r/SneerClub archives
the motte’s quiet, better check up on ol’ reliable (https://twitter.com/aella_girl/status/1347967867740852226?s=21)

‘A billion dollars in property damage’

Citation needed.

E: odd also, lesswrong thinkers love to go ‘scale is important, saving 10 people isn’t effective compared to saving the googleton of unborn humans that can populate the galaxy’ when BLM is protesting. But, when 2k fascists neo-nazis storm the center of power they go ‘what about the property damage by BLM!’ For people who talk about doing proper risk assessments taking scale into account, they sure suck at it.

e2: how is the motte quiet when there was a coup attempt this week?

> how is the motte quiet when there was a coup attempt this week? 1. in order to maintain cHaRiTaBlE bothsides civility, their discourse exists in a fantasy world where Trump and Trumpism don't exist (but the center and left's reactions to them do) 1. a few of them just got back from traveling and are busy deleting their accounts before the FBI comes knocking
>e2: how is the motte quiet when there was a coup attempt this week? Because the 1619 project provided a better lens for understanding the past two months than lesswrong, and they don't want to confront what that means about their supposed rationality and understanding of the world.
Likely source of the claim: https://www.axios.com/riots-cost-property-damage-276c9bcc-a455-4067-b06a-66f9db4cea9c.html
Confirmed, Capitol mob actually Loch Ness Monster in disguise
i thought some of those beards looked artificial.
If you want to do all that thinking, go ahead, but I'm not going to have any part in it.

One of the two events was good, the other was bad.

the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"
pah, you filthy "object level" thinker, don't you know that context doesn't matter at all?

Whew, have a smell of this horrific 6 month old sandwich I found in my desk. It’s got a huge chunk of mold on it and now there’s a dead mouse with a tiny little Hitler mustache imbedded in it somehow since the last time we looked at it.

–How I feel about Aella posts

In the U.S. Civil War, the people who fought against slavery, and the people who fought for slavery, are the same, to me

idk if i mention this before but there is something they left out in their explanation “Why are you called”The Motte”?” . Motte means “mound” , and those who have read Marquis De Sade knows it was a term also used to refer to the mound of venus. So basically in french their names can also be read as “the poon”, basically. they want to look tough with their reference to medieval fortifications but it also make them look like big pussies.

Don't use genitals as a derogatory term you dick.
In Quebec french, "motté" means "person of criminal appearance" (i.e. a bum) in vulgar police jargon. The general public has appropriated the term to mean "simple-minded uncultured unkempt nobody". "Motte" means "a chunk or bunch of". "Une motte de neige" would be a snowball. I believe the original police usage came up because of a stereotypical hippie's hair (une motte de cheveux) I don't need to mention how I smile every time I see a mention of "The Motte" and its denizens. Une motte de mottés.

Autonomous zones? Were there others than just the CHAZ?