r/SneerClub archives

Leaving this one up because it’s so fucking funny, but please remember that this isn’t your local place for mere tech wankers and IDW grifters

Try and keep it on the LessWrong network path (and I swear to God if anybody tries to litigate me on this it will this time be an instant permaban: I don’t give a shit about your thoughts on how to “grow” this “community”)

> Leaving this one up because it’s so fucking funny I usually find following people who post in these subs mostly makes me depressed about the world, but this particular link is so indistinguishable from a poorly written AI text generator that it cannot help but delight. > I swear to God if anybody tries to litigate me on this it will this time be an instant permaban: I don’t give a shit about your thoughts on how to “grow” this “community” You're not the boss of me.
This is an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
And like all such communes, some wannabe alpha motherfucker always rises to the top of the pack and fucks everything up
tfw you realise you're why anarchy won't work
Tbf on this schema it works out fine until i end up in some Mandy situation
The Nic Cage movie from a couple of years ago If you haven’t seen it you should, it’s right up your alley
That was my hope, but you didn't even reprimand me and insist that you *are* my boss. What kind of guru are you?
You ask me this, and yet i already have you asking questions
You're right. Obviously I need to be punished.
There are two guards at the door One can only tell you the correct way to the sex dungeon, and the other can tell you either the correct way to the sex dungeon or to the room of incomprehensible zen proverbs Therefore the only question can be: where is the third guard?
>where is the third guard? As a Bayesian Master I deduce he is guarding the third room with the goat. I have also inferred his gender.
Is “all grifters matter” the thesis or the antithesis in neo Matrix Hegelian diacritics?
The dialectical answer is: no

I just want cops to stop fucking with black people so much, bud. Not that fucking complicated

you have no CLUE what BLM actually does though.

Heterodox thinking is when you fail an Ideological Turing Test, and the harder you fail it the more heterodox you are

Was he as shit at maths as he is at this? Like has anyone checked whether his dissertation is just gibberish strung together? “the abelian clusters are therefore derived from the hypersurreal/non-transfinite geometry of sequential ordered pairings (n-tuples). It follows from this that 2+2=4 in all neo-axiomatic schema and under all interpretations of the erdos-formal system. This proof is left as an exercise to the reader. QED.”

Plenty of decent mathematicians are inveterate fuckwits in other respects. >With the Russians it is not a question of whether but of when. (...) If you say why not bomb them tomorrow, I say why not today? If you say today at five o'clock, I say why not one o'clock? \-- Johnny von Neumann
lol, here was an HN thread about this quote once and an alarming number of people agreed with Von Neumann
His PhD thesis showed up a while ago on social media and we all had a good laugh about it - in my case second hand because I don’t do maths good, but apparently it’s nothing but exposition and cribbed proofs of obvious ideas
You can [check his dissertation](https://trace.tennessee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1803&context=utk_graddiss) yourself if you know some maths and want a laugh
I'm just so tickled by the fact that he opens a thesis in combinatorics with pages of elementary binomial identities *and then gives proofs of them* but also, those proofs are basically handwaves anyway? Like, who do you think is reading this, James?

“all lives matter” is a racist dialectic meant to negate “black lives matter”, i.e., “there sure is a lot of systemic racism and hypocrisy in our supposedly enlightened society”. the synthesis (their goal) is “some (politically white) lives matter more than others (and there’s a racist hierarchy of mattering)”.

This is the official and authorized aufhebung

truly incredible


>Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. Woke interpreter. Advocate for the truth. Keep Americanism Great! Imagine being stuck in a room with this man.
>Woke interpreter Why did you wake the interpreter, James Lindsay? Why not let the poor fellow sleep?
I think that’s a ratio that could be better tbqh

This is just hearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ and shouting back ‘No, All Lives Matter’ but less succinct. Being long-winded about it does not turn a bald assertion into proof of anything.

That’s what you took from it? Not the insane Dunning-Kruger of the dialectical metaphor? Or the bizarre attempt to turn what he *thinks* BLM is about (dialectics and cultural Marxism perhaps) in what he *thinks* is an oh so clever fashion?
According to his fans, he's supposedly doing this as a bit. Mimicking the thoughts and language of 'Critical Race Theory activists' to show how silly it is. However, he's been doing this "bit" for over a year now, and is also embracing covid conspiracies and argued for voting for Trump. This 'character' is also eerily similar to his past sincere militant atheist phase. But, I'm sure he's just pretending to be an idiot.
> But, I'm sure he's just pretending to be an idiot. I suppose that would be how he would attempt to excuse his behavior, but I'm not sure why. A man that fucks goats, whether as performance or to troll, is still a goatfucker.
I don’t think he is pretending, look back over his entire history and he just comes off as a genuine walking dunning Krueger long before his idpol schtick

I would say that almost the exact opposite of this is true. Grammatically, it’s very clear that “black lives matter” as a slogan is meant to imply that governments treat black lives as if they don’t matter. “Save the whales” means: contrary to what we have previously doing, we need to save the whales. It does not mean “save *only* the whales”.

The bold next step in Petersonian thought

Recolonising dialectics.

The grey tribe are not sending their best. Did any of them survive the one-two combo of COVID-19 and the 2020 election?

Well, “Black Lives Matter” came first, making the phrase “All Lives Matter” the reactionary one, but I think he knows that.

Really he’s just repackaging the old “The Gay Agenda™ is coming to destroy your way of life” conservative rallying cry against a new target, and slapping some flashy buzzwords he learned from JBP on it. This is just verbal dick wriggling in the hopes that his followers will start whacking him off.

no no, i think his argument is that the enlightenment gave us "all men are equal" and so you're not allowed to complain that not all men are in fact treated equal, because we've already achieved equality, because we said so. standard reverse racism right wing nuttery.

Haha fuck this is so bad

The Hegel understander has logged on. These IDW grifters honestly don’t know what they are talking about, but they sound so convincing that they convince people who don’t know this stuff that postmodernism or Marxism is something that it isn’t. I’ve even explained some postmodern ideas to people before who are right wing and they thought it was awesome until they found out who said it. I’ve never understood why more right wingers don’t like Foucault, especially considering their critiques of academia.

I’d imagine hearing this come from Anna Khachiyan’s mouth

based ^^