r/SneerClub archives
fourier transform ⇒ cultural marxism (https://i.redd.it/vctxj296h6961.jpg)

He hits the trifecta of a post worthy of r/SneerClub, r/badmathematics, and r/badphilosophy. That’s a narrow needle to thread.

Say what you want of James, but he can post. [He is this, without the brain pills.](https://twitter.com/shenanigansen/status/1171085546610941952)

I see the rationalsphere has finally moved on from abusing Bayes’s Theorem.

I’m sure this dude is a troll to the core no matter where he ends up. Like if he were employed as a lumberjack he’d be yelling “timber!” all the time to own the timbs.

Libertarianism is the lorentz transform of fascism. No I will not explain why.

Fourier transform, but every time there’s a revolution it goes faster. Checkmate, signal-processors.

Jesus Christ buzz word salad.

Someone responded to this on twitter by pointing out that Gramsci’s prison notebooks weren’t even translated into Chinese until the 80s, well after Mao’s death. He calls them a paid shill of the CCP.

Finally, after hundreds of Jordan Peterson lectures failed me, I finally understand postmodern neo-marxism

My dad bought me this dudes book this Christmas 🤦

Any recs on counterprogramming?

This was ofc before Mao and Foucalt did the fusion dance to go Super Saiyan on the American academy, in technical terms

All I want to do is see Mao and Foucalt turn into a giant woman.

So Dialectic Materialism should be called Frequency-Domain Dialectics?

As a social scientist - can confirm all my papers are simply double-reverse-backsies fourier transforms of the last paper I read.

Conceptual James, losing even Alan Sokal as an ally

It's the difference between an academic who trolled, and a troll who happened to be in academia.

End me.

Rationalsphere is the post machine equivalent of the intelectual dark web turing machine.

A mathy way to say it is that James Lindsay is performing a Fourier transform on his shitty ideological views to get made-up scholarship dressed with math metaphors on which his followers are performing the inverse Fourier transform to receive his shitty ideological views.

Marx truly is the Dark Souls of signal processing.

TIL if you put down the works of Marx, then flip them, and then reverse them, it reveals a mysterious map.

anyone here have looked into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_manuscripts_of_Karl_Marx havent played with math since high school , really, so i wonder what i should cram (at khan academy or something) to pick up the tools to be able to play with it, speculate on its possible usage. i probably don’t have enough time to get into yet another thing tho…

The Khanacademy courses on differential and integral calculus (maybe called Calc 1 and Calc 2 in the US) should be fine. If you want applications then look at differential equations (there's almost certainly a khanacademy course for them). Looking at the wikipedia page, it seems like Marx was basically doing maths like a physicist: playing fast and loose with rigor and ending up with stuff that generally worked out anyway. Those sorts of calculations had fallen out of favour among pure mathematicians because they couldn't be sufficiently rigorised with the mathematics at the time, and a rigorous alternative called "real analysis" would be developed by people like Cauchy and Weierstrass in the first half of the 19th century. In the 1960s they would eventually be made rigorous in the form of "nonstandard analysis", but this was building on knowledge from the first half of the twentieth century, so it would've been well beyond Marx's knowledge. IMO if you want to look at this for the purpose of historical curiosity then go ahead, but if you actually want to learn maths then you'd be better served by reading an actual textbook on nonstandard analysis (though you might struggle to find one for your level), rather than the 150 year old unpublished notes of someone who didn't even have an undergraduate education in the subject.

Is this a corollary of his seminal doctoral dissertation, Theorem 1.1.1 The Binomial Coefficients?

Aww, I was expecting something about Charles Fourier, but it’s just boring math stuff :(

"math" "stuff"

ah yes, the “spectrum of communism”