r/SneerClub archives
deranged scoots defender threatens twitter.com/Theophite into going private (https://i.redd.it/jua1dgxax4i61.png)

Probably better not to frame it this way in order to protect the tweeter, so I’m removing it

Don’t worry I did check with theophite before taking a screenshot that excluded the picture. He’s also gone public again. Nevertheless an understandable decision to make at the time
I’ll unremove it then, sorry that it’ll get less traction
It’s all good no big deal

But wait, weren’t they taking the position that doxxing was the worst thing you could do?

No but you see the SJeWs broke the NAP so
Isn't collective punishment for individual transgressions a really Nazi way of thinking?

Available here: https://twitter.com/ArsonAtDennys/status/1362197846267744261

There was also a guy going round accusing Metz of abusing a girl.

These rationalists are getting nuts.

That's straight Scientology shit. Does the rational-o-sphere gave a word analogous to "suppressive person"?