r/SneerClub archives


No judgment here; I am just interested.

I’m a trans nerd. I was assigned jock at birth.

how dare you force me to accept your ontology, this is literally 1984

neither; I am a Lady of Delicate Constitution


As I am not a graduate from a US high school, I require a definition of these terms. EXHAUSTIVE, if you’d be so kind.

Me neither, but I believe it is Nerd good jock bad
Please no judgements, this is a scientific poll.
Thank you for the pointer
Thanks adjusting my priors accordingly.
Just as witches are determined by measuring if they float. You determine who is a nerd by asking yourself 1 question. Does it fit in a locker.

the results are 82% nerd… how shocking

Huh, 82% nerds and 18% liars. Like lol I don't care if you lift or play basketball on the weekends. If you so much as lurk here, you're a nerd. I don't make the rules, but I do enforce them.
The more interesting question is how much this differs from Reddit’s average user base. My guess is that 82% is a bit low.
reddit is a social media platform like any other, but with a tendency to prefer nerds. i'd estimate it around 75%

If I were French, I’d be a Jacques


This was asked on the sneervey and the answer was solidly nerd.

First of all, it’s jock. I just dabble in playing dwarf fortress.

I consider the tabletop player to be the jocks of nerds, and DMs to be the team captains.
I'm a thoughtleader among the jocks, a glorious distinction. My barbarian is minmaxed (for damage).

i’m sexy

is console jockey a nerd or jock?