r/SneerClub archives
Missed the memo about hiding your power level (https://twitter.com/danieleharper/status/1357525690720092160)

But seriously: bigbrains rag on postmodernists for deconstructing the narratives of civilization. In my own country, I have seen “national conservatives” crying out for a new “national narrative” to preserve social cohesion. But what could be more “postmodern” than acknowleding it as merely a narrative (as opposed to “history”) and wanting to construct a new one? Is not this tendency just as postmodern as its supposed critique of what they call postmodernism?

Baudrillard is like the King of postmodernism and his hyperreality describes the reactionary right better than anything. In their mind, Europe and Europeans were perfect and noble until modernity. But just a sampling of the War of the Roses should disabuse them of this notion. But they’ve created a hyperreality in their community that is more real to them than what actually happened. With a bit of Romanticism thrown in as well.
Not to be too surface level but to me fake news and trumpism was almost word for word Baudrillards hyperreality. Alternative facts is the anti-reflection. At least in my understanding of it. This connotes in a way that we haven’t experienced hyperreality before. It’s something we’ve continually experienced just trumpism was especially mainstream? I’m not sure what word to use. The whole is trumpism unique or it’s a manifestation of things that have been festering is another argument entirely.
And, like most things called 'postmodern,' it's very old. Let me tell you how a few citizens are gold while most others are silver, bronze, or iron.
[Yes, it’s called postmodern conservatism.](https://arcdigital.media/the-rise-of-post-modern-conservatism-53cf8651b052) (I also agree with the Baudrillard hyperreality take, as well.)
Most of what the conservatives accused the left of being turned out to be pure projection, especially the bit about moral relativism.

I have a relative who travels to Frankfurt on business trips several times a year. Big financial hub, as you all know. I asked him about the Frankfurt school, and I was shocked when he said there are hundreds of schools in Frankfurt. Would you believe it if I told you they even have Frankfurt kindergartens now? Even if you disagree with them, you have to hand it to the professors of the original Frankfurt school. What was once a city of analphabets with just one school is now, thanks to their vision, a city of scholars.

Damn silly me I always thought it was just one big city-sized school full of enlightened space laser scientists

I’m just spitballing here, but I suspect this isn’t the last we hear of James tarrying with this particular line of (((thinking)))

James becomes a honorary rationalist after reinventing nazi propaganda from first principles.

The Frankfurt school is more than just Adorno and Horkheimer. If you look at its entire membership id be willing to bet that a large chunk, if not a majority, were actually not Jewish. So it’s not just anti-semetic its incorrect to boot

seems like those nazis might not have been accurate in their theories. good to know
I think it always bears repeating
The Frankfurt school thinkers certainly weren't all Jewish but an extremely high proportion were. It's not just a coincidence that they are so often the target of reactionaries.

we’re approaching dangerous levels of conceptual here

My favorite part of the Frankfurt School conspiracy theory is the bit where Theodor Adorno wrote all the music of the Beatles.

[this is one of the most popular things ive ever written](https://rocknerd.co.uk/2016/10/13/theodor-adorno-of-the-frankfurt-school-wrote-all-the-beatles-songs-as-a-cultural-marxist-assault-on-america-possibly/)

for years i bother to debunk the use of “cultural marxism” every time i came across it in the wild of the internet but they finally normalized it by never stopping using it, i gave up and gave up asking rational people who care about truth, historians, philosophy students and such to do their part and chime in. i wouldnt be surprised if there is an organized motion behind this, it’s a manifestation of an agenda. “cultural marxism” was always a paranoid conspiracy theory, it’s not a real thing.

Tell them that Marxism is correct so "cultural Marxism" is just a subset of being correct.
r/Cultural_Marxism_IRL still keeps up the fight. And by that I mean we shitpost and sneer at those who use it unironically.
cool beanz, may partake

This is the guy who got triggered by the whole 2+2=5 thing. Apparently being a renegade mathematician doesn’t involve group theory.