r/SneerClub archives


The [latest](https://graymirror.substack.com/p/scott-alexander-the-disappointed/comments) from Curtis was not a little long. >Jurek Molnar Feb 13 It took me three hours to get through it. >I had to look up some of the references and read pieces of the pieces that were linked throughout the text. It was worth every minute and I enjoyed reading it.
I suspect I'm developing a fetish--I want to read [this](https://graymirror.substack.com/p/the-journalist-rationalist-showdown).
And frankly, it reads like Moldbug in style.
[Behold](https://allenfarrington.medium.com/qualified-reservations-9094ec9f1734): >[...]Yarvin described their situation in meticulous detail ten years ago. In blogs far longer than mine I might add. You think *I like tangents*? Imagine if *[The Talebenning](https://medium.com/@allenfarrington/a-tale-of-two-talebs-1775dff3302b)* was entirely about seventeenth-century England and also was not a joke … u/nuuukt
I realise worst ways of expressing things have a lot of local maxima, but this is definitely one of those.

Honestly, the medium article is far more sneer-worthy than Taleb himself. For starters, in spite of his massive ego Taleb’s never claimed to have access to new truths (hence him constantly bringing up the Lindy effect), in fact his whole gripe with “IYIs” is that they do exactly what this article is accusing Taleb of doing. Then there are plenty of examples where the author just brings up Taleb getting “owned” like the Balaji exchange where Vitalik makes the exact point Taleb is criticizing Balaiji is missing, and the extremely pedantic section where they “ackshually” Taleb as a pretense for showing off their admittedly undergrad understanding of Abstract Algebra. There’s a bunch more wrong with it, but the writing style parodying Taleb in such a poor and grating way is making it hard to press on.

Can I get a tldr?

>But when you really dig at it; when you know more than him; when you aren’t afraid, he is incredibly fragile. If Taleb has skin in the game, then it is [extraordinarily thin skin](https://twitter.com/dopamine_uptake/status/1249796636525690881). Fragile Little Nassim, all alone, whining like an Ayn Rand hero about how hard it is to be so God-damned brilliant that nobody can possibly understand him. When you catch him in this, it is beautiful. I welcome readers to open their hearts and minds to such an experience. I know you want to defend him. You want to let him dominate you. You think it’s just easier that way. I get it. I really do, but I’m here to help you kick your addiction to the Internet’s biggest asshole. This is an intervention. Everybody except Fragile Nassim is invited.
Taleb isn't, but Allen Farrington sure is
Yeah, the previous post was a pro-ssc thingy.
not to mention the bitcoin cultism
Confessedly, I was unsure where to submit this frisking.
I mean, yeah, Taleb is 100% full of himself, but this isn't very funny writing.
>For readers unfamiliar with Taleb, unfamiliar with me, or both, this is not at all how I would normally talk or write. This is all my best imitation of Fragile Nassim, and it continues for goodness-knows-how-many thousand more words.[..] >If you don’t like any of this, you can leave right now and I won’t hold it against you. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. It’s my best attempt to mimic the way Fragile Nassim treats his casualties.
*gallic shrug*