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logically, the highest IQ people would be selected for the first space colonies (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/liyxrs/the_article_that_killed_slatestarcodex/gnm4me8/?context=2)

Maybe they should prove their high IQ by working hard, becoming experts in their field, working diligently, and proving that they are devoted to helping out the first space colonies, rather than some test you take when you’re a fucking elementary schooler that gives you a superiority complex for the rest of your pathetic worthless life.

I’m more interested in what you scored on the Quizzilla “Which Sailor Moon Character Are You?” quiz than I am in your IQ, and for the record, I got Mars.

> I'm more interested in what you scored on the Quizzilla "Which Sailor Moon Character Are You?" quiz than I am in your IQ, and for the record, I got Mars As a representative of Elon musks memeteam, i have good news, this comment made musk laugh and as such you are preappoved to get one (1) free non refundable ticket to mars. Send no more than one enail with your personal details to freeticket at goingtomarsmotherfucker.musk
One-way, of course
[Guess what](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W7c8QghPxk)
i got sailor moon so clearly i am more fit to lead than you.

Is it reasonable to say the people selected for these colonies would be the elite of their societies?

I’m pretty sure I saw on some show (note to rationalists, this is empiricism) that NASA chooses astronauts based on their ability to do dull, repetitive work with minimal error or variation under stressful and boring conditions. It’s the engineers on the ground who decide how to handle issues, and tell them via radio.

So while Motters may fulfill some of that criteria (dull, repetitive, hate going outside), that’s already the description of non-elite jobs on Earth. It’ll be a colony of workers initially, not Ubermensch elite.

Yeah that’s more or less true Hollywood romanticises astronauts - Tom Wolfe and Richard Nixon etc, all bare some responsibility here as well - but the main job of an astronaut is to push buttons, but in space Not to say they aren’t smart people, and the story of Apollo 13 demonstrates how much ability they can pull out of their arse in a pinch, not to mention various stories about events in for example the X-15 programme As for raw elitism: Chuck Yeager is famous for being the first pilot to fly both faster than the speed of sound, and indeed more than twice the speed of sound. Fair play. But he’s also less famous - albeit notorious in some circles - for fucking up test flights with the Lockheed NF-104 (a test plane for going into space) because he refused to listen to instructions from his engineers on the ground, thinking he was too smart and flying by the seat of his pants instead At that time the “dull, repetitive” gears were already the mainstay of the space programme so that grumpy old asshole never made it into space
>Hollywood romanticises astronauts - Tom Wolfe and Richard Nixon etc, all bare some responsibility here as well - but the main job of an astronaut is to push buttons, but in space On the other hand though, *cosmonauts* are all super cool, heroic, aweomely smart and attractive people.
See in the thread for my follow-up account of that
Even with Apollo 13, though, it was the engineers on the ground who improvised a way to adapt the command module's carbon dioxide scrubbers for the lunar module; they were given duplicates of everything that the crew had available to them, and worked out the solution in Mission Control. The crew still had a hell of a time, especially with the threat of imminent death hanging over them (and one of them suffering from an infection), but the basic premise is right: astronauts have a checklist for literally every single thing that they do. It's not Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock stuff, it's more like the spouse who gets sent to the grocery store with a shopping list.
Absolutely fair point, it isn’t Kobayashi Maru But some credit should go to the astronauts for inventive thinking
It's a weird job. There are so many qualified applicants and the programs are under so much scrutiny that the selection criteria can go way past typical credentials and include a bunch of half-baked stuff. Mary Roach mentioned that NASA would call up an applicant's friends or family, tell them that the applicant was going to be flying a trainer airplane for the first time the next day and ask if they wanted to ride along, and mark the applicant down if they declined because it demonstrated a lack of trust in the applicant's ability. There's a bunch of grueling tests of the actual astronaut skills and knowledge, psych tests, probably consideration of how likely the candidate would be to embarrass the program and a bunch of politicking. Your odds would be best if you decided you wanted to be an astronaut when you were six and planned your whole life around it from then on. You'll see astronauts who have racked up a bachelor's, master's, Ph.D and medical degree, to get a job where they'll basically use none of it and just train and do public outreach while they wait for their turn on the roller coaster. In terms of the job itself, anyone who could handle being a commercial saturation diver would probably be able to do it with training. They're basically astronauts of the ocean.
Another couple of semi-relevant factoids since I’m nerding out a bit here: One, the Soviet version of the space shuttle, Buran, which was unfairly labelled as a copy of the American version (it looked similar due to convergent design, if you want a better example of scientific espionage pick the hydrogen bomb), was only ever flown from the ground, without a crew Two, after the decline of the space shuttle programme the Soyuz capsule was until recently the only active way to get to the ISS; Elon Musk or rather Elon Musk’s employees managed to do it with their new thing in what amounts to a publicity stunt. The interesting thing about Soyuz is that even though in its early days it killed a fair few cosmonauts, the overall body count isn’t quite as high as cold warriors like to suggest: American astronauts heading for the ISS used and use the Russian/Soviet system on a regular basis because the system was iteratively updated when things went wrong. The American and Musk models are in direct contrast to that: they start with a vision and follow it through. Make of that what you will.
It was pretty much a copy, although better designed in some aspects. The space shuttle itself didn't make much sense as a civilian space vehicle, so the Russians figured it had to be serving some military purpose and built the Buran in response.
Copy isn’t the same as espionage, that’s all I need to point out

A motter visited sneerclub, and I didn’t want y’all to miss out on their wisdom.

The B Ark is technically named “Golgafrincham Ark Fleet, Ship B”. The Golgafrincham civilization hatched a plan to eliminate its society of its most useless workers, namely its service sector and its paper shufflers. The Golgafrinchans created a legend that their world was about to be destroyed and they needed to build three arks. In Ark A they would put all the high achievers, the scientists, thinkers, artists, and important leaders. In Ark C they would put all the blue-collar workers, the people that build and make things. In Ark B they would put everyone else: hairdressers, TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants.

The B Ark was constructed, loaded up, and launched first. However, it was automatically set for a collision course with Earth’s sun, to finally rid Golgafrincham of these twits. And naturally, no A or C ark was ever made.

And all was well and good on Golgafrincham, until everyone died of a plague from an un-sanitized telephone.

Why *hairdressers* all of jobs too? How are they on par with the others lmao
I'm guessing that Douglas Adams was not a fancy haircut kind of guy.
Kind of a sour and assholian take on hairdressers. Look at how people freaked out when they couldn't get a haircut during the pandemic. So, fuck you, Douglas Adams, you smug classist prick.
I thought they launched it into Earth and the Golgafrincham B peeps turned into...us
I wonder if there are bat sanitizers.
Baseball, cricket, or chiropteran?

Moldbug literally said he isn’t a white nationalist and that a nrx state would not be a white nationalist state as it would be full of high-IQ jews and Brahmins

He was literally doing the “it’s fine as long as it’s not white people” social justice strawman, but unironically in defense of Moldbug’s idea for an ethnostate.

These guys have such a poor grasp of leftist moral frameworks, their attempts to pass cogent arguments feel like a brute-force attack perpetrated by GPT-3.

For all their talk on Ideological Turing Test, not a single rationalist has ever passed it with regards to any socialist ideology.
Maybe even GPT-2. There was some straight-up word salad there that had me doubting.

“This paragraph is so stupid I’m banning you for it.”


wait, wasn’t this a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror joke?

I especially liked the ending.

Literally going galts gulch needs no normal workers. Poor Land, outmanouvered by Ayn.

(Claiming Land isnt a certain type racist is rich he literally had blog posts arguing for more racism in the world, not less (none of this space exp stuff, or neon racism or anything, nope just flat out, be more racist) trying to ‘well but this is a new form of racism checkmate’ is silly).

The 95% of grunt workers sent to the colonies can be chosen from people of average ability who regard themselves as superior for one trivial reason or another.
Every worker gets a report 'you are part of the top 1% in IQ, don't tell the others, their psych profile shows they would prob take petty revenge'. They will power the colony by running a special generator that runs on feelings of smugness.

“why is this SneerClub link linking back to a SneerClub post, something’s not … aha

the highest iq ppl are some of the biggest dumbasses I have ever seen

Can we just ban IQ tests? It seems like only eugenicists and racist hereditarians care about it

Sounds like the rationalists are volunteering for the B Ark to me.

I think the more important facility would be to work as a team in crowded, stressful environments. ‘Smart’ people can be prima donnas (and so can dumb people), so the ability to constructively get along in such a dangerous situation would be the importan…. oh, just saw the name of the sub. Nvr mnd.

BUT, I suspect Navy submariner evaluations would be the most pertinent to these enterprises.