r/SneerClub archives
"It's hard to actively post in two different spaces at once, and over time, the Motte has become the defacto "hangout" spot for rationalist-subculture reddit." I think they're not supposed to admit that out loud? (https://np.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/l3ngpy/planning_for_the_event_that_sscacx_gets_much_more/gkmbn7p/)

SSC is not an example of how writing charitable interesting things inevitably attracts charitable interesting commenters. It is an astonishing fluke, a shining beacon of hope for the entire internet, an unrivalled treasure of public discussion.

You gotta love their delusions.

>> SSC is not an example of how writing charitable interesting things inevitably attracts charitable interesting commenters. Similarly, I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the community is _mostly_ white cis men, almost entirely anti-SJW, and far more willing to entertain treatises on why fascism is good than why fascism is bad.

But on the Motte, it’s so damn easy to have an opinion. Something about politics tricks my brain into thinking that my opinions are super insightful and must be heard. When I post to the Motte, the words just flow--completely effortlessly.


It’s also an upvote-friendly sub; if you put in a decent amount of effort and have pleasant writing style, you will tend to get a lot of consistent, positive feedback.

turning a big dial taht says “Racism” on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right

All those insightful and elaborate debates and yet they can get so easily distilled into drilposting.
highly structured low-entropy signals are extremely compressible
I'm glad you grabbed this, I literally have it in my clipboard and was steaming in to post it. Holy echo chambers, Batman!

For me personally, I find most of the topics discussed here to be interesting and compelling. It’s cool to learn about alternative voting systems or to play with toy epidemiological models. But realistically, what do I have to add to these conversations?

But racism and affermative action is something they have an opinion on, which even flows effortlessly.

If only they were aware of bikeshedding, sucks that there is no online community warning you for biasses and the behaviour that comes from it.

They do seem like *dangerously* close to self-awareness with this one. > But on the Motte, it's so damn easy to have an opinion. Something about politics tricks my brain into thinking that my opinions are super insightful and must be heard.

Cheers theme “Sometimes you wanna go / WHERE YOU DON’T HAVE TO HIDE YOUR POWER LEVEL”


Yes it is easy to have an opinion and talk about it when you’re writing in an environment where you’re encourage to bare the ugliest parts of yourself.

Have they considered that feeling pressure to consider what you say before spouting it and to examine your opinions before buying into them wholesale is maybe a good thing?

> to examine your opinions before buying into them wholesale cancel culture has gone TOO FAR

But on the Motte, it’s so damn easy to have an opinion. Something about politics tricks my brain into thinking that my opinions are super insightful and must be heard.

This is exactly what Marx Yud warned us about!