r/SneerClub archives

Old one here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/awmvy2/sneervey_10_results/

It has not yet been long enough for me to forget how much work the first one was, so not in the immediate future.


i know you mean IQ but a rationalist i was talking to online once respected me for getting a 2370 on the SAT as a kid and then was disappointed when i explained that i still think it doesn't mean jack though because it's mostly just a measure of parental income and whether your public school was good a lot of rationalists don't want to accept that there are no real "accurate" tests of intelligence, and intelligence is a more complex concept than something like an IQ or SAT test could ever measure even if it were somehow perfected and the biases totally removed.
can't wait for the more cynical rationalists to call you out for virtue signalling your IQ lmao something something dark triad social predator something
hey now, the self-reporter sneervey proved definitively that we are only 9% evil. This is slander of Very Good people.