r/SneerClub archives
My friend radicalized. This made me rethink how I build AI (https://jaan.io/my-friend-radicalized-this-made-me-rethink-how-i-build-AI/)

My friend married a door. This is how I built a multiplex for pomeranians using increasingly unrealistic patreon benchmarks.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ thank you for the quality sneer πŸ™

How is this related to LessWrong? To me a lot of this sounds extremely reasonable - although I think his friend getting radicalized doesn’t really make sense as a reason he did this stuff.

EDIT: Ah I see, the author himself posted this.

Also tagged nsfw, so meant seriously and not as a sneer. Even if the title is a bit weird. But i jave not finished reading it, and it is a bit too long for my current attention span sadly. Posting your own reactions to a friend going full isis, must have been hard. E:If you are looking for sneers, having skimmed it a bit it seems an attempt to go after bias (in ML algorithms, and others places). With attempts to own your own data, do your own research etc. Which sounds very up the alley of bay area centrist libertarian rationalists. Lets see how the post did on [slatestarcodex](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/l6zdo9/my_friend_radicalized_this_made_me_rethink_how_i/). *crickets* (compare the post in [r/compsci](https://www.reddit.com/r/compsci/comments/l6zap4/my_friend_radicalized_this_made_me_rethink_how_i/)) To @op, you might want to post it in r/theschism/ lesswrongs->slatestarcodex->themottes spinoff with an attempt to get away from the racism and sexism in the community. (Which also isn't so popular btw, sorry, the rationalist communities and the spinoffs are driven by anger nowadays).
That's a great idea, thanks so much! Will do. P.S. An easy self-sneer is that it is a bias to try to go after bias \^__^ (ditto for trying to be 'rational' a la rationalists...)
I just want to say that yours is a refreshing take. I recently had a friend commit suicide, and I didn't mean to belittle the experience you had with your friend and how it impacted you, particularly in light of that.

I’m glad you mentioned unions I also wonder what other types of structural changes we need for this kind of thing