r/SneerClub archives
Zero HP Lovecraft on Rationalists [June 2020] (https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1276138147521400833.html)

In theory, rationalists like game theory, in practice, they need to adjust their priors. Real-life exchanges can be modeled as a prisoner’s dilemma. In the classic version, the prisoners can’t communicate, so they have to guess whether the other player will defect or cooperate.

Oh for the love of god.

‘Rationalists stop insisting that everything can be modeled as a prisoner’s dilemma’ challenge 2021

Imagine being so gullible to think that Scott is actually a profound innocent being, and writing up a whole screed going ‘the rationalists are so easily fooled’. There is a reason Scott earned over 3k a month on patreon (I think he deleted it (he did, only the list of people he supports on patreon is still up, including ESR, Quilette, Gwern and webdevmason (hope she disclosed that when she started to defend him on the twitter))), has a profitable substack and you have to use a voice distorter to talk about subjects on weird podcasts people have never heard off ya dingus.

Scott actually went out and made himself anti-fragile, and here this dingus is going ‘He is a Quokka’.

"Scott's just a babe in the woods" is the second or third line of a rhetorical defense in depth. The outer layer: "Where is there racism in the SSC community? Be precise plz." \[Interlocuter shows direct quotations.\] The next layer is usually, "Well, one or two racists in the community don't indicate a pattern." \[Interlocuter points to r/TheMotte.\] That's usually when you see, "Poor naïve Scott just didn't realize that a community of white supremacists was forming right under his nose."

Becoming physically strong is the cure for basically every mental illness in men, such as depression or philosophy. Frailty begets sophistry. Physical ugliness begets mental ugliness.


Arguments about epistemology, or about the meaning of life, these are questions for sick men. Only sick men look for the meaning of life, or for meaning in life, because true vitality justifies itself.

I don’t see how “all phylosophy is for sick men” follows from the fact that rationalism is not great.

I read through the whole thing waiting for some final conclusion about how rationalists are naïve or misguided, and I only get “gym good, nerds bad”. I am disappointed.

I’d argue the desire to become strong makes mental illness worse. Lot of fit men, like MMA fighters, have weird politics.

Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point.

*A time to weep, and a time to [laugh](https://i.redd.it/ws6hmf91sne31.jpg)*

Uh yeah, the first thing on this guy’s twitter is him quote tweeting an argument he started with an oat milk company because he was bizarrely offended by one of their cutesy ads.

I lurked a bit on this guy and his cohort’s TLs and observed a weird combo. They’re all one degree of separation/not really separated from vitriolic posts unironically denigrating women and people of color. At the same time, they’re weirdly, **explosively** indignant about any perceived slight on their masculinity. Not that uncommon of a combo on second thought but still. I guess it’s just something about the image of a grown, reasonably well-off man blowing up at some social media/marketing intern while cheering on his ghoulish followers to dogpile on this person for daring to *checks notes* make a living by selling them a vegan product. Like, yeah, Oatly co-opts veganism and animal rights to turn a profit but what is it about being against capitalism yet earning wages? Something something I am very smart? That’s not even their problem with it, though. They just love red meat and dairy and will twist themselves into knots to prove that their diets are biologically superior. I need more takes on why these people are such toxic man children. How tf do you even approach that level of utter shit?