r/SneerClub archives
In some ways, I confess, I really *don't* understand Evil. (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1362203854897516545?s=19)

Toss it on the pile of things Big Yud doesn’t understand.

OSHA would like a word about the stability of that pile.

This is all so much DARVO. ‘hey scott admits being neoreactionary pusher’ gets turned into all this (gestures vaguely at Sneerclubwasrightaboutscott-gate).

E: Yud: I’ve never been involved with NRx and have publicly called them fools and their ideas foolish. unrelated blast from the past.

E2: sorry I made a mistake and I apologize, I called it DARVO, and that is clearly wrong. The rationalists have effective abused it and just removed the D. And gone to full ARVO.

In popular science fiction novel Enders game, two bloggers pretend to have different politics than they actually do so they can argue influentially about politics, to help fight existential risk
Ah Orson Scott (WAIT Scott? Why are they all Scott? ARGH I feel like I'm losing my mind here, is there cosmically only one Scott without shitty opinions allowed to exist? That has to be the explanation, if there is a religion in the world saying this please point me to it, so I can convert on the spot (Subtext: I'm joking here, I'm not losing my mind)) Card was right about that, lets see what other opinions he had which he might be right about. /me checks Cards political opinions. Oh no... And yes, Enders Game prediction on the power of bloggers is funny (and so sad). But media manipulation like that is pretty common sadly. See how much the various types of alt-right alt-light love ['trust me im lying'](https://observer.com/2017/02/i-helped-create-the-milo-trolling-playbook-you-should-stop-playing-right-into-it/). This is imho part of why the open neoreactionaries called the LW community innocent and naive, they are playing into the NRx hands by talking about the NRx as something controversial (as do we (sneerclub), which is why I try to keep my sneering here, and not 'spread the word' esp as we didn't have definite proof of scott or yud being NRx. (That and because well, the line between commentary and harassment is easily crossed, leading easily to a distributed harassment attack, in which each individual can say 'I only said something once' but the combined efforts are certainly harassment (see also gamergate)), I do wonder how many NRx went 'omg, he IS one of us' yday.

The persecution complex deepens

but has he noticed that he is confused?

Yeah Yud, you are so above Evil that you couldn’t come up with a such a shockingly simple sentence. What a Good and Intelligent person.

Huh, so Evil is not trusting Yud’s judgment on who is or is not a bad person. If Yud thinks you’re a bad person and you distrust his judgement, I guess that’s QED you’re Evil.

You know that scene in Halloween where Donald Pleasence rants about seeing nothing but evil lying behind young Michael Myers’ eyes? Yud’s version of that moment was learning some people don’t like his friend.

>all my examples came out sounding way more mentally healthy than this.

this feels like projection, is he okay?

> is he okay? No.

God these people are snowflakes if I’ve ever seen one!

You could fill a closet with the things he understands.

Didn’t he write a giant fanfic about Harry Potter?

Granted, Rowling isn’t the greatest of writers, but in her portrayals of characters such as Umbridge she at least paints evil with a broad brush. Or is Umbridge a sympathetic character in his version?

It isn't about hate, or evil. It is a rhetorical trick. He has reduced the legit criticism of Scott which people in the community have been dismissing for ages to hate. Because dismissing criticism doesn't resolve it at all, it remains. Which makes it easy to label as hate. He should hate a close friend/ideological ally, who is tarnishing his lifes work by trying to promote, improve, and agrees with (parts of) neoreaction, by lying about his true beliefs, and who also willfully was releasing infohazards/socialhazards into his own community, against his direct remarks that he doesn't like NRx. The question remains, is the rethorical trick intentional, or is it a way for Yud to release the cognitive dissonance. Iirc Yud has always been against NRx. (But yes, the Rationalist community does have a fascination for the 'dark side', as shown by all the NRx/MRA's/etc who setup shop in LW at first (but who seem to have mostly left). I'm ignoring what Yud wrote in HPMOR, as that is fiction (based on an already troubled work) which I don't think is great evidence).
Let's really simplify it. It's about identifying Enemies who are Less Than Human. He has sympathy for his friend who has sympathy for a group he doesn't deign to acknowledge are on the fascist fringe. The slippery slope being laid bare means it's time to circle the wagons, and definitely not discuss the slope and why we and our friends are on it in the first place.
just another way those Rationalists(TM) aren't really rational at all when you get right down to it
Umbridge isn't in his fanfic. iirc he read the first three books and skimmed wikis and fanfic for the rest, so maybe he didn't think she was necessary? Idk Voldemort, on the other hand, *is* in his fanfic and EY *tries* his absolute best to make him sympathetic, but mostly ends up just waxing poetic over a fascist every chance he gets
She is actually, she's in the wizengamot scene.
oh cool, as Generic Evil Minion of the System No. 121 then. good to see his in-depth research paid off
It takes place solely in the first year when she wasn't a relevant character
>Didn't he write a giant fanfic about Harry Potter? Yes, he did, and here's everything wrong with it, and then some: https://danluu.com/su3su2u1/hpmor/