r/SneerClub archives
turns out a lot of people are one minority kid mugging them away from full on Nazism. - Scoots tl;dr (https://i.redd.it/1l5vna6gjyh61.png)

Unfortunately I think imagining getting mugged is enough to get a lot of these people there

[You are god damn right.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knockout_game) (There was a period where people were getting really really freaked out about this satanic panic variant, and blaming 'urban youths' for it).

I think most people who haven’t thought about these things because they’re “not important” end up in an ideology on a purely reactive basis. And if you add that these injustices aren’t gonna be racism, because they’re white; aren’t gonna be sexism, because they’re male (etc. etc.); then you’re really setting yourself up such that you can only be pushed in one direction.
