r/SneerClub archives
This is literally true, and I'm fully entitled to feel smug about my crimes (https://twitter.com/ElSandifer/status/1347338915699699713)

See? See? If you were a true and good Bayesian utilitarian you would never have written this because of what happened and then Grimes might still be listenable

wait what if WHAT IF dgerard is the genuine article, sent back in time by basilisk to create itself
hurry up and turn us all into perfectly happy paperclips tbh
Now that you’ve raised that possibility we can’t afford to risk the chance that it’s not true. All hail Gerard! Send him all your tethers
i'm in a 4AD group on Facebook and we worked out that Lana Del Ray was off topic, even as her schtick is blatantly '80s 4AD for the pop charts, but young "Alex" Musk was on topic (not that he's ever come up thankfully), but the Tesla stock price is only tangential
Lana del Rey = 4AD in any sense is fighting words, sirrah. And I say that as a fan of both
are you saying Grimes is less listenable musically, or just because of association with Muskovite
I didn’t really mean it just the musk part


Doing the 10rd’s work
the what now?!

elon musk owes us his firstborn

We shall raise it well, and teach it the ways of the sneer. Also, pretty sure it's like his seventh or eighthborn, just saying. Dude has a LOT of kids.
'mommy, will daddy come to my dance recital?' 'no, he is too busy posting memes on twitter'
Maybe his memes are why Tesla stock is so overvalued- it sure isn't their profits, lol.
With a dad like that there's a good chance they'll find us on their own.

Almighty gerard,

when should I liquidate my bitcoin holdings?

at ATH
-naval, probably

Does anyone have a link or description of what happened? I don’t know who David Gerard is.

some terrible asshole who keeps showing up at interesting junctures in history, like a wannabe-snarky Forrest Gump
Life is like a box of chocolates. You can use Bayesian inference to determine the likelihood of getting one of those gross cherry cordials.
David is a friend of the sub who has written a couple of (very good) books about the shittiness of cryptocurrency, but who is also a tirelessly online nerd who wrote up a lot of the stuff about Roko’s Basilisk - amongst other LessWrong bullshit - on RationalWiki and elsewhere (search term “divabot”) back in the day. The previous time I lived in the same city we met up for an afternoon pint that turned into several afternoon pints, which was fun. Good taste in weird goth shit, music, and LGBTQ+ politics too, very tall.
[Here.](https://www.vox.com/2018/8/16/17692700/azealia-banks-elon-musk-grimes-explained) Do a Ctrl + F "Roko" to skip to the relevant portion. That article has a bunch of irrelevant nonsense at the start. [And another source.](https://pagesix.com/2018/05/07/elon-musk-quietly-dating-musician-grimes/) Both stolen from Grimes' suspiciously well-sourced Wikipedia page.
[google is not your friend](https://www.livescience.com/62518-rococos-basilisk-elon-musk-grimes.html)

If that article was never published, would her fifth album have been such a flop? This is the question I want answered.

I know who Grimes and Elon Musk are, I know they have a kid, I kinda know who David Gerard is from his presence on Wikipedia, but I have no idea of the connection between something Gerard wrote on lesswrong and Grimes and Musk having a child, can someone please explain?

I popularised Roko's Basilisk and that name for it by writing most of the RationalWiki article
> popularised Roko's Basilisk *Future-history's Greatest Monster!*
What have *you* done to increase existential risk today?
i mocked eliezer yudkowsky online, (very) marginally increasing the (already very large) chance that he will do nothing of note to help or stop the robot god from coming into existence.
Oh wow I didn't realize the OP was David Gerard lol.

I am legit angry at you now

Given what one hears about how Musk treated his first wife, I don’t know if I’d be very proud of that one tbqh
