r/SneerClub archives

“But of course, eating soy is in fact coded extremely blue in the US, and being able to enforce it/banning barbecues would signal blue tribe dominance and red tribe submission, with all that entails. (Natural experiment: take two red-tribe towns, inject soy into the meat supply of one without telling them, tell the other one that you replaced their meat with a soy-based substitute while actually doing nothing. I bet that the meat-eating town will come out more”soypilled” on tests of attitudes over time.) ”


“Natural experiment: [describes the opposite of a natural experiment][pretends nonexistant experiment results justifies his beliefs]”

Seriously, the armchair empiricism here is also off the charts.

It's ok, everything that has priors is natural and empirical. :)

This obsession with soy is still one of the weirdest things to come out of the online reactionary movement

i mean it is literally a fucking bean these guys are allegedly super masculine but cant handle a legume
Isn't it also a bean that is a staple food from some cultures who don't have the effect they fear so much? All of this bullshit because some bodybuilders misinterpreted a research paper... E: ah right, the comment linked does point this out, whoops egg on my face, that is what I get for not reading the post linked to. Stupid me.
It's something along the lines of "sap and impurity our precious bodily fluids", but with an added twist of (implied) insidious feminisation. To me, the concerning thing about these ideas isn't how groundless and absurd they are, but how quickly they spread and found purchase in even "normie"/mainstream discourse, and shaped prejudices.
They crave the FEMBOY RAY.
Same with avocado toast.
Avocado toast is more of a fiscal thing, i.e. implying that millennials are frivolous spendthrifts.
wait they hate avocado toast too? I'm scared about what their culinary landscape looks like
Jordan Peterson apparently eats only beef and drinks only water, so I’m guessing that’s the dietary redpill. Only improvement may be to splice cat DNA into your liver so you can live solely off the moisture in meat.

This is literally the same cadence, content, and intensity of old D&D forum threads where people tried to come up with broken multi-class builds.

I say this not to make fun of gamers (I roll dice myself) but to illustrate how little any of this has to do with the real world.

Herr Professeur, with all due respect to your beautiful priors, I reject your reality and substitute my own.

I used to be a conservative like you, till I took a soy bean in the tum.

“without telling them”

I always forget that one of the ideas from these communities is that ‘we should have less ethics on research’.

"It's clear of course that conservative Zoomers are the most based people in the world, so what we'll do is melt them down into their base components and feed the resulting slurry to Ted Cruz, turning him into a based overgod biological FAI."
To be fair to Ted, he can use all the help he can get. I don't think there are enough Zoomers in the world to upgrade [this](https://twitter.com/SenTedCruz/status/1352040800646029312) to a biological overgod FAI.
I keep telling people: Guantanamo Bay remains open because why should the US care what some Swiss people in Geneva think?! Smh. Ted understands me.
*The IRB fixes bayonets*

Imagine being this scared of a bean

Pythagoras, but dumb and racist

also peak Enlightened Centrism

That sub is the intellectual equivalent of poking at shit with a stick.

But of course, eating soy is in fact coded extremely blue in the US, and being able to enforce it/banning barbecues would signal blue tribe dominance and red tribe submission

I live in Austin, Texas, well-known for ‘blue tribe dominance’ in a red tribe state, and there are at least nine bbq joints in a five mile radius of my apartment.

Do they have bbq tofu? Ita actually pretty good
I've never heard of this. We have vegan restaurants here, for sure, but I'd wager that bbq joints outnumber them significantly, and are certainly more famous. I still haven't been to Franklin Barbeque.

Have I missed some recent development? Why are there suddenly a lot of comments and posts related to believing/disbelieving something according to who else believes it? Or am I just seeing a pattern where there is none?

afaik there isn't a pattern. I just happened across the quoted post. The main point of my post isn't about believing/disbelieving or blue/red tribes etc, but the utterly absurd presumptiveness of the proposed "natural experiment". The whole blue/red tribe thing is highly questionable, as is the rationalist delusion that they are somehow enlightened enough to be above these biases (grey tribe blablabla), but that's beside the point.