r/SneerClub archives
apparently, Roko is a philosopher now (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wSjwUqbFuCI)

From the video’s description:

On the first episode of the Subversive podcast, I talk to philosopher and rationalist Roko Mijic about where we’re heading and how to get there in one piece (maybe).

Also, i love how the first guest of the SUBVERSIVE podcast is an idiot whose idea of a perfect future is to fulfil people’s escapist fantasies of the good old days.

a tradwaifu whose hair is *definitely not purple* did a girl with purple hair kick him in the nuts or something
he spent some time in a locker, probably
> On the first episode of the Subversive podcast, Baaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha Oh good gravy, that name, that's adorable.
New life rule, the only appropriate response to someone who calls themselves “subversive” is a swift kick in the shins.
Couldn’t get through the lazily smug presentation style of the first thirty seconds, but to be fair there’s nothing wrong with the ascription “philosopher” to idiots like Roko: Karadzic could be easily described as a philosopher and as a poet, even though he was also a terrible genocidal idiot (which, to my mind, is probably worse than Roko).
Yeah i agree. There's a reason r/badphilosophy exists after all.
And there’s a reason I’m a mod there!
your many sins?
so many sins


look into your heart

More of a Mr Bighead take, imho