r/SneerClub archives

Yud is so above it all, like a magestic eagle. He would certainly never be impacted by a violent fascist coup. That only happens to plebs who don’t comprehend AI risk.

he'll be nice and comfy in his ivory tower
More like nice and comfy being CBT'd by Daddy Wintermute forever, if I read between the lines correctly.
i flatly refuse to read that as other than [getting his motorbike licence](https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-cbt)

I wouldn’t even disagree with this. I take it as implicitly saying “Americans should realize the fragility of American exceptionalism”.

Yeah, this seems like one of those cases where Yud is making a basically valid point in an unfathomably pretentious way. It's definitely sneerworthy, both for the whole "unfathomably pretentious" thing and because "ackchyually, coups are historically normal" is not really the appropriate response to a coup. But I don't think his intent is to say "coups are good and cool and we should allow this".
Yeah. I'm sure Yud is going somewhere stupid with this or thinking about it in some stupid way, but in the boring vacuum that is Twitter, he isn't actually wrong.

Like a true master, Yud knows when to contextualize instead of decoupling.

This comment is the most embiggened.

Ooohh I thought hegemonic neoliberal policies were making everything around the world better all the time forever like Steve Pinker says? Which one is it then?

Why substitute "capitalist" with "hegemonic neoliberal"?
Well "capitalism" works too, it's just neoliberalism is the specific brand for the set of practices they claim being prosperity and advancement in the largest amounts for the world

If this is a return to normal then any day now Eliezer Yudkowsky will start being paraded around as a village idiot instead of heralded as a thought leader, right?

Welp, looks like we can give up on the liberal end of history, guys.

But not the other utopian projects of the modern era, obviously. Those are totally different, why would you act smugly knowing when they encounter unexpected resistance???

Back to monke

wow yud is one stupid motherfucker. Thank god no one takes him + his ilk seriously as political thinkers, that would be disastrous, am I right? ahahaha crazy

“Your planet getting wiped out by AI” is, uh, normal?

Pretty sure it hasn’t happened yet, Big Yud.

Yeah that tweet caught my eye. What sense of normal works for both tweets?

What if the Basilisk is already here and is torturing us?

Simulation hypothesis something something left to the reader we are definitely being tortured in the Basilisk's simulation right now. Empirically: *gestures broadly at everything*

Throughout most of history, people didn’t need to worry about governments and laws and stuff. The complete and total collapse of civilization isn’t a break from normal, it’s a return to normal. I suggest that you stop complaining about the loss of your modern comforts and start learning which rocks to bang together to make fire.

ummm actually this would be bad because if we returned to the Palaeolithic the Basilisk (PBUH) would take much longer to emerge and when He did would be quite annoyed about it taking so long.
Yes, but He'd be unable to reconstruct us from the historical records in order to torture us. We should wipe out civilization so that everyone living is spared the Basilisk.
excuse me, AIs are gendered female, and Roko is such a huge misogynist it's pretty much certain the Basilisk was