r/SneerClub archives
Basilisk Guy: We should start a tradition of ritually euthanizing people who get old enough that they can't care for themselves at home. (https://twitter.com/rokomijicuk/status/1343967647126462464?s=21)

I thought your post title was a snarky paraphrase but nope, he literally said exactly that

Does this guy just go out of his way to sound gratuitously evil?

Read the full tweet chain he quotes some old Japanese myth and says “rationalists rediscovering tradition” lmao
>one would think that a rationalist would know that just because people used to do it doesn't mean we all have to do it. Rationalists tend to understand this less than most.
Hope they rediscover seppuku next.
He watched Midsommar and thought the movie made a good point.

Imagine being this guy’s granny.

Oh, the title was just a quote. That’s a thing

You have discovered that elder people in care homes are treated like total shit. Do you:

  1. try to improve conditions and funding

or b), Kill them all?

I think the rational answer is definitely B.

I think it’s pretty well known that nazi math textbooks had exercises of the form, “how many (things considered useful) could you afford if you closed 3 mental hospitals”… everyone is being so derivative these days.

if this is what high iq leads to, we need to put lead back in the drinking water right away

Counting down for Basilisk Guy to maybe re-think that position. An early diagnosis with MS, Long Covid, or other debilitating illness might speed things along …

watches the cliff scene in Midsommar

“This is a good idea, actually.”

im going to invent the basilisk specifically to resurrect and torture that one guy

Of course he has a substack

This is the logical conclusion of “No, I won’t wear a mask so that old people don’t die”

I found the emphasis on redirecting resources to produce more children bizarre. but, given his later reply about “English people going extinct” (https://twitter.com/RokoMijicUK/status/1343972409351819265), I am wondering if he is meaning to allude to “white genocide”. because if so his take isn’t just “kill old people” it is “kill old people so we can make more (white) children (to save the white race)”

His takes do have quite an ethno-traditionalist bent, sometimes thinly disguised as eugenics.

Isn’t this kinda the religious plot of >!MidSommar?!<

It's based on a bunch of old scandinavian (or maybe only swedish) legends. There are a bunch of hillocks all over the country purportedly named for the fact that tehy used to throw the elderly off cliffs there. There's no evidence this was ever actually done, but it's a bit of a meme. (when ancient scandinavians ritually murder people they seem to have thrown them in bogs, or maybe that's just where most of the corpses ahve been preserved...)
That was my first reaction!
Also part of soylent green.

A TRADITION, you say? I’m listening…

Roko was also accused of sexual assault. Not a pleasant-seeming fellow.