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Charles Murray threatens us with a good time (https://twitter.com/charlesmurray/status/1355305261209161729)

Ahh, yes, the man with noted insights like “trans lesbians are the Navy Seals of SJWism,”white privilege doesn’t exist but Jewish privilege does“, etc.

What’s Murray’s endgame here? Like I know you’re often not punished even if you’re really racist in media circles but part of how Murray gets by is the patina of respectability he’s repeatedly given by gullible centrist and conservative pundits at news outlets. It’s harder to maintain he’s just asking questions when he’s caping for a guy who has all but outright said he believes in the Jewish Question.

Murray sees that a bunch of white nationalists who used him to launder their fervent beliefs into something that looks like scholarship may soon no longer have need of his services, so he needs to make sure they know he's one of the boys.
It's pretty amazing how all Murray had to do to get mainstream journalists and academia eating rancid race takes from his palm in the 90's was to pretend to be a little more polite than a Klan member and say he understands what a standard deviation is.
turns out america is a white supremacist settler state, who knew?
Andrew Sullivan was a big fan of Murray's garbage and still somehow hasn't been ostracized as a journalist. Also was an avid supporter of the Iraq War, almost like imperialism and racism go hand in hand.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Trans Lesbians, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Intellectual Dark Web, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.


"issue a public apology to me"
It's adorable he thinks he has enough clout to do this.

if @Steve_Sailer isn’t fit for Twitter, neither am I.

Hear, hear!

Edit: lost a bet with myself that SPLC would have an entry on this guy, but he is name-checked on Peter Brimelow’s and Stephen Miller’s profiles. Sailer, not Charles Murray.

I genuinely love Charles Murray. He’s so far down the hole of his own desperate desire to find a new way to masturbate he’s a parody of the guy who wrote an already duplicitously racist best-seller. If he didn’t exist we’d have to invent him.

Compare Andrew Sullivan, who catapulted The Bell Curve into the stratosphere as editor of The New Republic and left the magazine basically eating crow for it. Sullivan never renounced his positive view of that dumb book, but he never managed to reach the cartoonish villainy of a Charles Murray. And I love a good cartoon villain, a villain who speaks their truth even when they’re obviously an idiot.

Remember Human Accomplishment? A book ridiculously defended by “TrannyPornO”, a then already popular figure in the rationalist space who turned out not to be a Lichtenstein economist but a Jewish kid in Minnesota or someplace. Charles Murray rises above all that and stamps his bullshit mark on everything.

Human Accomplishment is perhaps the single strongest piece of evidence other than, of course, the career of Scott "Scott Alexander" Alexander Siskind, that having a high IQ means you're a fucking dumbshit. no one with a merely average IQ could think encyclopedia entry counting was a good way to measure anything whatsoever. you have to have an IQ of at least 300 to think of something that dumb

the fact that he didn’t even do a basic courtesy edit of his error-ridden letter demanding an apology is basically everything you need to know about how much effort he puts into thinking about the things he supports

What’d it say?