r/SneerClub archives

You are the poet brotherhood of Reddit City. (BTW, I love the banner I made after having navigated back to Reddit from a Twitter link on mobile. I don’t know why I can’t see it on my desktop. I love the face of a sneer) :P

Someone catch me up because I am a little stoned and feel like something really important happened hear to the “outsider academy” of Silicon Valley. Has the motte finally fallen?

Someone catch me up

Sneerclub’s plot to doxx Scott by way of orchestrating a NYT hitpiece has succeeded.

So happy to have been a mod of this subreddit this whole time and so can take credit for that. I can put this on my resume.

Scott forgot to finish the second half of a ‘don’t publish this’ pinky promise and his support for NRx, his attempts to make NRx more popular, his attempts to improve NRx, and his appreciation for NRx was proven. He still isn’t an NRx though somehow.

And for the rest what you missed, it was racism, a whole lot of racism, and a bit of sexism as a treat.

> his attempts to make NRx more popular, his attempts to improve NRx, and his appreciation for NRx was proven. He still isn't an NRx though somehow. This but unironically, says user @miniver of twitter: https://twitter.com/miniver/status/1362177543005036546?s=20 Owned by https://twitter.com/AkashaThorne/status/1362178055184154624?s=20 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EudtuJWVEAEDd9F.jpg
['fellow-traveller'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fellow_traveller) Unironically doing the 'but he has no membership card' thing. I hope this charity is also extended to 'people who post in sneerclub' vs 'sneerclubbers'. [I was right when I joked this about the guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/ll99n5/scott_siskind_admitted_fan_of_eugenics_and/gno6grn/), wrong that the changing of mind would go any deeper than skin deep.

The Grey Tribe was characterized by libertarian beliefs, atheism, “vague annoyance that the question of gay rights even comes up,” and “reading lots of blogs,” he wrote.

WTF is that middle thing. lol


It sure didn't take long to morph that "vague annoyance" into "pronouns are the mindkiller", did it?
i think that's when you don't believe in god
oh yes, annoyed at GOD because he's gay. Makes sense.

So is this substack weird? I found the closure of SSC kinda nice. It was good to not have that writing easily accessible. It’s unpleasant. (I feel like this is a safe space to say that.)

Wait did you hear about the email /u/queerbees?

I did not.
Omg omg best recent news https://twitter.com/arsonatdennys/status/1362153191102677001