r/SneerClub archives
Top shelf rationality from CultureWarRoundup: "On the suggestion of a prior comment here, I have opted out of organ donation in the UK. This is my way of doing petty retribution against lockdowns." (https://reddit.com/r/CultureWarRoundup/comments/kzokws/january_18_2021_weekly_offtopic_and_loweffort_cw/gk72nwk/)

You’re doing this over the LOCKDOWNS and not the wholesale demographic replacement of your people, the vilification of your history, and the basically condoned rapes of your country’s children by foreigners? [+13]

Anglo-Saxons go home! Britain for Britons!

Very rational and balanced discussion, my brain is swelling at these intelligent words
It gets funnier when you realize that there's a history of anti-German and anti-Nordic bigotry in Britain and there are still people alive today who consider people born in other parts of Northern Europe to be an alien element.
Pink supremacists. Just when you think you've seen it all.
I am pretty sure if you dig you can find supremacists for every single ethnic subgroup on the planet. Some are just funny rather than harmful though.
That first one glows like a tiki torch.
Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

Dumb IMO, at the end of the day the organs still save lives that have nothing to do with this. If you’re doing it because you don’t like people fair enough but “giving the regime two middle fingers” legally is practically sucking its dick anyway.

I got 0 on them getting banned for this.

I thought the same, and didnt think that about the 'great replacement' person. (It is 'weird', after all the terrorist attacks the last few years, most centrist places recognize what 'the great replacement' rethoric leads to and they have taken actions, not ~~themotte~~ sorry this is themottes even more racist twin, ccroundup). E: also strange that the 'we are looking for truth' group is just going to ignore the report by the uk gov saying basically 'sorry racists, but gammons still do the most raping in the uk'. (Showing it isnt about the high amount of rapes, but who is doing the raping).

It’s symbolic. I don’t exist to serve the NHS. I don’t exist to be a pile of spare organs for the NHS. The regime may treat me as nothing more than a subhuman sack of meat to be abused, but at least I still have this option to take the most minimal of power back.

You actually do exist to serve the NHS, just not exclusively, which is why we call it a social “contract” - you get what you need in the event of something going wrong, and you pay for it in the meantime. Besides which, this childishness is really just a sort of slave-morality: for anyone who a year hence doesn’t know, the only reason people believe this shit is because their Prime-Minister-God preached it after winning an election on the back of a pack of lies and bullshit. This, amusingly, is the same Prime-Minister-God who’s pack of lies and bullshit mean I’m barely allowed to leave my fucking house because WE NOW HAVE THE WORST RECORDED RATE OF DEATH BY POPULATION ON THE FUCKING PLANET.

It’s not a new observation that frustration and anger can be misdirected, but fuck me the failure to direct that at Boris Johnson is fucking mental.

Wow that place is insanely racist

[Motte voice] that is very uncharitable, ~~themotte~~ ccroundup is a meeting place of minds, both sides are equally represented (waves around outdated survey), we just allow both sides to exist in harmony. ;)
No, they're not really pretending that on ccroundup. Quokka is their go-to word to refer to everyone mottewards of them.
First time around here huh
Banned for hurting their feelings. You aren't allowed to call out racism on TheMotte. Unless, of course, you're saying that the blue tribe is inherently racist, then you can write paragraphs and thousands of posts about that without a peep from the mods.

There are a number of stances opposed to organ donation that if I don’t accept personally I can at least recognise their validity within a greater metaphysical narrative.

This is not one.

It really brings perspective to the arguments that opting in to organ donation is like entering a Fae pact where you implicitly give your bogeyman-of-choice the right to pin you down and rip the things out of your body once you enter a hospital's range. That, at the very least at least is based on something resembling logic, even if it's the logic executed on a fictional world.
Never give your name to a Faerie, and never give your email address to an internet rationalist.

Perhaps the NHS will issue them another binky.

It's England, they call them dummies
Perhaps the NHS will issue the dummies another binky.
No my love. They will issue the dummies a dummy.

To the privileged, the slightest inconvenience is seen as oppression.

E: the privileged can’t think of no effective ways of protest apart from ‘this move will give me some form of catharsis’.

You’d think we’d stumble onto a form of protest that was both cathartic *and* effective every now and again, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, either.
Well for most protests you at least knew they were happening. 'I stopped being a donor' is heard by nobody. It is about as useful as having a sitin in your basement.

Extending this principle further, maybe lifting the lockdowns are what it’ll take to get the Basilisk to stop holding out on us.

“I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my [organs].”

thank god.