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Twitter thread, in which Eric Weinstein turns his transcendent genius insight on bitcoin. May induce brain haemorrhage. (https://twitter.com/ericrweinstein/status/1345808782794788865)

Bitcoiners are the logical saviors of physics. And post-Einsteinian space travel and local digital conservation laws are out best hopes.

The fuck is this even supposed to mean?

The whole thing was word salad to me.
OK I think I figured it out. Weinstein has a theory called “Geometric Unity” that he thinks is a Grand Unified Theory of Physics, that people don’t give respect to. He think Bitcoiners should use their wealth to “save” physics, something about crypto making distributed computing and that these new theories will make lightspeed/faster-than-light travel real. Digital conservation is probably some data privacy, preservation and security thing
Poor Weinstein. Other people with crazy theories at least pick billionaires to latch onto. He picked bitcoiners.
Ah right, he is trying to double dip then. ;).
Peter Thiel believed in the scapegoat mechanism Scapegoating is a hidden phenomenon because we only recognize it when we see it in others, but never in ourselves. Other people’s scapegoats appear to be innocent victims, falsely accused of wrongdoing, and that is indeed what they are. But our own scapegoats appear to us as our anxious child, unemployed overweight sibling or as guilty evildoers who deserve our hatred and the punishment we righteously mete out against them. We always see the innocence of other people’s scapegoats but never our own. That is why we are all always at risk of harming an innocent person or group without ever realizing it.
Both the Weinsteins work for Peter Thiel?
My best guess he's considering turning his bullshit theory of physics into a space propulsion grift (as many have done; see Woodward effect, EMDrive, Cannae Drive, etc).
If he posts enough someone else will build an FTL drive to escape his light cone or destroy the entire universe.
There aren’t nearly enough cans of aerosol to inhale for this level of convoluted drivel to make any sense even if you were take ripping straight bongs for a solid week as the normative baseline.
it's dmt it's always dmt
out -> our Now it all makes *perfect* sense, I hope.
Literally the sort of galaxy brain nonsense one could expect from a comp sci bro on shrooms in San Francisco ten years ago. Hippie-yuppie ancap metaphysics.

it appears Weinstein is reading Land on Bitcoin (and that’s a separate mountain of shite)

"Weinstein is reading Land on Bitcoin," or, another new low for humanity none of us had any reason to suspect we'd reach despite how bad things are. All we need is to stick Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan somewhere in that sentence & I for one am outta here
Bitcoiners are the *logical* saviors of physics. Well, he’s got a point

He is either vastly brilliant beyond my comprehension, or way dumber than me, or telling a joke that is incredibly unfunny, or brilliantly funny beyond my comprehension.

“local digital conservation laws” = when your municipal planning board says you have to back up your website pending an investigation of some of your more “interesting” browsing habits

TIL about Eric’s super secret theory of “geometric unity,” or as a writer in Scientific American put it back in 2013, “Eric Weinstein’s Amazing New Theory That Solves Every Puzzling Conundrum in Theoretical Physics Only He Hasn’t Written An Actual Paper Yet So Physicists Can’t Check All Those Hard Mathematical Details But Trust Us, It’s Gonna Be Awesome!” https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cocktail-party-physics/dear-guardian-youve-been-played/

Wait wait I spoke too soon. Turns out, Eric *has* published extensively on GU, in what both Richard Feynman and Murray Gell-Mann have both called indisputably the most important professional global forum for theoretical physics: The Joe Rogan Show. https://youtu.be/wf0_nMaQ6tA
Ah, so it's the good old EY model of wanting to be worshipped for being "the ideas guy" while some faceless drones do all the boring hard stuff. And now he's angry at academia not taking him seriously for that.

Is he testing a new GPT-implementation? Or some new drugs?

Because I can’t make sense of this word-salad.

Eric *is* a new GPT implementation
Where’s the lie
Maybe he got hacked by dril?

he just posts this shit on twitter acting like it makes sense and everyone believes him

It’s time. Put distributed computing on a bundle. Stop worshiping the initial blockchain innovation.

This part doesn’t really seem so bad. But…

Time to move to full digital physics with space-time replaced by the networked computers in distributed computing, and by the Observerse in actual physics. We can’t stay here. 🙏

I think Eric accidentally all the drugs.

this is him getting high on the fumes from Nick Land's stash
Present day. Present time! Ahahahaha!
Is this a Serial Experiments: Lain reference?
And you ~~don't~~ seem to understand.
but seriously I think he just had a wank to the uncensored version of MoPI.

Inmendham (the antinatalist) remains my favourite physics quack. Much prefer the depressive oversimplified approach expounded in excruciating detail (with expletives) to the Chris Langan/Eric Weinstein “you’re too dumb to read the paper so just trust me bro.”

Except at least with Langan there actually is a paper to be accused of being too dumb to read.
Oh? Looks like sneer is back on the menu, boys!

He really rubs me the wrong way…not sure why.

Narcissistic and word salad
Word salad is a perfect description. If I can’t understand your tweet....you’re doing it wrong.
I think it's because he always tries to sound too smart. He's intellectually insecure because he wants to go down as a big name, but instead he's just a smart guy that works in finance.

Time to move to full digital physics with space-time replaced by the networked computers in distributed computing, and by the Observerse in actual physics. We can’t stay here. 🙏——nah, I’m good.

Whoa I thought I had found the Galaxy Brain before! Meme needs a whole new panel!