r/SneerClub archives
"... I feel like the far right is doing vastly more to harm the country and the world, while the woke left has done vastly more to harm me personally, while also inadvertently serving as the ultimate recruiter for the far right!" (Scott Aaronson) (https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=5106)
It’s also a bizarre lie from Aaronson who knows for a fact that I made the mistake of engaging with him on his own blog and made it clear that I mod here in the course of doing so Weird thing to lie about from a guy who complains about being misrepresented Maybe he’s just a giant fucking prick.
I've also engaged with Aaronson on his blog—under my real persona and regarding the technical content he sometimes posts—and it went fine. He has this weird thing of thinking sneerclubbers are one dimensional villains who sneer fulltime. >Maybe he's just a giant fucking prick. This, tbh. (Tho in his defense he's far from the only prick in the ivory tower.)
Actually I do sneer fulltime, where's my fucking check btw
Us sneerers need to unionise to get the compensation we deserve for our hard work.
same, not giving me money for sneering is severely homophobic imo
The weird thing was that the moment he knew where I was coming from he shut down completely into that “villains” mindset you describe, and yet here he is playing the nice guy who just wants to talk Make a fucking choice!
Do you think he saw this and is now wracking his brains and scouring his commenters to guess who you might be
While that'd be funny, I doubt he follows us that closely
Ok I know he swore off lurking a while back so let’s hope not. But in a post ostensibly about trumps election all he can seem to talk about is sneerclub.
> Not sure how to talk to them Buy me a dram at a whisky bar with social-distancing measures and see where the night takes us? "Okay, now let me nudge you away from your overly-woke tendencies." [me](https://imgur.com/tyBVLSq)
i suspect if marxbro denounced us all as counter-revolutionaries more often, we would simply lol

And there’s a second thing I find terrifying about gaslighting. Namely: it turns me into an ally of the SneerClubbers.

Contra what you may have heard about the fanatical woke left from cherry-pickers and political seducers like Tedious Teabag, Scott - I for one am happy to have you on board, if you’re happy to work with us. And yes, it turns out that social shaming does sometimes work! That’s great, because the alternative is guillotines.

Holy shit he came so far. Now Scott, if you would only realize that your definition of what the woke truly belief is wrong (not everybody thinks ‘the patriarchy’ is enemy number uno (but imho it is an enemy still)). You would realize the truth, sneerclubbers are not wrong or evil, they are just years ahead of you on the curve.

But there is no shame in realizing things late, welcome to sneerclub. I look forward to you realizing why people sneered at your old posts and perhaps feeling a tingle of embarrassment.

You have taken your first step into a larger world, middleaged padawan.

E: i hope this episode will lead to him finally expressing as much effort and empathy to the ambigious sneerclub side as he does to the neoreactionaires. He might start with reading up about why a lot of people think obama ‘black people voted trump in 2020 due to rap’ might be bad.

Also stop gaslighting about sneerclub scott. (Or to say it more clearly, I’m disagreeing with a lot of assumptions you are making about who and what sneerclub actually is, and what sneerclub believes).

E2: and as always when scott comes up, please dont go bothering him, he clearly expressed distress with sneerclub in the past so going to troll his comment section is shit.

Gonna reply to my own comment because I think I might have something simple and important here. > not everybody thinks 'the patriarchy' is enemy number uno I would go further than that, even, everybody reason for sneering is different and what makes them start sneering (as in, realizing that open debate isn't possible because you either can't get true to them because of bad faith, or just because they are missing so many ~~[gears](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/03/17/what-universal-human-experiences-are-you-missing-without-realizing-it)~~ parts of knowledge, or just empathy for certain groups) depends on peoples ~~[object level values](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/03/08/the-slate-star-codex-political-spectrum-quiz/)~~ general important issues. A reason to start sneering is homopobia/transphobia/gaslighting/sexual abuse/defending the partriarchy/nazis/bad philosophy/bad science/misogyny/IQ fetishism/nazis/hypocrisy/anti-feminism/inability to read leftwing texts/just being a troll but instead of being rightwing you are a marxist/blaming sneerclub for everything/just liking drama etc (list is not inclusive obv, as I left out anti-semitism/neo-nazis/the various types of white X, and another big reason, the weird semi approval of this by some of the big thinkers in rationalism (which is another problem with rationalism, always taking credit for the good things, and ignoring the bad by pretending they are powerless (see for example poeple going 'SSC convinced people to not vote trump' while ignoring SSC spawned themotte/culturewarsub which are used for 'redpilling' etc)). And once you start sneering about one subject, you can often see how other (previously not sneerworthy) subjects are also similarly sneerworthy. After that tangent, the reason Scott thinks 'the woke' sneer at him for the patriarchy, is because Scotts sticking point is not understanding that people are sneering at him (partially, or at least initially) for his inability to see the patriarchy himself. I'm using his definition of patriarchy as 'the white male power structure' here btw. Which is wrong technically, but it fits for the people sneering about him, as people are sneering at him for his missing of his white privilege, and his slightly patriarchal writings (in regards to the 'men also suffer in the dating market' thing (which describes honest trauma for him btw, which we indeed, as a society, need to be more aware of (thankfully, the new wave of young feminists (which im not) is very aware of this), which inspired 'untitled' and started the lovebombing of Scott). So the reason he thinks sneerclub is all woke anti-patriarchy people is because that is the general complaint about Scotts old writing. And that he sees these people as the worst of the woke, or all of the woke, just makes it hard for anybody to have a discussion with him about any of this. But this doesn't mean that sneerclub is actually that, it is just the most obvious thing for him, and the most traumatic. And there is an important point for Scott, he needs to take care that he doesn't let his past trauma, and projection of this past trauma on current issues drive him to the extreme right. This is for example what drove Rowling mad, her past abuse trauma drove her into terfdom. (And, there are enough dishonest far right people who see this trauma (or open security flaw, if you want to put it in computer security terms), and will try to abuse this, which is esp easy when you think they are operating on a good faith basis. A good tip here, if you want to get around this, use a secret psuedonym, now people no longer will try to convince you because you are famous, nor will they use your clear triggers against you openly). See also how a lot of centrist worry about the 'anti free speech woke' and are helping the far right because their free speech is under assault (while the far right laughs about the gullible centrists). Sorry I had waayyy to much caffeine today, which makes me obsessive and rambling, and Scott 'triggers' me into rambling because I see a lot of myself in him (im obv not as smart or successful). E: Clearly Scott brings out the worst in me, look at this wall of text, I have turned into a rationalist...
>See also how a lot of centrist worry about the 'anti free speech woke' and are helping the far right because their free speech is under assault (while the far right laughs about the gullible centrists). I'm interested in an elaboration of what you mean by this, or something to read to help me link it to the rest of the paragraph. I've observed lots of hand-wringing about how the left is actually pushing people right, but never connected it to the right exploiting people's clashes with the left (to be fair, your framing of the latter phenomenon as a security flaw is new to me).
I meant it as a personal security flaw in this case btw, seeing as how neo-reactionaries seem to be fan of talking to famous people (or at least important industry people, which fits their ideology of course). For example if I know you hate anti-semitism, and want you to listen to me and join my team (and not care about traumatizing you again), I will dig up more examples of the other side being anti-semites. If I wanted Rowling on my side, I would show her more examples of trans people doing bad things. And well, here is [Richard Spencer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mNQ2SpHkNI) talking about how being pro free speech is radically pragmatic for the short term. And there is also the point that attacks on free speech never get signal boosted by people if it isn't an attack on the right. (At least not recently. I do remember people being angry about [the free speech zones in 2004](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zone). Another example is the recent trans-phobic book which was released, people were complaining about it being transphobic, and some publishers decided not to sell the book anymore, which free speech warriors all took up as an affront to free speech (there is a debate to be had here if this is censorship or not, but lets not have that debate, as that is part of the whole tactic, it is still a debate over a transphobic book). So much so that it was no longer about the transphobic anti-science content of the book anymore, but just about the free speech. In ways that you never get when progressive causes get banned (see for example all the problems lgbt content creators have not having their works demonitized/hidden/restricted etc on youtube (Just including the word 'trans' is enough, sorry transhumanist)). If you look at centrists there always is a lot more talk about rightwingers being suppressed than leftwingers. And always more worry about the censorship than what is actually said. (See how often when somebody asks about examples of things actually being censored by the left the only example is 'the n-word'). A nice recent 'gaming' example is Caves of Qud. A science fantasy roguelike epic steeped in retrofuturism (their words). It was recently reviewed on youtube by SsethTzeentach who is a bit of an edgelord (he larps being an african warlord for example), with worse fans. Caves of Qud has a lot of unplayable factions, one of them is a genocidal fascist eugenicist faction (iirc), which because edgelords always do it, is a bannable offense on the discord to as to be playable (Sseth also offensive shit on the discord and was banned for it). Which is clearly listed in the rules. Of course after the review, predictably edgelords joined the discord, asked to be able to play science fantasy nazis and got banned. Which [created reviews like this](https://steamcommunity.com/id/quodlibet_/recommended/333640/) this review is by somebody trying to be the 'move beyond tribalism' centrist while defending people being space-nazis in a place which has a clear 'no space-nazis' policy (the devs said they don't care if somebody creates a personal mod that makes space-nazis possible iirc btw). Now I don't know if Quodlibet (the name of the reviewer at this moment) is actually a honest centrist, a free speech larper neo-nazi etc, but this is an example of people trying to weaponize (or having weaponized) the idea of free speech to allow people to be (space-)nazis. This of course sucks ass as an example, but it is what I have as an clear example of the process. Stuff like "I saw neo-nazis talk about how they want to weaponize free-speech and are disappointed in liberals not standing behind 'I will defend your right to free speech to the death' enough" isn't that convincing without links. (which I sadly don't have, I never thought my old hate reading of this kinda shit would be relevant). Hope this helps. E: another reason this all sucks, just look at how much context I needed to add to the caves of qud example. While the 'free speech' warriors can just say 'caves of qud banned us for doing a feature request'. And another thing is just how fucking predictable this is, when I heard caves of qud was reviewed I already went 'well that sucks for the caves of qud community, here come the chuds', the chuds didn't disappoint. (E2: and yes if you look at the steam reviews most of the people were not convinced by this obvious 'muh free speech' bullshit and it got a big spike of positive reviews while it was being review bombed for this, so most people aren't culture war poisoned by all of this)
Thanks for the effortpost! I actually happen to be familiar with the Qud example already; The dev response to the recent drama was hilarious. I see now that I simply read poorly and missed the point you were making about valuing free speech being an exploitable preference. It's certainly one of mine.
> Sorry I had waayyy to much caffeine today, which makes me obsessive and rambling No apology necessary. This is a masterpiece of both sneer and syntax.
Soyweiser is my favourite philosopher
Wait hold up
don't tell me you prefer Kant over this stuff
No, I am your God.
We are a loony.
Thanks for your contribution to Sneer Theory
Well TBH in my opinion Scott's complaints about feminism need to be viewed in the context of [the story behind his blog name](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=476). There's this picture of innocent Scott who is mad at feminism because he thinks feminism mind controlled him into not asking any girls out. And there's a much less innocent picture where he's mad at feminism for exactly the same despicable reason other incel-y men are mad at feminism, explained as > “I would’ve been the chief rabbi of my shtetl,” I said. “All day long, I’d debate questions like how much restitution you’d have to pay if your ox gored your neighbor’s sheep. And for this, I’d get an arranged marriage with the most beautiful girl in town.” At the end of the day if in your early 20s you are complaining that you would've had a great arranged marriage (and leave out the "if not for feminism"), and then in your 30s you're complaining of how unprivileged you were in your 20s and how feminism kept you from getting laid, those dots connect in only one way.

“I Would Have Voted for Obama for a Third Term”

-- Scott Aaronson, probably.

He literally wrote a comment this April saying that he wished Obama could be cloned to run every government in the world, leading to global peace and prosperity. (Then he went on to compare how unrealistic that was, like leftist fantasies about communist revolution.)

And there’s a second thing I find terrifying about gaslighting. Namely: it turns me into an ally of the SneerClubbers

A truly ineffable horror

The trajectory of the term “woke” has been fascinating, hasn’t it?

Like all good slang, it seems to have started life in the black community. And like all good slang, the moment white folks got a hold of it, it was already over. But once you start hearing it in the suburbs, that’s when you know it’s not only long dead, but it’s become a zombie word. It’s been massaged and mutilated to such an extreme that its only remaining purpose is to signal right-wing virtue. It has literally no other meaning.

It’s been a wild ride. But it’s time to put that word in the ground. The Right can have it.

Isn’t “wokeist” a James Lindsayism?

Several remarks throughout the blog post and ensuing comments, e.g.:

There’s a more fundamental difference as well: the wokeists define their worldview in opposition to the patriarchy, the white male power structure, or whatever else is preventing utopia. I, taking inspiration from Huck, define my moral worldview in opposition to gaslighting itself, whatever its source, and in favor of acknowledging obvious realities (especially realities about any harm we might be causing others). Thus, it’s not just that I see no tension between opposing the excesses of the woke and opposing Trump’s attempted putsch—rather, it’s that my opposition to both comes from exactly the same source. It’s a source that, at least in me, often runs dry of courage, but I’ve found Huck Finn to be helpful in replenishing it, and for that I’m grateful.

Finally, and let me say this as clearly as possible: when the woke brigade casts even centrist, Obama-supporting liberals (!!) like me or Steven Pinker outside the bounds of discussion, to be sneered at and never reasoned with, it empowers the Mencius Moldbugs and other reactionaries, who gleefully say to us: “you see?? it’s no use. You liberals might as well come over to the Dark Side, because as we’ve been telling you for years, the wokeists will despise you no matter what you do, short perhaps of total capitulation to their ideology.” Granted, most of us are strong enough to resist the Dark Side—like Twain, perhaps, or Bertrand Russell, we’re fine not to be in anyone’s camp—but it always astounds me that the wokeists don’t think harder about whether this is what they want.

People tried reasoning with Steven Pinker; it's why there are not just blog posts from relevant academics, but journal articles arguing that he is full of shit on his medieval history or prehistoric mortality or the Enlightenment or pretty much whatever he wrote on. Unfortunately he persists and is hugely popular, so yeah, people mock him. (Not directing this at sneerclubbers because that would be preaching to the choir; I'm sure.)
> opposition to gaslighting itself, whatever its source, and in favor of acknowledging obvious realities (especially realities about any harm we might be causing others) Would genuinely be curious to hear how he squares this attitude with blithe support for Obama specifically and generally with the ongoing neoliberal project of imperial terror, assassination, endless war, support for tyrants and murderers, etc. abroad and the sacrifice of the environment, public health, dignity etc. on the altar of Mammon at home. Maybe he's one of those "this is the best of all possible worlds and if we didn't limn the frontiers of empire with the blood of innocents, the foreign hordes would overwhelm us / if we didn't let megacorporations have their way with our biosphere and citizenry, they'd just do a coup anyway" types?
Given his defense of Pinker in the comments, that is almost certainly the case.
He wrote in April that Obama was 90% of everything he wanted in a president. Did Scott Aaronson ever posted or wrote a pdf explaining his own political position and/or objections to the left? I googled some of his comments and he supports social democracy but he thinks Marxism is dead wrong. He also references Bertrand Russell, who was similarly a "liberal socialist" who thought Marx was wrong. I'm a leftist with critical theory leanings, so while I intuitively disagree with his take on Marx, I'll also admit I have no simple "rational" explanation for leftism or criticism of neoliberalism to offer, either.
Russell didn't think Marx was wrong so much as he didn't like the way he expressed himself. (Russell never could make up his mind about the actual issues, after all.) I doubt that Aaronson, for his part, has read much if any of Marx's work; most people who take his position have just mashed together a bunch of reasonable but misdirected objections to "orthodox" Marxism (i.e., Marx must be bad because gulags) with second- or thirdhand knowledge of Marx's writing (like Russell's "motivated by hatred" jab). It's telling, I think, that even staunch anticommunists who have seriously and in good faith engaged with Marx's work tend to regard him very highly ("a giant among thinkers" per János Kornai, for instance). "Rational" justification of leftism is definitely a fool's errand (too many hypotheticals, too much hedonic calculus pulled out of asses) but criticizing neoliberalism isn't. It is obvious that 1) the climate is being dangerously destabilized, and the neoliberal system is incapable of responding in a timely or effective manner; 2) our government's domestic policy serves the elite at the expense of the masses, particularly the least privileged and most vulnerable; and 3) our government's foreign policy breeds terror and extremism while inhibiting democracy and sustaining tyranny. (We could really say "our governments' policies," especially in the latter case, to encompass most of the developed world, but the United States is both the most extreme and the most influential example.) The burden of proof should be on the system's supporters to explain that, actually, what's happening in Libya, Yemen, Mexico, etc. is good, or at least that *worse* would be happening if we hadn't toppled Libya's government, poured weapons into Saudi Arabia and the UAE, stubbornly pursued a proven failure of a drug policy for 40 years straight, etc. And that actually the market will solve the climate crisis any day now, with no further excess loss of life, and that actually it's good to have half a million homeless and twelve million children living in poverty in the richest society in human history, because things would be worse, somehow, if we didn't let the vast majority of wealth accumulate in the hands of a tiny rentier class. They *will* argue all of these things, of course, but not in a rational or well-supported way. It'll be, in the first case, that China is bad and scary and would be an even more tyrannical and antidemocratic hegemon than we are (baseless projection); in the second, that [insert cockamamie technological scheme here that would probably never work and will never be attempted anyway because there's no way to make it profitable for anybody, the expense of climate destabilization all having been externalized onto the poorest, least powerful people in the world] will save us (pure Pollyannaism); and in the third stubborn acceptance, either of the liberal flavor (if not for the rentiers' pocket change trickling down, we'd have *twenty* million children living in poverty) or the conservative (they're lazy and they deserve it).
That's an accurate picture of the oppositions' ideologizings, but my worry, somewhat, is that I take for granted the use of the concept of neoliberalism. If I create a system (e.g. like an engineer or other disciplines that work with systems), theorizing the cause of some property or behavior of the system (e.g., neoliberalism causes climate catastrophe) is quite different than formulating a theory of the problem and then solving it. E.g. is the whole design flawed or some part of it needs to be fixed, or maybe different parts could be fixed in different ways, and so on. I don't view this as a debate with the anti-left so I don't want to leave it to them as a debate burden to figure out the answer to.

Scotty doesn’t know (anything)

If the woke left harmed you nearly as much as they ought to have, you wouldn’t have a prescription pad and the authority to section people.

Wrong one. I’m forever mixing them up. This Scotty is generally less unpleasant than the other one, so I’m almost surprised by this proclamation. This one knows quite a bit but he’s acting like a total fuckwit here.