r/SneerClub archives
"The tragic thing is that the BLM movement, the organized left [...] has set back the introduction of mass surveillance, AI-optimized facial recognition [...] effective pre-crime algorithms, [...] gait analysis and really a lot of other hugely helpful technologies" (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/jv161w/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_november_16/gcs9hf8/)

It’s so tragic that these horrible, horrible groups have held back the introduction of really awful, extremely impactful and (bordering on) actively malicious technologies, if not for them we would have fully automated racisms by now!

(im also not convinced we actually succeeded in holding it back all that much, although it sure is nice to believe we did)

I am particularly keen on ‘pre-crime algorithms’. Should make things much easier for our poor beleaguered police.
What if Minority Report was actually good, hmm? Ever think of that? 😏
A group I've been working with has managed to get our city council (for a fairly large city) to vote on restrictions on (local) government surveillance this year. Other cities have been doing great work as well, including: * Oakland (with a similar set of restrictions) * SF, Boston, Portland (and maybe seattle?), with facial recognition bans (Portland's even bans *private* usage of facial recognition in public spaces) Honestly things are trending in a pretty exciting direction right now. While many of the pushes to defund the police ended up failing, public opinion is in a MUCH more favorable place than it has been in the past.
They got racist nanites to do their bidding. The left never saw it coming and to this very day the nanites roam freely under their radar. Sucks to be a no-good, trouble-making BLMinion in America.

The real tragedy, IMO, is that we’ve given up on mass incarceration. It is a proven method to lift the plague of crime from the lives of innocents, and the burdens fall entirely on the guilty.

Hell of a country

Why does he talk like an anime villain
Because Death Note solved crime.
Lotta reactionaries tend to think that the Churchill on Shrooms / Anime Villain voice shows that they're Serious Thinkers.
Wow not a single part of that quote reflects reality, impressive. 25% of the entire world's prison population, btw.
That's the most straight up villainous thing I've heard in a hot minute. How warped does you mind have to be, what the fuck.
Tell you what, how about we _actually_ try giving up mass incarceration for a few years and see how that goes, and then maybe we can revisit this idea?

Wait, this wasn’t another Sneerclub troll? Huh, maybe that subreddit really is full of racist authoritarians after all. What a world, right?

Hey guys, here’s pseudocode of what I believe should be a fairly effective pre-crime algorithm:

def will_do_crime(user): IF user posts on /r/the_motte: return True

I am not taking further questions.

“gait analysis” lololololololololol

remember when they found out that facial recognition software used by hundreds of police departments didn’t work at all and was run by a bunch of nazis?

> remember when they found out that facial recognition software used by hundreds of police departments didn't work at all and was run by a bunch of nazis? Yes, this is the selling point to them and why they want it.

I thought these guys were supposed to be fans of science fiction? Or maybe they think the world of Flow My Tears is aspirational…

[Every single time.](https://i.redd.it/0e79qtzua0d11.jpg)

I once met a rich guy that cops punched and arrested because he interfered with the arrest of his drunk and disorderly friend. He whined about how he thought the cops were supposed to be the good guys, and didn’t understand how he could be arrested because he didn’t do anything wrong, and his predicament was an obvious, grievous mistake and how could he possibly be locked up with the rest of those real criminals? etc

I lol about it every once in a while, but I feel like that person was the archetypal r/TheMotte poster before the subreddit existed. Reality could literally slap them across the face and they still wouldn’t get it.


Someone’s been reading Samuel Thomas?

Oh no.


⬆️ here we see the social conservative “class-reductionist leftist” out in the wild

Don’t threaten me with a good time

Based if true


This makes me like BLM and think it is based.

Everytime I click through these comments are upvoted. What a sad, sad subreddit (which will probably be shut down after one of them goes postal)

Useful to whom for what?

The left has forestalled the development of that device from Black Mirror that duplicates your consciousness so you can be tortured forever inside a simulation. And other helpful technologies as well