r/SneerClub archives
Big Yud on how chat bots will shed light on how men secretly prefer girlfriends with GPT-3 level intelligence (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1339054625513598976?s=20)

So not being sexist is to generalize about the preferences of the average man based on the behavior of those dating chatbots?

it's boomer epistemology dressed up in techy pseudoscience. no matter what the data say, there can only be one conclusion: Wife Bad.

I’m staring off into space wishing for annihilation.

Pull up a chair and get comfortable. The AGIs will join us in the annihilation waiting room shortly. Unfortunately the masturbatorium is occupied, Yud has been in there for some time.
Unable to exit; adhered by his own fluids.

Skynet (in a virtual sense) sits up a little straighter; “and here I thought that I needed nukes. And they’ll pay me for it. Sheesh.”

This dataset could probably have a lot of interesting uses. this galaxy brain take is not one of them.

Isn’t this literally just the plot of The Stepford Wives?

Buried in there somewhere are melancholic reflections on the conditions of masculinity in post one-child policy China. But on the surface, we have to deal with shit rationalist takes.

This guy’s past + this post = Yikes

I think actual point was that a large portion of men might only want GFs with GPT 2 level intelligence?

I think that what's being sneered at here is precisely the idea that the choices of dudes who are dating chat bots to pay or not for an upgraded language module for their poorly simulated girlfriend tells us anything meaningful about how much men value intelligence in their real life partners, and more particularly sneering at the psychology that must be in place for this kind of inference to seem remotely plausible.

The really funny fucking thing is that /Yud is notoriously and openly an abuser of women whom he specifically fancies because he thinks they aren’t as smart as he is.

Geoffrey Miller - a man, incredibly, even less socially cogniscant than Eliezer Yudkowsky - does something similar with his Evo Psych double-talk about how every man either wants or SHOULD WANT to maximise the evolutionary capacity of the human race.

Anyway, they’re both arrogant dickheads who only thrive on massive paychecks from pseuds that made it big by accident like Peter Thiel, in a cycle of ignorance that - because we live in a chaotic and more importantly incredibly world - has the unfortunate side-effect of remunerating itself.

In four years ago we may have empirical data on how much average people really value intelligence - on what percentage of people would really, honestly, if nobody was watching them, vote for a president who can barely string together a coherent sentence.

This is what no pussy does to a mf

I’m p sure he’s married.
He is and he still acts like this
And don't forget about the math pets!
From before I stoped folllwing his facebook they got divorced. Good for her
at one point he said he had no time for such low concerns because the entirety of his attention span was dedicated to creating a friendly ai.. (edit: will stick to that point. i have the time to laugh at other of his rationalizations laters like his inability to lay down the crisps even if it could cause health problems and be detrimental to his messianic friendly ai quest . just like "wasting time" on a woman). just a bunch of flip flopping rationalizations, funny stuff.
I agree with /u/JohnWColtrane that being fatphobic is unwelcome on this sub, and with the report made either by them or someone else which says: > It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability Even if that specific language is a bit extreme for a comment telling someone to “lay down the crisps”, that’s a standard report option and it sends roughly the right message: Yud has understandable difficulties controlling his weight which are outside the scope of justifiably sneering at him. In general this sub’s remit is pointing and laughing at the dumb things people like Yud say, but not bullying. It only makes things a pain in the arse for the mods and users alike if you give more ammunition to Scott Aaronson to call everyone who comments here a mean-spirited bully: sneer at the content, not the human body it comes from, yeah?
got it but for the record just to be clear i was reminescing about an actual conversation he had on that topic where he was ..how can i say, repressing his part of irrationality with rationalisation as if it was 100% out of his control. a simple disconnection that clearly appears to most ordinary folx. was linking this episode to other of his rationalisations , wondering how come sometimes very smart people say very stupid things . i forget teh details and i dont have the exact quote so i should have skipped that one... thought E.Y. nuggets completists would have liked but anyway i presume he talked about that elsewhere since then.
No need to be fatphobic.
You don’t give a shit about his health, you’re just making fun of him for being fat.
To be fair, he multiple times reached out for help and steadfastly refused to apply any of his rationalist principles to the problem. Its fair to judge him in this reguard as a guy who's brand is having all the answers. If he has internalized this strugle and used it as a point to form empathy with others then it would be an entirely different situation.
“No, no, my computer girlfriend is just like having a real human one, and I’d still say that supposing I could get a real human one, or indeed had ever spoken to a real human female.”

reads post title

Oh no.

reads the actual tweet

O H N O.

reads the source article


I was tempted to snark on how Big Yud prefers his women to be within 5 IQ points of his own, preferably lower, but this is just his usual rambling about how GPT is actually hiding its power level, guys.

Underrated comment. He literally believes that a shitty upgrade to autocorrect is a nascent robot god.