r/SneerClub archives
Emil Kirkegaard dating profile - "polyamory is a plus... I will cheat sooner or later" (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/l7qlpe/emil_kirkegaard_dating_profile_polyamory_is_a/)

It’s weird how lefties are very interested in proving moral superiority, while everyday measures of moral behavior always (?) favor conservatives. Lying, cheating, crime, more common among the lefties themselves.


And yet:

polyamory is a plus. It will never work in a long-term sexual exclusive relationship (as in, I will cheat sooner or later). There are too many nice women for that to work. I like variety. :)


Also Emil claims to be looking for “casual sex”, ages 18 - 30 and admits to taking drugs.

I like to do data mining studies of stuff… Like studying the sex ratio of TED speakers (73% male)

Apparently counting people and simple division is “data mining.”

On the other hand, I did some data mining today. Turns out 100% of my cats are male.

God that’s exhausting. Everything about that profile is…just a huge red flag.

The physics Friday bar in Aarhus uni was amazing though.

> Everything about that profile is...just a huge red flag. What's impressive is that even with all those alarming words, the biggest red flag on the profile is that he is struggling to grow a beard that far into his 20s.
[yeah, people in their late twenties that can’t grow beards are big losers ](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/awkward-look-monkey-puppet)
Definitely one cool and normal dude when Googling "Emil Kirkegaard age" -- I was curious, thought he was mid-thirties until I read your comment -- the first result relates to the age... of consent and the specimen's views on *checks notes* the lowering thereof. He wouldn't be the first, but last I checked the 1977 petition probably wasn't motivated by personal desire to fuck kids. ~~Libertarian~~ Libertine tendencies might also perhaps be viewed more charitably when the bent ref in question is not a waste of oxygen in totality. >For the love of Goat, do not confuse him with philosopher Søren Kierkegaard. Not likely. Let us hope the coincidence confers some degree of obscurity upon this individual.
I assume you mean this: [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil\_Kirkegaard#Age\_of\_consent](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil_Kirkegaard#Age_of_consent) Not cited on that page is another controversial comment Kirkegaard made: “Det er en dum ide at have rigide age of consent/seksuel-lavalder love.” Google translate: “It is a stupid idea to have rigid age of consent / sexual-minimum age laws.” Emil Kirkegaard Tue, 2013-07-09 22:46 [https://web.archive.org/web/20130908035102/http://www.piratpartiet.dk/node/957](https://web.archive.org/web/20130908035102/http://www.piratpartiet.dk/node/957)
That's the one. I've now read his RationalWiki article in full. It's quite something. If he ever called himself a "rationalist" I actually feel offended on behalf of Yud & Co. 'Cause fucking hell.
I'm not sure I follow. There are plenty of people well into adulthood who can't grow beards. But for those with enough follicle activity that it will be noticeable and the half an ounce of self-awareness to know that it will be noticed, the simple solution is to shave, though. Edit: I gather from the downvotes that "One ought to look presentable in your profile pictures on a dating app" is an unwelcome opinion. Fair enough.

These people could just say they aren’t interested in monogamous relationships, leave it like that, and not look like huge douchebags.

That really wouldnt be enough though, he's also evidently not interested in being open or honest with his partner and probably a whole bunch of other things Poly relationships with dipshits like this fall apart just as fast as monogamous ones, we dont want those types either

The only thing “poly” about him is the “many worlds” of pain his simulations will go through.


That’s a relief glad to see he isn’t going after the kids.


These are the kinds of people who ruin polyamory for everyone else

always (?)

Bold assertion, slightly qualified: that’s how you Do a Rationalism^TM !

Digging up dating profiles from 2013 is a little bit too stalkerish for me.

‘Im a horrible white nationalist but at least im honest’ is already enough.

Somewhat ironic given his history with OKCupid and doxxing. Live by the sword and all that
His support for polyamory, admitting he would cheat in a relationship and seeking casual sex was left up on the profile in 2014 and 2015. This screenshot is from December 2014: [https://web.archive.org/web/20141205092458/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Filomath](https://web.archive.org/web/20141205092458/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Filomath) This one from February 2015: [https://web.archive.org/web/20150210132931/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Filomath](https://web.archive.org/web/20150210132931/http://www.okcupid.com/profile/Filomath) He removed these things in 2016. Why? Well that was the [same year as his RationalWiki article creation](https://rationalwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Emil_Kirkegaard&dir=prev&action=history), so he seems to have deleted a lot of stuff to try to hide it.
Yeah I think that those things are either not bad, or in the case of cheating, a bit irrelevant compared to him being a white nat eugenicist who wants to save Europe from the brown Europeans. It is weird that that is what he thought to remove, esp as he kept the eugenics part up. And im way to shy/insecure/private to do online dating myself, but are these huge walls of text normal? E: it does suck that he links being poly with cheating again, like poly people don't have enough bullshit to deal with.
Emil is [obsessed with "saving the West" by getting white people to have more kids](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Emil_Kirkegaard#Obsession_with_European_fertility_rates), but on his dating profile said he doesn't want children... weird
Do as I say, not as I do is pretty popular in the far right. This also lead to harassment went far righters went after the women in their movement for not popping out babies. Which was pretty disgusting, and also very much 'leopards eating my face' party.

Well… I’d rather be an empathetic degenerate than a hate-filled piece of shit, any day of the week.

The impact of dark tetrad traits on political orientation and extremism: an analysis in the course of a presidential election

Narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were associated with right-wing political orientation, whereas narcissism and psychopathy were associated with political extremism


It’s weird how lefties are very interested in proving moral superiority, while everyday measures of moral behavior always (?) favor conservatives.

Here’s why that’s bullshit. Then again, I highly doubt anyone who believes in Emil’s point also thinks authoritarian tendencies are anything other than “based.”

guarantee, guarantee, GUARANTEE this set of posts is the result of a girl blocking him on Facebook after sending “lol” to him

No wonder, he tweets so much about dating and sex. With such a profile chances are high that he neither dates nor has sex

I thought rationalists liked polyamory?

I don’t understand, where is the keyword for HPMOR readers, the truest intellectuals of them al?