r/SneerClub archives

For me, when the waterworks start over underserved black communities or left behind white people I find it hard to care because thanks to my personal experiences, I really don’t like most of those people very much.

something something anecdotal evidence is not reliable something something

"Hey, it's not my fault I don't have emotional empathy - that's just because I don't have cognitive empathy either!"
>Claiming to have brain damage is not the way to sell me on this, son. Fred Johnson

I guess I can empathize? Not really? I dunno.

Like this is such a low-level conversation to have, especially for someone complaining about 110IQ types or whatever. The other kids were MEAN cuz they POOR so I HATE THEM. Fuck off.

Edit: empathize, def not sympathize lol

Username is a literal fascist slogan from Francoist Spain, checks out

I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of their valiant defenders grew up among educated, intelligent persons such as themselves and their parents, and have ‘enjoyed’ very little contact with the people they claim are such put-upon victims.

Wrong. Smarmy little cunt.

Maybe this makes me sound like an edgy supervillain

More like a butthurt child who was bullied in school and took an IQ test one time. Hot take: if a 65 IQ guy and this Motter were both drowning, I’d save the first guy and hold the Motter underwater.

hhqwnzhezzcrowxfobclgohrtdihujks enmkbireaghuuivuzdoplkwaoezlvqui zqposhjqytibpjjalhgqskfqunkeoigo ygycizybqvpejavssbyyemorfdumfkmf hthwpuvhrcnvdrvivdglgisnbmxwisbl odvqgstwkjnxuwksnfpfxvdohvzzlbxl snonfvoocbzoymuxzyfyfrodihunsmdg cxjmiwysedvrvdscpveyjyzkwkbmkbal zhopupbhyhgezisukblcjsywmxwxuryj vhbshuhvvfpdxylrvhocmumxsbuhbrhs
> I'd save the first guy and hold the Motter underwater. But that would be murder. Better to just leave him since there is no general duty to rescue under common law. As long as it's not in your pool.
Fair. In that example there would be a witness. But I do think there should be a general duty to harm phrenologists.
extreme skull measurement
\*Thonk!\* That'll be $5.

Reminded of this quote from Parasite, “She’s nice because she’s rich.”

Good manners and agreeableness is a luxury good!

Eh atleast he claims to hate the different demographics of poor peope equally, that’s almost progress

Its a shame Owen Jones didn’t tear this argument apart about 5? years ago by writing Chavs. Oh hang on…

This sub seems like they all have their heads up their own asses. “Fuck the poor I don’t like them” they are closer to being homeless than they are to be elite.

>We're all two or three bad decisions away from becoming the ones that we fear and pity. \-- Sean Bonnette's friend Aaron Of course really it's zero or one.
>from becoming the ones that we fear and pity It really is zero or one. The idea alone that it is majorly on one's own 'decisions', should be seen as a fallacy.

It’s amazing to see the replies trying to reason their way into a purely reactionary position. Follow your hearts, black as they ars

It’s also a humblebrag. “Maybe I’m self hating, because I grew up poor, unlike my other well-off peers.”