r/SneerClub archives
HBDers would have believed this (https://i.redd.it/nvo6czujpc961.jpg)

Nice meme. Really captures the incoherence of “race realism” quite succinctly. It’s not that what we call “race” has no biological component to it whatsoever - it’s what you choose to interpret as hereditary that reveals how deeply you’ve thought about the topic.

The idea that civilisation in itself is a product of “race” is absolutely absurd - there are way too many moving parts, too many things inherited from other cultures at any point in time etc to give that idea serious treatment.

What does HBD stand for? Also lol.

Human biodiversity. It's racism with science words and made-up numbers.
Oh oof. Kind of sinister how innocuous sounding the term is.
That's the point, it sounds respectable and scientific and surely you aren't denying that there are some differences between people, right? And then they break out the callipers.
Hock and Ball Dorture
Happy birthday

No this is one reason they believe the revolution was a mistake