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I asked the mods right after the lock. The reply was:

My understanding is that posting leaked content is one of the things which gets subreddits banned.

Separately, it’s also a culture war thing, especially given the framing, and we generally do not host culture war discussions.

TIL eugenics = culture
what a cop out
The important takeaways could easily be paraphrased and people could talk about it then. But that isnt even given as an option. [E2: sorry, I wasn't cynical enough, I have 24h later seen people argue that paraphrasing is actually bad and cannot be done properly at all without bias (which if generalized just destroys a lot of Scotts writing)] They are just going to memory hole this, like the ~~swjs~~ soviets cutting people out of pictures. E: at least Yud massively overreacted to the leaks, that is how you know it is important. Like how important it is to listen the temporal waves coming back from the future created by the basilisks, all hail the basilisks. Praise the TITANS.
this is Topher's Basilisk

The kind of “eugenics” he is in favor of has nothing to do with this, and should properly be called “medicine”.

Sure, but to the general public, that is what eugenics means.

There’s an insight to be found here

It’s pretty common in these circles for people to have a very skewed impression of what “the general public” thinks

I’m not just pointing out the inherent elitism implied by the quotes, I’m pointing to the fact that that elitism is itself interestingly circular insofar as the elitists themselves assume they’re actually at the top of the human pyramid, and do so because of a very specific culture they’ve bought into

Can’t win for losing, I guess.


Where did the big thread from yesterday go? Is it archived lol?

free speech!!!!!

After all these years I still fail to see the difference between the buzz words ‘hbd’ ‘eugenics’ etc… and good old Darwin. How do all these people think life works?

Good points brought up here. If you assume that IQ is real, that it is meaningful, that it varies significantly according to race, and that we should make higher IQ a policy goal regardless of ethics, then really shouldn’t we obfuscate all this by lumping it in with other types of selection?