r/SneerClub archives
"Technological rationality allows for an “objective” method of return to the “proper” structures of power that precede modernity’s enfeebling democracy (e.g: monarchy, aristocracy) without any material turn away from capitalist science and industry." (https://thenewinquiry.com/black-sun-rising/)

I first heard about neoreaction through the bizarre “MAKE ERIC SCHMIDT CEO AMERICA” petition that was organized by some ex-OWS person IIRC. It was so bizarre I thought it must have been a shitpost at first. Does anyone remember what I’m talking about?

EDIT: Was thinking of [Justine Tunney] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justine_Tunney) (Guardian article). What a weird story.

The proper rational prosperous structures of power that led to genocides and 2 World Wars

And also, you know, all the shit they hate about the modern world. That's what I don't get about these people. Like, we already tried this shit, and it *fucking lost*. Reactionaries crow about the instability of Western democracy, but guess what? There are surviving Western democracies and there aren't surviving monarchies.
Well, we have constitutional democracies. Denmark and the UK come to mind. But all of them have been forced to retreat from much of their power (and imho should be abolished entirely).
What confuses me even more is that they somehow seem to be under the impression that our current oligarchy/plutocracy isn’t already the aristocracy they seek to (re-)establish.
Well, they're not in charge, so obviously it isn't working correctly. Monarchies were run by introverted nerds, right?
It’s a shame they dismiss anything outside of “the West” out of hand. Ancient China definitely had its fair share of introverted nerds running things at various points.
That is probably the worst of all takes tbh. Aristocracy is literally the government of extroverted jocks!

Bender’s Hohlwelt-theorie argued that the Earth was a vault within an endless field of matter. The sun was somewhere in the middle of this vault, and the stars in the sky were the lights of cities from the other side.

“An infinite universe is a Jewish abstraction,” wrote Bender. “A finite, rounded universe is a thoroughly Aryan conception.”

Damn, Terry Pratchett’s first draft was wild

Teutons all the way down, apparently