r/SneerClub archives

When I was 15, I was a stereotypical autistic white male nerd. I had few friends, none of them close, and I spent a large fraction of my time in front of a PC, playing video games or learning to program. Throughout middle and high school, I was always bullied by the “popular kids” because I was a “weird loser”.

One day I was reading Hacker News and I come across a link to a blog post by this man, Eliezer Yudkowsky, basically talking about how religion was stupid. I too was an edgy atheist back then (cringe), and I ate it up. LessWrong became my “special interest”; I digested dozens of blog posts written by this guy every month. His writings appealed to me because they taught a highly systemizing and logical way of viewing the world. I had always found it overwhelming to deal with the actual messy world full of uncertainties and social-emotional factors, so being able to simply plug things into an equation seemed like a relief. Around this time, I also started feeling like EY was one of the few people in the world who was actually enlightened, and that LessWrong members were somehow superior to everyone else because they knew about cognitive biases or some shit. God just thinking about this makes me cringe.

Back then, LessWrong was full of articles about topics like “Human Biodiversity” and “Pick-Up Artistry”. Nowadays LessWrong has much less discussion of these topics, but I still think they’re popular in the wider “rationalist” orbit. There is hardly anything more toxic to expose a young male to than these terrible ideas. I started reading Chateau Heartiste and practicing negging on my female classmates; suffice it to say that I didn’t lose my virginity until much later in life.

When I graduated high school, I moved to the Bay Area so I could be around these “superior” rationalist people instead of all the worthless plebeians of my hometown. Once I actually met them in person, I stopped thinking of them as Gods of rationality who were sent from above to reveal timeless truths to humanity. They were just nerds who shared similar interests to me. Nonetheless, this was the first time I had a real sense of belonging or community in my life, since my family disowned me for being an atheist and my classmates never treated me with respect. Almost all of them were white and male, and some of them were autistic, so I felt like I fit in completely.

Over the years, I started to question the core LessWrong dogma. Is science flawed because they don’t use Bayes’ Theorem? Is it really true that an artificial intelligence is soon going to come into existence and kill all humans? Does learning about cognitive biases even make you more successful in life? Are different races superior or inferior based on their average IQ?

When I told my rationalist friends about my doubts, they’d always come up with some plausible-sounding response to justify the ideology. But through reading actual philosophy and science books, learning about social justice, and personal reflection, I decided that basically none of the core LessWrong dogma is even right. It is just designed to appeal to nerdy white males who want to feel elite and superior to everyone else. And I believe Yudkowsky made up this ideology in order to attract donations to his scam institute.

The moment when I decided I could no longer call myself a rationalist is when I realized that Jaron Lanier has more insightful things to say about technology than Nick Bostrom. I cut all my rationalist “friends” out of my life, moved back to my hometown of Raleigh NC, and tried to learn to become a good person instead of a heartless, calculating robot. I read books about emotional intelligence, sociology, and feminism. While I was working in a library, I met my first girlfriend and now wife, a black psychology student, and we now have a baby on the way. I am so glad that I left this terrible cult and learned to live in the real world.


As a spectrum person, I feel bad for my ND brothers and sisters who fell for that stuff and I’m glad you got out OP. Thankfully I was a humanities nerd so I already disliked Big Yud’s rhetoric, and I, through chance, had a lot of LGBT friends so I knew enough to suspect the right wing currents in Less Wrong thinking.

Is it really true that an artificial intelligence is soon going to come into existence and kill all humans?

This is where I sort of fell out with Rationalism to begin with. People so obsessed with X-Risk, and the most they have to say about climate change is “AI will solve it”. And it’s… not good?

I actually was first drawn to SSC because of a post where he goes against EY by saying something like: “You can’t say everyone has biases and we can’t notice them, then turn around, say you’ve figured it all out and propose a bunch of crazy ideas. By your own logic, why should I trust you?” EDIT: Turns out SSC had its own issues to say the least
Alexander's blog posts featuring such crazy ideas are usually prefaced by at least a full paragraph of disclaimers saying something along the lines of "this is only a thought experiment"
The concept of existential risks, tiny probability times infinite harm, was already hard enough to square with the mathematical reasoning of utilitarianism. But then the Rationalists went and made it much more zany by focusing, to the exclusion of all other things, on one specific risk whose probability is zero until/unless some poorly defined sci-fi technology is invented.
There’s a connection between the IQ fetishism and the obsession of AI super-intelligence.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to make this connection; this observation is as trivial as saying "someone who is interested in intelligence is likely to be interested in many aspects of intelligence".
I'm just wondering what you have to say now that an early form of this "poorly defined sci-fi technology", which clearly isn't perfectly aligned with human values, has actually been invented. Do you still think the existential risk is 0?

You should still cryogenically freeze your brain though, just in case.

[According to Gwern you should put it in formaldehyde instead.](https://www.gwern.net/plastination#) At least your kids won't have to pay ~~protection money~~ recurring service fees to Alcor.
tl;dr, maybe: there's no reason to freeze your brain imagining a future when it can be thawed and come back to life in a new body, because you might as well just imagine a future when your dead brain can be scanned and uploaded into a computer instead. I guess there's a certain unironic reductio-ad-absurdum logic to it.
But while we're doing sci-fi scenarios, what's stopping me from imagining a future where the end-state of my brain can be reengineered from the Brownian motions of all the particles in the universe by an AI powerful enough to reverse entropy? Therefore I don't need to do anything at all.
I'm pretty sure if an AI becomes smart enough to reverse entropy it'll take a look at my little slice of spacetime and go "meh"
Interesting, i remember sneering at them a lot that it would make much more sense to cut the brain into pieces and put it into formaldehyde, because that is an actual step in sample preparation and that bullshit freezing the whole thing isn’t, and is extremely destructive at microscopic level. edit: ahh his is plastination, I'm not sure there's a point in doing anything beyond throwing pieces into a jar of formaldehyde - old specimens are pretty well preserved still. edit: At worst, the formaldehyde preserved specimens would be useful for some kind of scientific research in the future, even if it is just into the effects of all the pollution on our brains.
If consciousness is a pattern of neuron activation, no method of preservation will work.
I think the assumption there is that since people do survive various things that disrupt neuron activation like e.g. having a seizure, some aspects of the state can be lost. Of course, also if you're talking of "mind uploading" there is no sense in which you have a "chance" of waking up in the machine; the machine copy can not be a perfect instantaneous snapshot, no matter how advanced the technology.
[All that other nonsense, nah. But the immortality fetish?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LDfXMf1oYI)

Your family disowned you for being an atheist?? That’s awful, hope things are better now

I didn't mention this in the post, but that was a major impetus for why I moved to the Bay. I didn't have anywhere else to go, so I moved into a rationalist group house. Probably should've mentioned that.

Reading this is actually pretty helpful for me. I used to be attracted to the rationalist mindset and even went to one of their retreats. Like you, I felt accepted there in my nerdiness. But something felt not quite right. My doubts started creeping in when the host of one of their central events was called out for serially abusing women, and the “community council” decided that he is a “valuable contributor to the community” and as such will face no consequence. I’ve never looked at them the same since.

A sense of superiority and a desire to control everything with logic are nothing more than illusions that isolate you from other people. Proud of you for choosing happiness my guy, and best of luck being a father!

I’m new here.

Is this sub for nerdy autist white guys who have decided to trade in one overly simplistic, mechanical view of humanity (rationalism) for another (woke leftism)?

I despise the rationalists, but citing your wife’s identity as a “black psychologist” like some badge of honor is Richard Dawkins-level cringe.

does Richard Dawkins get that bad?!
Huh? That's exactly my point. Do you know what badge of honor means? It's literally a badge you wear to signify that you did something worthy of honor. In this instance he's literally saying his wife's identity is a badge of honor for him -- like a boy scout merit badge he was given to "prove" he's reformed. It's like people who say they "can't be racist because they have black friends" -- it just shouldn't matter one way or the other, and the fact that it's even being brought up at all is a major red flag.

Congratulations on your journey. This was a great read and it made me happy to hear you’ve reached a better place in life. And hey, cut your past self a little slack, eh? No one’s born with it all figured out.

I’m a skeptic about this post. The story it tells, seems just too perfect (from a SneerClub perspective).

I guess my feeling is that it doesn’t matter too much either way. Either it’s true (and therefore to be celebrated) or fake. If it’s fake I’m not sure that it matters too much, someone pretending to have suffered through rationalism and being congratulated for it is hardly the end of the world.
Sorry for not responding earlier, yesterday was pretty hectic. What evidence would you like me to provide that wouldn't be personally identifiable?
I have no ideas on that front. But I would like to see your evidence that "core LessWrong dogma" includes racial hierarchy based on IQ.
Wait, THAT'S your objection to OP's story? Really? This is really one of the most, if not the single most, common criticism of the Rationalist movement and LessWrong made on this sub.
The post overall just seemed too perfect a morality tale. It was only on second reading that this part specifically stood out. Regarding which, see my reply to dgerard, below.
we've been around this one lots of times, and I'm pretty sure you were there for it.
I quoted the phrase "core LessWrong dogma" advisedly. Saying that HBD is core LessWrong dogma, is like saying that Zionism is core Objectivist dogma. It is my understanding that much of today's Objectivist leadership are ardent supporters of Israel and will use Objectivism to argue for that position. Nonetheless, the principles of Objectivism make no reference to Zionism, and the existence of Israel is not something that Objectivists are particularly known for promoting, compared to many many other issues. In the case of LessWrong rationalism, HBD is simply not a central concern. The post above lists four supposed examples of "dogma". For three of them - science+Bayes lets you know more than just science, AI is an imminent existential risk, knowing about cognitive bias should help you win at life - one can find them discussed e.g. in the Sequences. But then tacked on the end we have something about race and IQ. I know what something looks like, when racial IQ differences are part of its *core dogma*. It looks like "The Bell Curve" or the alt-right. Race is a visibly central preoccupation. But what do we see if we look at the central LW oeuvre? An article about [The Psychological Unity of Humankind](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/Cyj6wQLW6SeF6aGLy/the-psychological-unity-of-humankind). The one exception to "psychological unity" countenanced in that article, is about *gender*, not race. If I try to remember the history of race discussions on LW, I start with a post by Aurini in which he linked to a video of his on "race realism". It received a rather negative reaction, and it looks like the moderators hid or deleted it. Later, there was the general upheaval involved in dealing with a whole bundle of divisive topics - e.g. race realism, pickup artistry, and neoreaction. This led e.g. to [the creation of MoreRight](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/2X6zJwWTrMbf73q5R/link-more-right-launched). Perhaps we could say there was a progressive faction as well as a neoreactionary faction. From what I recall, the neoreactionaries felt that the progressives *won*, because the consensus of moderators was to avoid the divisive topics. That's all from LW, in the first half of the 2010s. I note that a lot of the discussion here revolves around SlateStarCodex and its spinoffs. I don't read them - my regular rationalist reading material, pro and con, comes from Less Wrong and from Sneer Club. From Sneer Club, I have the impression that the discussion of race and racism at SSC, revolves around the "culture war" threads, and a particular essay by Scott Alexander. But I've never investigated personally, and perhaps naively, to me, that stuff isn't even Less Wrong, it's Scott Alexander's own domain. Less Wrong per se avoids all of that, as part of its avoidance of "political discussion", the better to focus on topics like personal optimization and the AI apocalypse.
Why Are Individual IQ Differences OK? and Beware of Stephen J. Gould were the launching points, and the texts that gave permission from Yudkowsky, for the scientific racism that manifestly and unquestionably suffuses the LessWrong subcultures. You know this already full well, for your all your bloviating and disingenuous special pleading.
I did some browsing today, and this claim seems to be one of several which, taken together, present an exaggerated view of the relationship between Less Wrong rationalism and racism/neoreaction. Specifically: 1) The claim that the two posts mentioned above, from 2007, opened the gates for alt-right ideas about race to enter the rationalist sphere. [\[source\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/dz4o2c/user_makes_honest_attempt_to_understand/f86ddl2/) 2) The claim that "the neoreactionary movement first grew on LessWrong". [\[source\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=LessWrong&diff=889102985&oldid=887469744) 3) The claim that Less Wrong provided the alt-right with its "intellectual heft", until Trump came to power. [\[source\]](https://twitter.com/davidgerard/status/1282343514613964801) All of that seems wrong to me. As I recall, the "race realists" were not an issue (on LW) until some years after 2007; the spread of neoreaction was primarily a phenomenon of the political blogosphere; and I don't remember any big names of the alt-right needing to appeal to rationalist epistemology. (I'm wondering if this last idea comes from Sandifer, who I have not read.) At the very least, this narrative deserves to be spelt out in one place, and argued for, with evidence. Maybe it has, if so, please tell me where. What I would say is that there was undoubtedly an *interaction* between Less Wrong rationalism and this new right. But internally, the ideas of this new right never became Less Wrong dogma, and externally, claims 2 and 3 give LW an unreal role and significance in the history of neoreaction and the alt-right. In slightly more detail: a history of ideas on Less Wrong, might go like this. There's a core of ideas that are just standard scientific opinions (physicalism, evolution, cognitive science) or which consist of taking a side in an existing scientific debate (many worlds, various issues of evolutionary theory). There's also an unusual part that derives from transhumanism - cryonics advocacy, immortalism, the thinking on AI. All of that is rationalist canon, "Less Wrong dogma". Then there's the encounter with neoreaction. That was a second batch of "unusual" ideas: ethnonationalism, opposition to democracy, etc. But those ideas never became "core dogma". On the contrary, they were generally rejected. Judging by the surveys, the vast majority of Less Wrong readers are liberals or libertarians or socialists, and Less Wrong itself remains without an official political ideology. Within the broader rationalist sphere, it seems like SSC decided to be a place for the political discussions that were avoided on LW. I assume that the antiracist ire of SneerClub arises because neoreactionaries and racialists were part of those discussions - along with the liberals, libertarians, socialists, etc. - and went on to found a spin-off subreddit for their far-right views (I mean /r/the_motte). But that is not a history that I have personally observed. I would say the implicit racial politics of Less Wrong is a kind of color-blindness: let's please ignore all these issues and discussions as much as possible, and get on with cryonics and friendly AI, so we can get to a better transhuman world for all. (See Gwern advising people to "take the blue pill" on race and IQ.) And I take Sandifer's thesis to be, that those who migrated from rationalism to neoreaction, did so out of disappointment that this posthuman transcendence could not be realized, in the short term, or ever. I don't know if Sandifer makes any valid points, but their relevance to Less Wrong must be rather narrow, because most people never took that path. Whatever private views on race their readers may have, whether they're closer to Lynn and Dutton or to Diamond and Wilkerson, in practice, neither LW, nor even SSC, promotes racially inflected political ideology. That would be *my* central claim.
>user reports: >1: Porter's disingenuous apologetic twattery, this time on LW and scientific racism [“Porter is down”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oJx-ddmx98) Sorry I’m leaving this up just so I can link one of my favourite songs
I’m sure /u/dgerard can appreciate this mod decision
Exactly. You need to build on the joke and never explicitly acknowledge that you think it’s fake.

I’m always so delighted to read posts like this. I was attracted to that cult in undergrad and it colored my worldview for much too long after that. Jaron Lanier is definitely a big inspiration for me as well, he has such a more well-rounded intelligence, including emotional, as opposed to the narrow hyper-rationalist myopia of mathing the world to bits.

Nice post & congrats on the kid! I had a similar experience moving to the Bay Area (but less rationalist-exposed I guess),

Once I actually met them in person, I stopped thinking of them as Gods of rationality who were sent from above to reveal timeless truths to humanity

It’s weird how seeing people whom you know from the internet in person changes your perception of them. They seem fine up until they brag that they voted for the (extremely San Francisco) ballot proposition allowing police to destroy more houseless people’s few possessions. I executed my “gtfo now or you’ll turn into that” plan back then, haven’t looked back.

I’ve said before that I’m glad that I didn’t have the internet when I was a teenager. The more obvious reason is that having access to social media when I was younger–and thus a digital trail that would follow me around forever–would have ruined my life permanently. The other is that I can absolutely imagine getting roped into some of these online cults if I’d been exposed to them as a teen. (It wouldn’t have helped that the whole PUA thing wasn’t viewed very critically when it first got exposure in places like Rolling Stone and the NYT.)

SAME. I was a real idiot as a teenager all the time, real glad I didn't have internet. Well, I had internet, technically, but it was rural 14.4 kilobyte per second dialup.

Yuds is proving to be an inconsequential B-lister in his super niche field. He had plans to save the world but it turned out there were nicer, smarter, better looking people with more to offer humanity. As such, the only thing he’s really good at is being the #1 sneering logical fallacy guy on the internets.

it's ok, the loudest one is Elon Musk, who Yudkowsky looks deep compared to

This post is super interesting to me. I came across the “rationalists” and lesswrong about 2 years ago after becoming interesting in AI safety. I think coming across it when I was older (around 22) meant I was a lot more ready to be critical. For what it’s worth for this post, I did an undergrad in computer science, now I’m a PhD student studying the alignment problem and explanation.

I found some of Yudkowsky’s writing on superintelligence interesting, and I think some of his articles are well written (although a lot of the times he veers off in some wild unnecessary direction). However, I do recognise much of his ideology is flawed. I don’t think his institute (MIRI) is a scam - they are clearly dedicated to making progress on problems. I’ve generally stayed away from lesswrong - it has never been something that I have been involved with. Tbh most of what I know about them was from reading Tom Chiver’s book.

I think this crowd is right about a lot of things regarding rationality, and I think its interesting to see a group of people really trying to shake things up and challenge existing schools of thought. However, this does not excuse them from failing to understand the things they are criticising. I haven’t read much from this community, but if what you’re saying is true about their perspectives on race, feminism and politics - then clearly they are too dogmatically tied to their ideology.

I realized that Jaron Lanier has more insightful things to say about technology than Nick Bostrom

It kind of feels like you’re moving from one icon to another. I think you had a really unhealthy experience and you are now trying to distance yourself from everything. IMO Bostrom’s perspective is important, but that doesn’t mean that he’s right about everything. I try to read as broadly as possible: multiple schools of AI, “continental” vs analytic philosophy, cognitive science vs psychoanalysis. Reading social science is so important for trying to understand the impacts that technology might have - even if to just break free from Dunning-Kruger. Anyways, to give something concrete: for AI safety, undoubtedly the best popsci books to read are Stuart Russell’s Human Compatible, or Brian Christian’s The Alignment Problem.

Otherwise, I totally agree with your assessment of how this environment lures in a particular demographic! I think much the same can be said about the “YouTube Skeptic” community and alt-right ideology. When I was 16/17 I started to get tugged in that direction. The furthest I got was watching Sargon of Akkad and thinking Milo Yiannolopous was some a funny guy with some good points (yuck!). I have since disengaged with that nonsense and have read actual feminism and social philosophy. I stopped even thinking about any of those things for a good few years, but now I have Contrapoints, PhilosophyTube and Shaun to thank for really hitting the final nail in the coffin for whatever was leftover.

Many such cases!

Glad to hear you’re doung so well! Also love me some Jaron Lanier.

I'm not really as familiar with Lanier's oeuvre beyond 2010 or so, but what I remember was embarrassingly bad. The context in which I was exposed to Lanier was his commentary on 2000s Internet culture and more specifically Wikipedia, so I can't speak to his other stuff. For example take *You Are Not A Gadget* (2010), which contains bizarre, vaguely Petersonian strawman passages like these: >Should animals have the same rights as humans? There are special perils when some people hear voices, and extend empathy, that others do not. If it's at all possible, these are exactly the situations that must be left to people close to a given situation, because otherwise we'll ruin personal freedom by enforcing metaphysical ideas on one another.In the case of slavery, it turned out that, given a chance, slaves could not just speak for themselves, they could speak intensely and well. Moses was unambiguously a person. Descendants of more recent slaves, like Martin Luther King Jr., demonstrated transcendent eloquence and empathy. I dunno man I think whether a black guy uses good words has no bearing on the morality of enslaving said black guy. Just me, I guess. --- >Open culture revels in bizarre, exaggerated perceptions of the evils of the record companies or anyone else who thinks there was some merit in the old models of intellectual property. For many college students, sharing files is considered an act of civil disobedience. That would mean that stealing digital material puts you in the company of Gandhi and Martin Luther King --- >Section title: What Makes Liberty Different from Anarchy Is Biological Realism --- >Classical Maoism didn't really reject hierarchy; it only suppressed any hierarchy that didn't happen to be the power structure of the ruling Communist Party. In China today, that hierarchy has been blended with others, including celebrity, academic achievement, and personal wealth and status, and China is certainly stronger because of that change. In the same way, digital Maoism doesn't reject all hierarchy. Instead, it overwhelmingly rewards the one preferred hierarchy of digital metaness, in which a mashup is more important than the sources who were mashed. A blog of blogs is more exalted than a mere blog. If you have seized a very high niche in the aggregation of humanexpression—in the way that Google has with search, for instance—then you can become superpowerful. The same is true for the operator of a hedge fund. “Meta” equals power in the cloud.The hierarchy of metaness is the natural hierarchy for cloud gadgets in the same way that Maslow's idea describes a natural hierarchy of human aspirations.To be fair, open culture is distinct from Maoism in another way. Maoism is usually associated with authoritarian control of the communication of ideas. Open culture is not, although the web 2.0 designs, like wikis, tend to promote the false idea that there is only one universal truth in some arenas where that isn't so.But in terms of economics, digital Maoism is becoming a more apt term with each passing year. In the physical world, libertarianism and Maoism are about as different as economic philosophies could be, but in the world of bits, as understood by the ideology of cybernetic totalism, they blur, and are becoming harder and harder to distinguish from each other --- In a passage about how to address the 2008 financial crisis: >One idea I‟m contemplating is to use so-called AI techniques to create formal versions of certain complicated or innovative contracts that define financial instruments. Were this idea to take hold, we could sort financial contracts into two domains. Most transactions would continue to be described traditionally. If a transaction followed a cookie-cutter design, then it would be handled just as it is now. Thus, for instance, the sale of stocks would continue as it always has. There are good things about highly regular financial instruments: they can be traded on an exchange, for instance, because they are comparable.But highly inventive contracts, such as leveraged default swaps or schemes based on high-frequency trades, would be created in an entirely new way. They would be denied ambiguity. They would be formally described. Financial invention would take place within the simplified logical world that engineers rely on to create computing-chip logic.
Lol yikes I hadnt seen that stuff. I've only read some recent articles and "Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now", which was narrow, succinct, and appealed to my prejudices. There is no escape from engineer's disease, I guess, and Lanier is (was?) definitely plugged into the SV technoutopian zeitgeist. I wonder if these views have changed, particularly the /r/buttcoin bait there at the end.

Also on the spectrum, and while I was only ever Rationalist adjacent, I feel grateful to have found feminism first. I think it inoculated me from going down a very dark path.

Why did you cut off all your friends? Ideology aside, you said you had a sense of belonging so why why the drastic cutoff?

Escaping Cults 101
Turns out you cant just put ideology aside
This was a tough choice, but I thought it was for the best because they were a bad influence in many ways. There actually is one person from the rationalist community I'm still in touch with, but he was never one of the hardcore ideologues anyway.
singular 'they', people

Rationalists are not nerds, they’re jocks.

I too was an edgy atheist back then (cringe)

What is “edgy” about atheism, and how is it “cringey?”

I was gonna upvote your post until seeing this comment. Now it’s downvoted.

I assumed it's not "atheism is edgy and cringey", but "the edgy kind of atheism is cringey".

Banning Roko’s Basilisk attested to me that the wiki is childish and actually pseudoscience, imagine calling yourself a rationalist and can’t cope with basic existencial crysis, for a moment I thought it could be cool, I just read one article.

No kink shaming.

traded one cult for another lol