r/SneerClub archives
Look at this massive nerd who thinks the Yudkowsky quote in the sidebar is there to earnestly advertise who we are (https://twitter.com/jimrandomh/status/1361384583405608960)

lmao they keep forcing the “mean bullies vs underdogs” thing. My man, you are the ones getting money from Peter Thiel and Jeffrey Epstein, all we got is a subreddit.

>13 comments Reminds me of the conservative Christian persecution complex. Seems like an adaptive memetic trait of cultish social groups.

Well it is just an internet rando, you can’t expect people not in the know of the community to understand how the sarcasm of the various LW/SSC/themotte/SC communities works.

“Long-time rationalist, currently working full-time on the software of LessWrong.” Ow. That is embarrassing (I’m going for embarrassing because outright calling him a dishonest liar would be pretty uncharitable).

Every time there is a controversy in Rationalism land Sneerclub gets blamed.

E: The 3k+ comments thing, that isn’t true, they are misreading the data, they read the ‘top subreddits by comment karma’ field and not the ‘top subreddits by number of comments’ field. See here feel free to ask for a retraction and public apology if you are feeling petty u/dgerard.

So, I will have to update my statement above, not embarrassing, fucking dishonest. (And to all the rationalists who read this, again, you have failed your own fucking standards of epistemology (yes, the site I linked is confusing, but remember that rationalists should ‘notice your confusion’, good job (and thanks for being weirdly specific about the 3606 posts, else it wouldn’t have bugged me enough to look it up)).

(Question, I edited in u/dgerard s username, does it still ping him?)

E2: Lol, he posted an update after I edited this (without mentioning I edited this which is lol (The cowardice, but also please don’t mention me by name, just say ‘somebody on sneerclub’ that is enough)). Don’t forget to also inform hackernews, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26149651

And if you don’t want to be a total coward James Babcock you should clarify that “the club attracts psychologically f’d-up people. Bullies, in a word” isn’t the words of Sneerclub itself, but the words of the man who pays you to develop his software (I’m assuming that lesswrong is paid by Yud).

According to that site, we are dgerard's "Lease wholesome content," so that's a thing.
His talk about butts is a lot more wholesome, comedy gold I might even say. (R/buttcoin)
> See here hm >you are >roger ver
? Wait no i get it. Yeah click on the 'roger ver'to see the context in which dgerard said that
this is jimrandomh, who first noted that Roko's idea was like a "basilisk".
I'm just amazed (yes im still amazed at this shit, im the real quokka) at how blatant the lying, dishonesty and manipulation is. A few sneers, and suddenly the 'ethical' people forget to mention that they are working for the people being sneered at, or don't properly publish retractions or etc. And I don't just mean jimrandomh here, when somebody posts in defence of scott/yud they always have at least a blog about rationality, and often also work for a related company. Also, so much DARVO.

“This is why there are persistent rumors that the rationality community is affiliated with neoreaction, HBD, and so on: because we’re nerds, and rumors make good weapons for bullies.”

no i think it has more to do with the raging persecution complex y’all cling to because it’s the only way you can feel valid in your identity

The thing that always bugs me is like, I guarantee by virtue of being online enough to be your adversaries, your adversaries are also humongous nerds. Like I have opinions on Star Wars EU novels, it's just I find your political programs noxious.
I always wonder if they're pretending to think we're jocks the same way we're pretending to be jocks, or if they're lying about us being jocks because they want sympathy or are mean or something, or if they're dumb enough to believe non-nerds would be pressed by rationalist bullshit.
what do we want? NERD RIGHTS when do we want it? NOW

They always victimize themselves as nerds.

Thiel, Musk, Zuck: It doesn’t matter how many billions they have. People are mean to them because they have idiosyncratic mannerisms and speech!

Oh, did we mention we’re working on a plan to replace Earth’s gene pool entirely with the genes of these three individuals?

I blame shit like *Revenge of the Nerds*, like, what do people expect when they put out movies about how nerds committing sexual assault is good, actually.

i only wish we had the influence rationalists think we do. it’s like the same as how the democrats would be better if they behaved in the way right wing media caricaturizes them

Is the rationality community affiliated with neoreaction, HBD, and so on?

No, it must be the sneerclub bullies

Personally I’d have used the word “dork” but that words too, the reason being traditionally a “nerd” would actually have checked, perhaps by clicking through to the link…

Read “SA” in the tweet as “Something Awful” and was confused.

Me too! I think I was primed by reading the old sneervey results which mentioned it.


I keep forgetting that this is a fanfiction forum!?