r/SneerClub archives
She's back baby. "If you're poor, have you tried being happy instead?' (https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1339659696848814081?s=19)

If nobody owes anything to anybody, I’m going to assume she’s consistent and doesn’t think people are owed property rights or payment for goods and services.

Lol...this is at the heart of it isn't it?
She *is* in a business where she's trying to sell something while having a massive backlog of free material... Startup founder, she is not. (I think.)
or not murdering you

There is a lot that could be said. But I’ll leave it at this: relative poverty is known to be associated with lower life satisfaction and there are good reasons for that. Also just as nobody likes a tourist, nobody likes someone who moved to the city and “made it” only to visit home and tell everyone how to deal with shit now foreign to them.

look, that sounds like the sort of communist filth you'd read in that commie Adam Smith

I already am eating from the trashcan all the time; the trashcan’s name is Aella’s brain.

Crocodile tears for labourers of the past, but people working two hectic full-time jobs to make ends meet are «entitled».

If Aella were Spanish, she’d be Paella.

Also a falangist, probably.

Franco did nothing wrong, he was just protecting the right of good people to complain about other people having the audacity to be poor (I wish this wasn’t an accurate description of not just Aella but basically any libertarian)

And this is why I feel a little confused when people get really angry at stuff like the minimum wage, or having to work two jobs and live in a shitty apartment. People are complaining at working conditions that I went through with actual gratitude.

tired: material conditions are a measure of your contributions to capitalist society

wired: material conditions actually don’t matter at all if you tell yourself they don’t

It's funny how stuff like "poverty is a mindset" only applies to the poor.

Nobody owes you anything. You are incredibly fortunate to be living this far into an advanced civilization at all. This is a matter of perspective - and sure this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to improve your life, but the entitlement is bizarre.

This is what I’m going to say to the weepy libertarian-capitalist class when we redistribute their wealth and socialize the means of production.

Or when the price of bitcoin inevitably crashes.

How did I know who this was gonna be before I even clicked the link?

Because literally no one else who regularly appears on this subreddit uses the pronoun "she."
Rationalism is a bit like colour blindness. So is libertarianism.
what did you expect? this is the (p)aella girl subreddit, right?

I wonder if anti-class consciousness is part of what her only-fans are genuinely looking for, a way to soothe their own minds

It’s all too tempting to suggest that all of this is a sort of displaced religious ideology. I normally hate that sort of armchair psychoanalyis but it’s tempting to point out that Aella is here behaving exactly like the sort of scolding priest she apparently escaped from when she got out of the cult she grew up in. The whole thing has that feel that God Will Judge You for not following some abstract and hard to comprehend Rules For Life.
It’s certainly adjacent enough to neoliberalism proper, which also functions suspiciously like a religion (as has been observed by many people much smarter than me), to easily be read that way. I suppose American free-market capitalist ideology was bound to take on at least some religious aspects once William F. Buckley et al. created the abomination that is fusionism.
Bill Buckley is in my top ten most hated pundits, precisely because he exemplified “punditry” by opining on anything and everything he could get his hands on, regardless of any measure of his actual expertise. I remember a few years ago getting into a fight with a user of a literature discord server I’m still at least technically a moderator of over exactly this shit. It became rapidly apparent that the guy in question was just dazzled by the vocal style and none of the substance, which is a pretty good metaphor for the neoliberal and American conservatism’s project in general, as well as whateverthefuck Aella has going on. It’s kind of a shame, because there is a brand of Oakeshottian conservatism - the kind of conservatism Buckley supposedly hewed towards - which has some intellectual merit, even if you think it’s wrong. The problem is that it’s so easily confused with platitudes about tradition, culture, and the perils of revolutionary change expressed in a smooth upper-middle-class accent. Neoliberalism has the same problem, being less of an ideology in and of itself than a fistful of mutually incoherent platitudes about pragmatism and gradualism that only make sense to its adherents because it’s what they grew up with and never thought very critically about it - a bit like how nationalism or racism end up as supposed political ideologies tbh.
Reminds me of a favorite essay title (and a good essay) on this theme - [The God That Sucked](https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-god-that-sucked).
lol I haven’t read that one but I always enjoy a snarky Baffler piece (well, with certain exceptions) I love the title and it has a resonance with some stuff that’s been on here over the years: The God That Failed is of course the title of both that book of (sometimes good, sometimes not great, always poignant) essays collected by (I think?) Arthur Koestler and the biggest title from Hans-Herman Hope, the very silly German “anarcho-capitalist” who wouldn’t even have a career if he weren’t intensely memeable. Point being: shit like that is tangential but still relateable to this sub if you squint a bit.
Koestler has an essay in it but it was collected/edited by a Bevanite British MP named Dick Crossman.
Thanks for the heads up!
Is Aella just that woman from the Hitchhiker's books who tells Ford her job is to tell rich men that it's ok they're rich? EDIT to add quote from the book: "It's OK, honey, it's really OK, you got to learn to feel good about it. Look at the way the whole economy is structured..."
Kind of like the opposite of FinDommes, perhaps?

If you’re poor, have you tried making an OnlyFans?

That's probably the least objectionable thing about her

Yep. We should just go around being grateful, never questioning the way things are or wanting things to be better. Imagine if most human beings were like this. We would still be living in fucking caves.

Definitely getting some weird Panglossian vibes from her.

Lol poor people check your privilege.

Mike Rowe’s S.W.E.A.T. pledge, article 1: the thread (you never asked for)


some of us had to work for it,

lmao bootlicker

Even other (post/meta)rationalist egirls think she is just being edgy for attention

do you have an example? wont be surprised if so, but just curious
[jingle belles (F) on Twitter: "her job is to make lonely misogynists feel better about themselves" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/ellegist/status/1340737343993593863)