r/SneerClub archives

I saw this and I hate to post it. This is like a 3rd grader’s mentality on girls.

>I saw this and I hate to post it. Now I've seen the post, and I hate it. Pretty telling that this person assumes that men who are attracted to women only sleep with them because of ego validation. Rather than because... you know... they enjoy it? Also, married men who hate women are in bad marriages. And it's usually their own damn fault. There's no shortage of these people out there. There was a cottage comedy industry based on appealing to these men in the '90s. They're insufferable, miserable people. Also it is fucking pathetic how immature this guy is at nearly 30 years old. Fucking cringe.
Delightful. I just received the following private message from this piece of shit: >Not a lot of wrinkles in that brain, are there, little guy? >Stick to sucking off trannies to try to get that 41% stat down a smidge. I would, but I worry they’d try to chat me up about how their depression is a serious mental illness while I gave them a toothy.
Oooo, PMs are extra fun to report cause they go straight to the admins for a sitewide ban
I reported it, but it now seems to have disappeared entirely from my inbox. Do you happen to know if that means it's been deleted by the user, or was it deleted automatically by my report?
I think reddit hides content after you report it. For PM harassment I think they do actually send you a message when they take action against the user though, so you get to enjoy that :)
He sent me something too lmao. He said for me to get better politics. I didn't have much for him to comb through other than sports and fantasy subreddits, so he couldn't really insult me too much. He didn't even call me a slur so I'm kind of disappointed.
The would-be sex haver speaks. Insightful stuff.
Oh, don't forget. He's *proud* of being a virgin. Obviously there's nothing wrong with being a virgin at any age. But when your stated reason for being a virgin and proud is that you despise women for being smelly, perfidious, cootie-filled hags, and you're sure it *totally* has nothing to do with you being an insufferable asshole who sends bizarre, hate-filled messages to strangers on the internet... then there is something very, very wrong, indeed. Especially at age 30. Oh, also Reddit only temporarily banned the guy. I guess hate speech is totally cool. Great job, admins.
He's still making comments lmao. This one is gold: > Depends, of course, but a lot of women fall hard for assholes that treat them like morons. > One girl I worked with aggressively asked me out in front of the team of 12-13 men that work for me, at which point I politely said we’d talk in private. > I then mocked her for having a crush on me and made her cry when I told her I’d rather stay a virgin than spend an evening alone with her. > Even when all was said and done, she was always polite and respectful working with me. On the other hand, she was notoriously nasty with the younger, kinder male employees. > It’s strange behavior, but it happens not infrequently. r/thathappened
I know it is a cliché to say, "mommy issues" as an armchair psychologist, but, this dude has mommy issues. He's also probably on the personality disorder spectrum as in NPD or ASPD. The guy in the comments who said his married friends were just humoring him because they don't want him go Elliott Rogers on them was likely right on target. His overglorification of masculine traits and extreme disdain for the feminine makes me think he is likely about as masculine as Ben Shapiro. If he was truly an example of the masculinity that he admires, he wouldn't be so insecure that he couldn't handle being around women (even a military woman who drives a motorcycle and lives on a farm is repulsive to him due to her feminine traits). We've seen this profile before. Hopefully he's the kind who just glowers on the internet instead of actually doing something harmful to others.
They prob are humoring him yes, look at his post history, it is all just rage and rage.
Asshole Personality Disorder remains inexplicably absent from DSM-IV-TR or DSM-5

Wow he turned his asexuality into hating women, that is … something.

E: Sneering aside, we do, as a society, treat asexual people badly, and we should do better.

Thank you! The people implying OP might be gay were sorta weirding me out, there's nothing at all written there to indicate he's attracted to men. I understand the temptation to buy into the ironic narrative of "self-hating gay conservative unknowingly in closet himself lol" but come on. Let's not contribute to the mildly homophobic undertones and the erasure of asexuality... Even if they are in fact a misogynist little weirdo for completely unrelated reasons.
This reads like the kind of person who, if he actually thought he might be attracted to men, would go comically far out of his way to attempt to prove he isn't.
Kind of like [Conner4Real](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgBlegaNrdk)
>The people implying OP might be gay were sorta weirding me out, there's nothing at all written there to indicate he's attracted to men. I think it was more that there was nothing to indicate he wasn't attracted to men, so if the only information you have to go on is "man not attracted to women" he's much more likely to be gay than asexual
Ow yeah, people using 'yer gay lol!' as a stupid gotcha insult really weirded me out as well and is what partially made me type out the asexuality option. And it isn't like being either gets you to this kind of hatred of women this person is showing.

Honestly I really don’t think this person’s lack of attraction to women is the issue here, as that’s what I’m seeing most commonly commented on. Some asexual people just happen to not loathe all women, this guy is just a huge fucking misogynist, regardless of attraction.

I know plenty of people who are ace and somehow none of them are raging misogynists. This is the " gay people are like that bc they hate the opposite sex" , but with asexuals. Also plenty of raging misogynists sound exactly like this guy.
The guy isn’t just a-sexual, he is anti-sexual. It’s like difference between an atheist and an anti-theist.

Virgin male here … capable of holding sexual relationships

Facts not in evidence

Dude has no sex and no relationships, but holds himself out as an expert on both. I mean, if he had 1/2 we could round up from there, but this would be laughable if I didn't think he was a hairsbreadth away from gunning down the perfume counter at JC Penney.

Never understood how 20-something men who are otherwise confident and competent get so much of their ego wrapped up in female validation.

Gosh, spending so much time and effort trying to make themselves appealing to the opposite gender because society tells them it’s their role… men sure do have a rough life!

Especially since gay men don’t worry about being validated, at all - they famously all just let themselves go and just bask in their effortless woman-free environment.

It’s easier to reject someone rather than get vulnerable and risk getting rejecteted

Honestly it seems like it might be a sour grapes situation.

Down the thread the same commenter says:

> As chads are fond of saying, the virgin wearing his shame like an albatross is a starving wanderer in the desert complaining that the wi-fi sucks.

I don’t even know how to process that properly. Chads are a group of people who have little slogans now? It’s getting bizarre.

lol take a load at this dude who didn't even receive his chad card in the mail. idk how to break it to you buddy but
I really outed myself didn't I..

Just read the thread, and I was pleasantly surprised at how…tame it seemed? Like a bunch of dudes genuinely giving each other good-hearted advice without any weird evopsych crap. It was kind of heart-warming, until, of course, I stumbled upon this gem:

I’m so far right, I’m a monarchist who thinks the Declaration of Independence was a bunch of leftist nonsense and the American Revolution a terrible mistake, that equality is a terrible lie, that we should restore hereditary rule, that a sizeable fraction of the population alive today are so wicked they literally deserve to die. That Victorian views on women are unacceptably feminist. That on everything but science and technology, we should roll things back to before the Reformation (because Luthor should have been executed as the heretic he was). I’ve actually looked into the possibility of immigrating to Bhutan, Brunei, Saudia Arabia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, the UAE, and even eSwatini. I’d love it if Trump became our Augustus — or, for that matter, for anybody on the right to become our Augustus. I accept Darwinian evolution… including sex differences and HBD. I think Breivik should go down in history as a hero. And I can go on to even worse that would likely get me banned.

Where is this? Enter the permalink to wayback machine, this shit is probably going to be evidence one day.
[Here](https://archive.is/yK8Zh) you go. I mean the dude clearly has issues but in a true Mottean spirit no one bats an eye lol
Although the Kings in their Mottes would most certainly ban you for 3 days if you were to criticise him using any kind of rude or inflammatory language. Civility is the most important thing. Civil Anders Breivik stans are most welcome given they only want to contribute politely to the high IQ discourse. Edit: >Plenty of leftists have indeed claimed that views like mine do *indeed* justify being locked away permanently, and **IME, shrinks are all leftists.** lmao. Surely from The Motte you needn't travel far to find a counterexample and his blog. Although this dude probably thinks someone like Macron is a "leftist," so...
scott is left-wing (i.e. votes left of center in american elections), and that is likely what this person means regardless, the claim that "in my experience are all " is not a claim that "out of 100k Xes, every last one of them are Ys" but "most of Xs are meaningfully Y", and it is true that therapists tend to lean quite left
Poe's law strikes again.

Well this is just NOT dudes rock. Not dudes rock at all

The parent comment has some decent responses at least.

> I'd be surprised if all these married guys who offer desultory agreement to your 'takes' on the insufferability of women aren't just trying to placate the Elliot Rodger vibe you offer they otherwise cannot escape. Like, agree with the office crazy so I'm not on his list. actually surprised the mods haven't tut-tutted this into a week's ban
How dare anyone suggest that a raging misogynist might be dangerous to those around him!


relevant username

It's a Chapo Trap House bit. But what can I say? It's almost 2021 and dudes are still rocking. Edit: This dude doesn't rock though

Perhaps Schopenhauer has reincarnated http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/onwomen.html

If found the comment funny but then I saw the rest of the website linked, holy fuck.

Sounds like a MGTOW variety of incel, TBH. There are entire forums worth of people like this.

The misogyny is the giveaway, someone not subject to sexual frustration wouldn’t have this incel mass shooter level of hate.

It always takes an inkling of willpower not to downvote that stuff when I see it. I have to remind myself that that is not my sub, and if they want to upvote it, the last thing I want is for that general affirmation not to show.

And here we see that permissive, liberal culture in action… Where posting an insane, deeply hateful misogynistic screed like this is fine, but pointing out that this guy sounds like he badly needs therapy and intervention would probably get you banned.

He’s trolling

in the sense of "saying what he actually thinks", looking at his posts

That’s incel 101 right there.

The comment beneath is what I really think. I think he doesn’t know he’s gay. But the way he talks about women makes me think he is genuinely unattached to them. I hope he grows up whether gay or straight or asexual tho ffs.

Please don’t make assumptions like that about people who may, for example, be simply asexual
Fair enough.
It’s not a matter of respect so much as recognition Obviously this person isn’t deserving of respect for their shitty opinions, but recognising them for who they are is a virtue unto itself or at the very least the foundations of just behaviour towards others more deserving of respect
Absolutely, hence why I said I hope they grow up regardless of their orientation.