r/SneerClub archives
new blog documenting the "Siskind Effect": When the Streisand Effect just isn't dumb enough for you (https://thesiskindeffect.tumblr.com/post/643415713308196864/repost-of-screenshots)

is it just me or does this person (I’m not sure if you, the reddit OP, are the same person as the tumblr OP) seem to genuinely believe that “white supremacy that includes Ashkenazi Jews is historically the default form of white supremacy” ??? that’s just… not true. the few times i’ve read stuff by white supremacists, it was clear the vast majority of them really hate jews

and I’m not saying that Jews can’t be racists or white supremacists! (Think of Ben Shapiro for instance). And there are definitely NRx types who think Ashkenazi Jews are “superior.” I’m more saying that the clear majority of neo-Nazis aren’t fans of Jewish people.

I just don’t see how this person can want to post a tweet that says “Much of the OG Nazi approach to governance is the result of Nazis being devoted readers of a thoughtful Jewish law blogger”??? The tumblr OP is really blaming the Jew for that? It just seems like they have some weird issue with Jews.

edit: replaced my paraphrase with actual quote

[Some white supremacists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Taylor) have no problems with jewish people. (Note I have not read that tumblr, I just wanted to point this out, a bit influential white supremacist who has no problems with jews, and welcomes them). E: That is not to say we shouldn't be careful with people saying anti-semetic things, and should show them the door.
"White" is such a weird and flexible concept, that's not surprising. Go back a century and Italians weren't considered "white" by said white supremacists. It's complicated, and very, very stupid.
I don't understand how Tumblr works so I'm not sure who is writing what, but I thought the siskind effect writer was trying to say it's silly for people to be like "how can a JEWISH person be a NAZI?"
Not me but I just checked and it doesn't say that > “white supremacy that includes Ashkenazi Jews” is historically the default form of white supremacy; That is very different and there's a link to a long thread by a historian that explains that sentence is more detail. https://twitter.com/grkraml/status/1277272509956661249?s=20
I read the thread you linked-- I understand it, but think it's being used in a sketchy way. I'm not disagreeing that Ashkenazi Jews are white-- I agree that Jews are white, I am white (and Jewish). I just think that this person on Tumblr seems weirdly fixated on the fact that Siskind and Yud are Jewish. I'm not saying that being Jewish makes them less racist. I'm trying to say that things like "Much of the OG Nazi approach to governance is the result of Nazis being devoted readers of a thoughtful Jewish law blogger" really set off alarm bells for me... do I understand what the historian means, yes, does it come off like "jews were nazis too/jews were behind nazism," also yes. I don't see how that actual quote is substantively different from how I paraphrased it.. Based on his argument, you could say that "historically the default form of white supremacy" includes Ethiopians and North Africans. That might be literally correct (in the 1800s), but in a modern context, it doesn't mean white supremacists consider North Africans white.
I didn’t read it as fixating on whether scott and yud are Jewish. It was responding to people who HAD fixated on that (tanadrin) and who were calling /u/dgerard antisemitic for his tweet saying Scott’s output’s tl;dr is 14 words. I think you may be having trouble distinguishing who wrote what in that incredibly long tumblr post
The thing is, that's not neccessarily true. Lots of white supremacists do give the middle-east and north africa some conditional "whiteness" status. (note: This neatly lets them approporiate ancient egypt and mesopotamia into whiteness...) Unless you use "whiteness" as synonym for "the dominant ethnic group" (which, tbf, works pretty well for the US, but far less well for many other places)