r/SneerClub archives
Study fails to find a link between European genetic ancestry and social attainment in African Americans (see table 2) (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0237041&fbclid=IwAR0YICiuFAxBro84scK85jCcVjsBhNSqKf9qourVK67xOSLtqVdnpYBleSc)

Motters on suicide watch

One-drop theory confirmed, amirite?

Lord Foppington and the skull-caliper brigade will just ignore this, like they ignore all info that discredits their racist worldview.

We did it, we defeated racism, with science, racism is gone now

Black U.S. populations should not be viewed as a singular entity, but as individual groups with their own local histories and genetic backgrounds.

Yup. Every time I see ‘African’ as a single branch in popgen diagrams (along with European, Asian, etc.) I cringe a little.

Overall, men with darker skin color, and women with lighter skin color were significantly more likely to be married.
