r/SneerClub archives
"Stalin and Robespierre were at least human, unlike the "woke," who must be exterminated because I don't like their tweets," courtesy of CultureWarRoundup (https://old.reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/jzbiyn/offtopic_and_loweffort_cw_thread_for_the_week_of/gdfl21m/?context=3)

These things no longer have inner lives distinct from the drip-feed of outrage that the internet gives them. They cannot be saved. You can’t bargain with them.

Stumbling so close to self awareness.

And yet so far.

I’m just happy I’m finally getting the recognition I deserve as one of the “million wriggling fingers of an evil that’s placed its thousand oozing hands around society’s neck and begun to squeeze”.

It's a real shame that's too long for a flair
I see you’ve made do!
To be honest I actually kind of enjoy the feeling of the million wriggling fingers of the woke egregore oozing around my neck. Once it begins to squeeze, though, that’s where I draw the line.
Ah yes. My 'neck'.
All this squeezing on my neck by semi-autonomous ganglia is definitely starting to cause a drip-feed of outrage
Love the tentacle.
That is a lot of fingers per hand, also only a few thousand? That sounds like crying wolf! (Or whatever the ssc article was where was argued that the alt right isnt real because it only had 50k members on reddit)
Mmmm. If they keep this up when we bring out the guillotine they won’t be able to work out the difference between us and the supporters of Joe Biden.
They can? I thought the usage of the term ambigious term 'woke' was intentional. Like, after years of pretending every racist gets called a nazi, they went for some good old projection.
mmm oozing dopamine 🤤
That's way too many fingers per hand!
I take it I should not ask you about the Androsynth?

“Wokeness undermines liberal values like tolerance and free speech, which will inevitably lead us to a totalitarian government and possibly another holocaust. My solution to this is simple: we kill millions of people.”

Unironically a lot of this sort of talk *is* "They're quietly gaining power in order to murder us (see: cherry-picked tweets and far-right conspiracy theories) so we need to hurry up and murder them. It's only in self-defense."
Yes. That's how when one Twiiter rando says "round them up" in response to AOC saying "we don't need to reconcile with politicians who enabled Trump" it gets turned into AOC and all liberals and socialists want to round up Trumpers and put them in reeducation camps. That's their "evidence" for the coming white genocide and the reason they feel like they need to start pushing people out of helicopters.

I issue a “Read one book about the French Revolution not written by an English writer” challenge Especially in America crank conservative “historians” distorted the wiev of the French revolution, that this nonsense is very common. They hate the enlightenment that much.

What's a good book about the French Revolution from a non-Anglo POV? I've only read books by American and British writers on the subject.
A very comprehensive and well known one is 'La Révolution Française' by Albert Mathiez. A bit of an older book, a bit dense, but I know that it has an English translation

Imagine really believing that ‘Doxing makes you worse than Stalin and inhuman’.

Stay safe out there everybody.

E: this persons comment history makes it clear this is somebody radicalizing themselves and others into violence (over covid lockdowns even…)

I probably wasn't paying enough attention, but what's up with their weird obsession over doxing? I get that being 'outed' can create a lot of problems, but the volume of tears shed over this particular sin seems to be out of proportion with the harm it creates or the frequency with which it happens.
letting someone's stepdad know that they post 50,000 words a week on how black people are inherently inferior: a terrible crime, might lead to them having a long talk with history's greatest monster, "a lady in the HR department", worthy of a death sentence, a sign that the world is falling apart at the seams outing a trans person to an abusive family: freedom of speech, brave, the greatest act of valor and genius ever recorded by humanity, strong, praiseworthy valuable conversation on reddit dot com
Yeah I get how being doxed is a problem (and exposes you to bigger risks), but 'doxers are worse than Hitler' is so crazy, I have no clue. Perhaps, and this is me going of the deep end, the people going all in on this are people who have noticed that undecided people are easier to flip to your side if you act like the innocent 'being doxed over nothing' party (for which you have to ignore the huge amount of neo-nazis and other fascists being doxed).
It’s the Dolchstoß they can claim actually hurt one of theirs (via the nyt drama), is my headcanon
These people's entire lives are based around posting. Posting crimes, such as connecting the vile shit you say to your real life identity, are more real and consequential to them than a murder in the next room. They understand on an instinctual level that their views are intolerable in real society so they try to maintain a massive distance between their posts and reality at all times.
Yeah, doxxing is disgusting (and if you feel that you have to go after someone on the internet, it's time to log off), and mob outrage never teaches people anything, but I don't think it's very common in the first place. The animal crossing hairstyle uploader was never even doxxed.

From PaperSubstantial2568: > Mao’s Red Guards were human beings too. As were the guards at Bergen-Belsen. Your mental image of humanity is too narrow, and that in turn makes you a potential problem; your current road leads to you wielding a machete against “roaches”. Please reconsider.

From TheAltRightIsAlright: > One of those two groups you mentioned was explicitly trying to save us from exactly this shit. Your mental image of humanity is fatally flawed

I’m trying to find adequate words for describing how mind-bendingly stupid this is, but I’m failing.

Don't worry, his reply clarifies that it's the Red Guards who were the good guys. Because they "rusticated" all those uppity professors. The implication clearly being that Trump should deploy the Red Necks as his version of the Red Guards and re-educate all those academics who are ruining the country.
Nope, no it didn't, that was someone else.
Oops, that's what I get for not reading usernames.
This AltRightIsAlright guy is the Dunning Kruger effect personified.

Other selections of people in the same thread doing the “radicalizing each other into advocating murder of political opponents” routine, with some familiar faces.

The only way to win is to accumulate connections, funding, and influence and get to the point where we have helicopters at our disposal.” [+12]

Or this fun exchange some rednames would doubtless be interested in, given what happened to the PhysicalRemoval subreddit:

It’s Pinochet’s birthday!

“I flew my helicopters today in his honor.”

“No, I have actual helicopters which I did fly today. Model helicopters, however, so not big enough to dispose of a Communist’s body.”

“Depends how many pieces it was in.”

“Well if you cremate him first…”

Is there a prediction market for how long before one of them shoots up a public place?



Holy hell this is hilarious, clearly copy pasta material. I’m saving it.

Ah yes, Stalin and Robespierre, two people who famously never hurt people over dumb shit.


Stalin wasn't a "managerial nobody"; before the revolution he organised many large demonstrations and strikes (and at least one bank robbery iirc) and did multiple stints in prison. Maybe you've had some very interesting managers?
Well the final point is certainly true, but my major contention is that Stalin was not the sort of person who - at least by 1934 - had the brilliance of somebody who had available to him the vast possibilities of human experience
He never got to try LSD or have a year backpacking around Europe. Sad!
To be fair I was doing mushrooms which would at least have been theoretically available to Josef Stalin
That would actually make for a really good alt history novel.
I've often wondered about how differently things would have turned out if Hitler had just learned to be a better friend to himself.
Josef - he had chosen the name as a misnomer, but it had become true - was out in the fields one day starving almost all the way to death. The winter had closed in and food was scarce. He came upon a hill of grass by a bush that looked inviting in the cold. Just outside the bush was a cowpat - bovine defecate - with cone-headed mushrooms growing from the top. Josef was nearly struck dead with relief. The rest is history.
While theoretically availible, IIRC they werent really well known until later outside of central america. Europeans just had to make do with copious quantities of booze. Also he did spend some time travelling around Europe, no? He visited Lenin in exile, IIRC?
Why the hell would normal people want to do something like that? Marxists can't think to stop shoving cocaine up their ass
Sounds like another win for Marxist praxis.
You should read what I wrote again and try to comprehend it this time.
Eh, my impression is that Stalin while certianly a dick, wasnt the kind of weirdly asocial guy that eg. Hitler was.
Listen dude I enjoy your posting as much as the next sneerer but one day you'll have to face the fact that Tito was just the better Stalin
Better at getting his country indebted to the IMF maybe
And then his former country performing multiple genocides on each other after his death.
I’m proudly an actual fag, as it happens Of course, being only one man, I cant do much on my own I can however ban you whilst calling you a deluded shithead wasting their best years on 4chan nonsense

I read through that whole culture war thread and it is just horrifying how some of them think. They truly believe that they are the holy crusaders who will fight off the apocalypse which will be brought on by trans kids, green energy, and people being criticized for having abhorrent views.

The sub thread where they discuss how Biden’s America consists of the top producing and most educated counties is pretty hilarious. They cope with this by pretending the data is skewed and unreliable, blaming the productive counties for sucking wealth and resources from poor counties, and not thinking at all about why educated, productive people shun Trump. To them, a poor coal town is Biden’s fault, and has nothing to do with the fact that we have cleaner options that don’t cost more than coal.

I wonder if they think that the industrial revolution was also a deliberately engineered attack upon rural Americans, and that instead of growing our cities we should have done all we could to stay a backwards agricultural based country, while every other country built factories and railroads.

Is that you, Zero HPL?

Meh, my disgust with 0HPL quickly outgrew my curiosity but he was at least a good writer and had a knack for sounding cryptic yet profound. Is he still around ? Still a deeply troubled fascist ? Hm, I browsed his latest tweets and it seems like he got worse.
The last three weeks has just absolutely broken the brains of Reactionary Twitter. Like, it's been particularly amusing with the ones who spent four years claiming a chin-stroking detachment from DJT just blowing a gasket.
Imaging getting your brain broken by Joe fucking Biden lol. As has been said multiple times, I wish the milquetoast liberals were the badass communists the right holds them to be
i think you answered your question
That guy? A good writer? He never posted anything but dying wizards fanfic

Good god.

Robespierre was cool and good, actually

This is true. In the popular imagination, Robespierre took power and then immediately started guillotining everyone, possibly while cackling manically, but the reality is very different. When the provisional government suspended democracy in favour of government by the Committee of Public Safety, of which Robespierre was a member, they were fighting a losing war against two foreign armies inside their own borders. This war had been initiated by the French, and had been pushed for by both the Girondins (the right wing of the revolution) and the monarchists, for different reasons (the king wanted France to lose and had conspired with foreign powers to get himself put back on the throne, which was one of the main reasons he was executed, as a literal traitor to his country). Robespierre had opposed the war. Also, there were two counterrevolutions going on. One serious in the countryside, driven by peasant resentment towards the aggressive de-Christianization policies of the provisional government (which again Robespierre had opposed), and one less serious in some towns driven by the newly empowered bourgeoisie not wanting their wealth to go towards things like preventing poor people starving. In addition, the provisional government was increasingly unable to control violent mobs, resulting in tragedies like the September massacres. Finally, the first attempted use of the revolutionary justice system that would eventually form the basis of the Terror was actually the Girondins trying to silence the radical journalist Marat. This failed due to a small popular uprising. Marat was soon after murdered by a woman who it seems was acting alone, but at the time was felt to be directed by the Girondins. In these conditions all countries would suspend democracy. Robespierre himself was only one member of the committee, though he was very influential, in large part no doubt due to being right about basically everything. So then the Terror. What most people don’t realize is that the large majority of executions took place during the suppression of the rebellions mentioned earlier. Obviously not nice, but essentially what you would expect under the circumstances. Another chunk of executions came from the committee punishing agents sent to prosecute the Terror who were felt to have abused their power (of which there were many). Robespierre was driven to turn the guillotine on other revolutionaries (including one of his childhood friends) when he felt, correctly as it turned out, that the egalitarian revolution he championed, with its radical policies such as helping poor people and abolishing slavery, was being sabotaged by the bourgeoisie, who, having got their hands on all the lovely aristocratic and church wealth, felt that that was quite enough revolution thank you very much. The kicker is that in the end Robespierre was undone by an alliance of the right wing bourgeois faction with some of the violent extremists who had been removed from their provincial posts for excessive brutality. It was then convenient for everyone to blame Robespierre for everything, so some of the worst opportunistic butchers of the Terror (e.g. Tallien) were able to pin moral responsibility for their own crimes on him and his allies.
OK, but come on: Cult of the Supreme Being?
Hey, nobody's perfect.
As someone who a few comments up declared yourself a living god i'm not sure you are one to judge. He also provided one of my favorite quotes to annoy new atheists with, "Atheism is aristocratic".
Yeah but I had the distinction of at least being right
A fair point, praised be u/noactuallyitsapoptart.
My main beef with Robespierre is that he hated another revolutionary dude who was cool and good, the Marquis de Sade (mostly because of his virulent atheism)
I mean from what I can remember the Marquis was a sexual predator who used his position of power to get away with / attempt to get away with his crimes (some of which like blasphemy I can get behind, some of which like rape I can’t). I can’t really bring myself to be mad at Robespierre for disliking the man.
To be honest a lot of people hated Sade for various reasons. I think he managed to raise the ire of every type of government he lived under.
Which was his explicit goal, to be fair
reading this thread is giving me whiplash lmfao > evil altright coup dissident suppression power fantasy camps > robespierre is Cool and Good, he was just suppressing dissidents > robespeirre is problematic becuse he disliked sade who was Good > actually sade is problematic because rapist
Still very sad that somewhere down the road I lost my beautifully printed copy of 120 Days of Sodom (complete with an excellent scholarly introduction) that I bought in Canada
Your main beef with Robespierre is that he hated a rapist?
It's not known for sure whether Sade did the horrible things attributed to him, mostly because his family tried to silence the scandals he was associated with, and also because his reputation led to many extravagant accusations (such as soliciting prostitutes to force them to blaspheme or something). But the point is moot because Sade was not hated for his rape accusations (cancellation wasn't a thing back then, and the victims were commoners so it wouldn't have mattered at the time) but for his atheist, blasphemous ways as well as his subversive pornographic writing. So yeah, questionable as Sade may have been there's still beef to be had for hating him for the wrong reasons
I feel like the right wing would have had a harder time taking control if the left hadn't spent all their time murdering each other. Like, by the time robspierre predictably got his head lopped off, he'd killed pretty much all the other leftist figures on flimsy pretexts. The strategy of the terror was *terrible*, as evidenced for the fact that it failed horribly. Dude was in over his head.
I think with hindsight it's obvious that he could have played his cards better, but at the time with all the pressures from the various wars and the fears, well founded, if not always well directed, of enemy agents and conspiracies weaving a sure path was extremely difficult, if not impossible. Ultimately, I think in the weeks before the end he had a kind of mental collapse, and quite likely the stress had been affecting his judgment for a while before. So yes, he was in over his head, as was everyone else, but his heart was much closer to being in the right place than most of the others.
The reign of terror was supremely idiotic, and that started a long time before the end, although he definitely did lose it towards the end. The entire strategy of "purge and kill people over relatively small disagreements" did nothing but destroy the left and leave the path wide open for an emperor. I don't want to solely blame robespierre for it, (everyone was paranoid as fuck at the time), but he certainly didn't help.
Yes the terror turned out really badly, but Robespierre personally was stuck between the extreme terror enthusiasts (people like Hébert), and people towards the right like Danton who, while a hero of the early revolution, was an extremely dubious character. I think it's also worth noting that Robespierre was originally a staunch opponent of capital punishment. In my opinion Robespierre was not the kind of person to want to kill people over relatively small disagreements, but someone who felt, possibly incorrectly, that his hand was forced by circumstances. The extent to which his own decisions were responsible for creating these circumstances is, I think, open to discussion, but he was far from being the worst of them, and many worse than him got to write their version of history afterwards.
There is in general a massive tendency to overstate Robespierre as a person, he was never a dictator or anything even close.
People don't understand how evil the Ancien Regime was for some reason. Unless you were a noble or one of the few newly wealthy bourgeoisie, your life was terrible. It's not like they didn't know it was shit either. They tried a bunch of reforms but were unable to fix anything and society collapsed.

user reports:

1: This is misinformation

Like dude it’s a direct link to the comment