (Repost of my self-deleted reply further up this thread)
They've discovered our agent provocateur. We've instructed agent to burn communique and deploy the denial script. This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Genuinely where do these people get their ideas about how the world works?

Well, you see, you start with the conclusion that everything about the current system that benefits you or indicates that you're superior to everyone else must be true and good, and you work backward from there.
One of my favorite pastimes
The just-world fallacy is a hell of a drug.

So, after this guy got a two-month ban from theMotte, he went over to the other place to complain on the other place about people suggesting to him that feelings might matter sometimes:

Banned from the other place, was going to post this but now I can’t. Maybe you all might enjoy it.

Nonsense that Sounds Good : How to Mature the Discourse

I’ve recently gotten involved in a few discussions under my other top level post I made today wherein I’m finally trying to figure out what annoys me so much about some comments. My leading hypothesis is that they’re comments that are meant to refer to the feeling of a certain emotion, using words superficially associated with whatever I was talking about, essentially smearing the latter object.

Let’s do it sentence by sentence.

Google “bedside manner”.

A command, not a claim.

Not every outcome is just patient mortality/morbidity - there’s the patient’s emotional well being, their family’s well being, etc.

“Emotional well being” exists. Okay.

Can you look at a dying child and their sobbing parents and tell them that no, it won’t be alright without emotionally destroying them?

A question that invokes very sad imagery :(. But no claim about whether or not something causes a alot of sadness, or is morally wrong, or whatever.

And, being the World’s Smartest Boy, he just can’t hold himself back from telling everyone that he knows better than everyone.

[You mentioned above that you consider yourself a logical positivist. I’d encourage you to read about why the verification principle is essentially dead in academic philosophy. Quine and Sellars, among many others,] laid it conclusively to rest.

Ha, you just had to slip in the “conclusively” bit didn’t you. Well, I conclusively disagree. Academic philosophy is a bit of a joke; they just can’t handle logical positivism anymore.

  • If you think that it was low-quality discourse, then I propose that the fault lies with you for failing to comprehend their point, especially after claiming to do a line by line analysis.

My reading comprehension skills are 99.9th percentile. The fault is with the writer, and I clearly demonstrated that the writing was sloppy and vague.

I’m trying to be careful what I comment in case reading comprehender over here can glean my unconscious thoughts/fetishes/astrological sign.

>Google "bedside manner" Holy fuck, he needs to. I suppose he could make a decent anaesthetist if nothing else. Although I'd be concerned if he played any role in euthanasia.

Comment is gone now. Why delete it if you’re proud of what you said?