r/SneerClub archives

There’s this fundamental irony I’ve observed in that people in the rationalist community seem to be averse to self-awareness and actually applying any of the things they learn about related to critical thinking on themselves, in a critical, real way. As someone here in this subreddit pointed out, they’re completely incapable of understanding subtext if it’s not explicitly laid out. There’s this systematic failure in reasoning that is just a massive blindspot.

How many of the rationalists’ lives have actually been substantially benefitted? Aren’t they just basically reading insight porn and intellectually masturbating over regurgitated neologisms that their in group has come up with?

These random STEMlords are just becoming more and more socially inept absorbing the shittiest takes possible on social issues and not realizing that their contrarianism does not in fact make them more correct.

I wonder perhaps, if this subreddit is a representation of a sort of the amalgamation of those who have become self-aware enough to realize that a lot of the behaviors of the rationalist community are those of a cult that has deluded themselves into thinking they’ve done something interesting with rationality, rather than practice the behaviors of actual critical thinkers.

I wonder what it would be like to see a timelapse of the radicalization of some of these people. As we can see from the clear white supremacist/racialist tanglings in some of these communities that’s become evermore obvious over the years. Just have a look at some of the commenters on the original slatestarcodex site or what one finds for ‘discussion’ in the culture war archives.

Let’s do an analysis of this subreddit to explore some more of these musings empirically using subredditstats. https://subredditstats.com/r/sneerclub https://subredditstats.com/r/slatestarcodex

Here are the most frequently used words in this subreddit compared to baseline frequencies across reddit.com

rationality (458.6) neoliberalism (191.1) doxxing (191.1) insufferable (163.8) dystopia (137.6) neoliberal (114.7) economists (114.7) ssc (98.3) malaria (91.7) earnestly (91.7) reproducing (91.7) bourgeois (91.7) meritocracy (91.7) courtroom (91.7) debunking (86) hysteria (86) intellectually (83.4) worldview (76.4) self-awareness (76.4) pinker (76.4) impeachment (76.4) benevolent (76.4) gracefully (76.4) ’it (76.4) racists (76.4) geniuses (76.4) contrarian (76.4) dox (76.4) philosopher (71.7) libertarians (70.6) rational (69.2) feminists (68.8) fascists (68.8) centrist (68.8) revolutions (68.8) economist (65.5) minuscule (65.5) hijacked (65.5) neverending (65.5) skepticism (65.5) misogynist (65.5) thinkers (62.5) empirical (62.5) amirite (62.5) reactionary (61.2) right-wing (60.3) but: (57.3) argues (57.3) ecological (57.3) supremacist (54.6) atheism (54) abusers (52.9) profoundly (51) empowering (51) context=3 (51) philosophers (49.1) merits (49.1) singularity (49.1) fascist (47.4) politicalcompassmemes (45.9) 2015: (45.9) ’free (45.9) insistence (45.9) debunked (45.9) 294 (45.9) associating (45.9) indictment (45.9) storied (45.9) illusory (45.9) snowballs (45.9) mockery (45.9) masquerading (45.9) groups: (45.9) underpants (45.9) imgflip (45.9) averse (45.9) darkweb (45.9) sicko (45.9) marketwatch (45.9) self-reflection (45.9) racially (45.9) unherd (45.9) brags (45.9) sterilization (45.9) cummings (45.9) harrowing (45.9) scissor (45.9) disproportionate (45.9) endorses (45.9) fact-checking (45.9) overhyped (45.9) upper-middle (45.9) autist (45.9) heinous (45.9) alt-right (45.9) disprove (45.9) probabilities (45.9) slays (45.9) supplementing (45.9) nonchalantly (45.9)

And here are the top keywords in r/slatestarcodex

pseudonym (1155.8) doxx (990.7) substack (704.3) hypotheses (433.4) doxing (361.2) 22: (346.8) salient (337.1) bloggers (289) doxxing (282.1) epub (260.1) nootropics (260.1) inoculation (260.1) experiential (260.1) spearheaded (260.1) diplomatically (260.1) subcultures (260.1) 17: (260.1) 25: (260.1) kerfuffle (216.7) reorganization (216.7) blogging (202.3) priors (202.3) journalistic (185.8) tradeoffs (185.8) blogger (180.6) altruism (177.3) purported (173.4) university’s (173.4) inhibited (173.4) blog: (173.4) permissive (173.4) dampened (173.4) tantalizing (173.4) crossword (173.4) defectors (173.4) dissident (173.4) disinfecting (173.4) heyday (173.4) completeness (173.4) 594 (173.4) deepfakes (173.4) text-based (173.4) irreversibly (173.4) internet: (173.4) history’s (173.4) harmonious (173.4) disruptions (162.5) oversaw (162.5) en_us (157.6) plausibly (153) comparably (144.5) ’real (144.5) columnist (144.5) 21: (144.5) low-hanging (144.5) refrained (144.5) axioms (144.5) deposition (144.5) chastised (144.5) admittance (144.5) deservedly (144.5) novelist (144.5) pre-emptively (144.5) deliberation (144.5) confounding (144.5) formulating (144.5) circadian (144.5) monetizing (135.5) paywalled (133.4) newsletters (130) taboos (130) rigor (127.5) affirms (123.8) possibilities: (123.8) all-out (123.8) scotts (123.8) illusory (123.8) dissemination (123.8) violinist (123.8) predictability (123.8) mask-wearing (123.8) able-bodied (123.8) levies (123.8) low-risk (123.8) 16: (123.8) externalities (123.8) nitpicks (123.8) ushered (123.8) lot: (123.8) rest: (123.8) hand-in-hand (123.8) crucially (123.8) brevity (118.2) analytic (118.2) typography (118.2) survey: (115.6) rationality (114.4) publishes (113.1) halve (108.4) vocational (108.4)

And here r/TheMotte:

roundup (98) rhetoric (89) viewpoint (86.1) conformity (71.3) imply (67.8) tribal (65.6) broadly (65.6) praising (60.2) sarcasm (59.1) refrain (59.1) proposals (56.9) precise (54.3) encouraging (53.4) welfare (50.8) highlighting (45.3) post: (43.8) represented (43.8) motivating (42.2) divide (41.9) selecting (41.3) explicitly (40.5) criticize (39.7) widely (39.1) compile (33.8) enforce (33.4) dynamics (33.3) consistency (33.3) vaguely (32.9) readings (31.5) justify (31.3) tendency (31.1) directed (29.9) ethnic (29.2) opposing (29) titled (28.8) tens (28) defined (27.1) territory (26.3) controversial (25.6) principles (25.3) 02 (24.9) infrastructure (24.8) 03 (24.7) journalists (24.5) mortality (24.5) societies (24.1) 09 (23.9) consensus (23.2) aims (23) authorities (22.8) parallels (22.8) containment (22.8) contributor (21.9) corporations (21.9) highlight (21.1) technological (21) discussions (20.8) cooperation (20.4) epidemic (20.4) nytimes (20.4) engaging (20.1) on: (20) country’s (20) cultural (20) ought (19.9) democracy (19.7) conclusions (19.7) wikipedia (19.3) populations (19) sacrifices (19) terrorism (19) immigration (18.8) migration (18.8) institutions (18.7) include: (17.8) arguments (17.7) provides (17.5) journalist (17.5) notably (17.5) secular (17.5) richer (17.5) 2010s (17.5) elected (17.5) plausible (17.5) radically (17.5) perceive (17.5) liberals (16.8) newspaper (16.3) casualties (16.3) precisely (16.3) -– (16) discusses (16) discourage (16) generate (16) cynical (15.8) cavalry (15.8) occupy (15.8) favorable (15.8) scrutiny (15.8) principle (15.8)

Perhaps the most fascinating thing, is the accelerated vehicle for ideation that the internet has allowed. What will come of this experiment from another 20 years? I predict more and more radicalization as we are thrust into more and more niche idealogue groupings. But who knows?

In any way, these specific few communities are relatively inconsequential in the greater scheme of things, so I would not take it too seriously.

“Hey dude who wrote this… go outside” I would like to, but there is a plague, unfortunately.

I am curious as to all of your thoughts on this, fellow random strangers on the internet, I don’t really even know where to begin with the sheer bruh-ness of it.

a lot of the behaviors of the rationalist community are those of a cult that has deluded themselves into thinking they’ve done something interesting with rationality

Pretty much, yeah. It appeals strongly to people who want to feel superior and who figure their best basis for pulling that self-deception off is on intellectual grounds. It also attracts people who just innocently want to practice not fooling themselves, which might be the most amazing contradiction I’m aware of in internet culture. The community is dominated by people marketing themselves as smart because of how they think, while masking the reality that they’re actually starting from the axiom that They Are Smart and then building a facade to prop up that image. Lots of people get fooled by that until they either fall into the same trap or realize they’re in a circlejerk and become disaffected.

Their ability to repeat good advice on how to not be irrational while utterly failing to apply it where it really matters - to themselves - is incredible. And yet it’s fairly easy to explain: pure ego.

> But Big Yud is such a spud he laid a dud, and that dud's name is Scott Alexander, who ought to have known better since he is, in theory, college educated.) I will never not be amazed that Scott's degree before medicine was philosophy.
Wait really? I wonder what his philosophy profs thought of his writing style.
“I said eight to ten pages! How fucking long *is* this thing?”
"I think he wrote 8^10 pages"
his mask-off tweet on why always to say in a million words what you could say in fourteen
damn I was hoping this was a real thing (or is it?)
i know some philosophers & have hung around more. i'm not amazed ;)
> Like goddamn fuckers read a single book on cults as you form this group book study online, and you could have avoided the problem of being a cult. Nah, they read books about cults, to borrow ideas on how to be more effective. Some actually even went to attend scientology meetings. And no they didn't reinvent from scratch shit like asking new recruits to share the most embarrassing stories about themselves.
Thanks for the nice summary at the end
> I don't think it's flattery to say that most people here are probably more intelligent than average. excuse you, this is a jock subreddit. no smart people allowed. (eloquent himbos are borderline.)
I'm sorry, but lets look at intelligence, according to wikipedia it is: "it can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context." As sneerclub was way ahead on in detecting 'hey this Scott is a neoreactionary' and 'hey they are bad', we are better at inferring information than the lesswrong cult. We also have a dazzeling information retention ability. Any post made by a lesswronger a decade ago which is in retrospect evidence for the NRx/Bad people thesis. We can remember it, and we don't need some sort of ['master list of (counter)arguments'](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/10/30/new-atheism-the-godlessness-that-failed/) which the rationalists think is some form of good discourse. We don't need that, we just store the information in our IQ muscles. So, [Look at us rationalists, we are the high IQ intellectuals now](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/look-at-me-im-the-captain-now)
>Like goddamn fuckers read a single book on cults as you form this group book study online, and you could have avoided the problem of being a cult. I know this isn't literally what happened, but one gets the feeling that someone in that group read a book on cults and thought it was a great handbook. Obviously that's not what happened, actual cults spring out of the narcissism, fragile egos, and manipulative instinct of would be cult leaders. But still.
> I know this isn't literally what happened, but one gets the feeling that someone in that group read a book on cults and thought it was a great handbook. "With my superior intellect and genes, I ought to have a bevy of my own concubines. Perhaps this book contains the solution to my dilemma."
hmmm idk if I would say he needs a liberal arts degree. As someone who has a liberal arts degree myself, I think they really vary from place to place and are hurt by the fact that there is little to no universal curriculum. I'm not a fan of the rationalists, but I think university culture and academia can sometimes get similarly cultlike and circular in its logic. Any time you have people trying to fit a cookie-cutter norm and belong to a group, people are gonna do illogical things in order to conform.
I am pretty sure that Yud didn't, in fact, start a cult \*by accident\*.

Back when I was a more anxious person, my approach to philosophy was heavily inspired by mathematical models. I’d look at human interactions as economic models and conduct cost/benefit analysis on relationships. It certainly seemed helpful at the time, and definitely led me to break up with my very self-centred ex, which was a good thing in that at that time me being a worthy person deserving of better was hard, but me looking at the value of a social contract of mutual benefit was doable. Definitely a place I was glad to have grown from, but definitely a kind of functional at the time.

The whole rationalist ethos strikes me as coming from that kind of place. They get lost in metrics because if the numbers appear to add up then it must be true. They stroll towards fascism and they don’t have access to the reflexive horror that should come from looking at oppression, they just look at a giant imaginary column of numbers and come to the conclusion that, say, breeding out stupidity through enforced sterilisation is a net positive in the long run so let’s support eugenics.

If you can’t identify your own humanity and the humanity of others then it’s all just playing with numbers. Similarly, if potential and actual can be played with in the same way, you end up with dumb ideas like the Basilisk. For the D&D nerds it’s very much a high int low wis situation. Give or take the high int.

Great post. Just to add a correlate, a low int high wisdom situation might be your grandmother, something Nicholas Taleb talks about (he dubs this as the “ludic fallacy” , or the nerd being unable to distinguish between risks taken in a controlled game environment like a casino and risks taken in real life, the outside the casino) in Fooled By Randomness.


| ARGLE-BARGLE 31,493 -0.38% ▼ | FOOFARAW 3,712 +0.15% ▲


unfortunately they practice the biases

How many of the rationalists’ lives have actually been substantially benefitted? Aren’t they just basically reading insight porn and intellectually masturbating over regurgitated neologisms that their in group has come up with?

There’s an occasional genre of LessWrong post where someone posts saying “this is achieving nothing, I’m leaving” or a dying wizard details at length how hilariously failed the whole subculture is at achieving anything.

These random STEMlords are just becoming more and more socially inept absorbing the shittiest takes possible on social issues and not realizing that their contrarianism does not in fact make them more correct.

Dont worry, Scott noticed

And of course, the issue he has is the image. Not the substance.
He has to make neoreaction more accessible to the masses. Else we end up in idioracy land. Cant let the useless eaters breed after all.
Maybe an unkind question but how do dudes like Al Siskind square "selective breeding and sterilization will improve society" with how manifestly *unfit* they themselves are by their own bogus standards? Like, the whole reason he has an audience and sway is because a bunch of guys and a few gals have the free time (time freed by others' labour and decision-making) to sit around and idly chat about stuff. Which says something about how necessary they, specifically, are to the functioning of human industry and society. It just seems like a serious hurdle to clear if you want to set yourself up as the voice of "we should make those unproductive pieces of shit get their tubes tied so the rest of us can get to work doing something IDEK"
Perhaps he has no desire for kids? Or well, a bit heart can take a few hits for the team (the team being the whole of flowering of interstellar gigahumanity). I don't see that as strange tbh. Him being pro NRx actually clears up that question for me. Before I found it odd that he didn't go after themotte (esp as a group of them are not neoreactionaries, but honest 'jews control everything' neo-nazi types). The long term end justifies the means, esp when you think that your methods of nice friendly rationality will cause people to eventually come out on top. (It prob is a lot easier to convert a neo-nazi to neoreaction than a progressive to neoreaction). E: there could also be the ur-facism thing, nr 11 'Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”' But that is more in general terms for the (why join a group who wants to harm you), it doesn't apply here.
> The long term end justifies the means, esp when you think that your methods of nice friendly rationality will cause people to eventually come out on top. I agree with that side of it, does seem like one of the bigger undercurrents of the rational big boys. The idea that, in the long run, everything else can/will be winnowed away leaving your own beliefs as the unambiguous winner is an appealing one. But like, not having biological or potentially even intellectual heirs seems like a serious weakness on this side of it. They think "well if we're the controllers it'd be fine", but they have to know what fickle tools these are and the legendary failure of "smart" people to ever be in charge of anything. Unscrupulousness has won out every time, as can be seen in the RBB society itself.
The evil robot's guide on not sounding like an evil robot.


doxXx: the return of xander cage
Do xxx, the rationalists porn parody. 2 hours of naked people talking about how much better they are at fucking than the evil jocks. Rated G.

first thing that comes to mind is that “rationalists” is not a new thing, right, they didn’t come up with that general “mindset”: since the dawn of… idk, at least engineering; it was noticed that some people have engineer-brains , they can be very smart when it comes at tinkering with things but are a bit awkward in social interactions/don’t have profundity as readers of poetry etc . in recent years the concept of autism spectrum popped up and explained engineers somewhat… hm. yea, so i guess some “rationalists” for some reason put a lot of effort to divert from their cognitive “dead angle”… they feel there are some forces at play outside their grasp , try to address it but can’t, maybe its not out of deceitfulness , maybe its more like they are 2d figures operating in a 3d world and don’t have the tools to get the big picture. they want to be intellectually honest, transparent, generous etc … but don’t have what it take to understand a crucial part of the human experience and living in a society , let alone solve complex problems that get generated by all that.

it’s a very specific kind of “insight porn” too. the insight is never about music. it’s never about poetry or theater or an actual spiritual conviction someone felt. It’s never about a work of great literature or visual art. when these dunces barf out “insights” about art they sound like sniveling teens who are mad their mom made them come to the art museum instead of staying in the car and playing match-3 games on their phone.

The art of the ruined city in the background is some of my fave of the disaster genre. Way too many others lavish attention and detail on the exact means and effects of decay, when the impression is all you need.

Aren’t they just basically reading insight porn and intellectually masturbating over regurgitated neologisms that their in group has come up with?

As a person who was an aspiring rationalist many years ago, yes.

I’m a bit too underinformed/lazy to get what I’m supposed to take away from those tag clouds; could you help a brother out?

Think of it as, you're looking at a memesphere, a language and ways of meaning making from a birds-eye view. These are the types of words used to frame ideas in each community, the highest frequencies of which can tell you something about the identity and patterns of the individuals that compose them. It's of course, not an explicitly laid out thing, and probably if you haven't immersed yourself in those communities long enough, it will be hard to make any sense of it.
In short, these are people who use these words a lot. Imagine someone like that and why they might use those words and topics regularly, and you have some idea of what's going on. It certainly helps if you know some about these communities beforehand. It's even better at adding definition to a picture than forming it.
It's like tea leaves.

How many of the rationalists’ lives have actually been substantially benefitted? Aren’t they just basically reading insight porn and intellectually masturbating over regurgitated neologisms that their in group has come up with?

Honestly, you see a lot of this in a lot of communities nominally aimed at self improvement, although I’ll admit that usually whatever harm is caused tends to be more localized.

In the more traditional group therapy context, you’ll regularly see situations where people have breakthroughs about past traumas and experiences. Sometimes these are legitimate, and I don’t want to dismiss that, but you’ll also notice cases where someone seems to have the same breakthrough repeatedly. At a certain point you have to ask: is this actually helping you? Are you learning, or are you just having “breakthroughs” (scare quotes purposeful) for positive group reinforcement?

Back to the rationalists, I think that a lot of this is faux continual self improvement for the sake of group approval, which is why they tend to regurgitate the same stuff. For most people under most circumstances, the level of consistent self improvement they talk about is simply not sustainable. It’s not that improvement, even in the area of bias self-awareness, isn’t possible; it’s that it comes in random bits and spurts around life availability and experience. You can’t just sit down to a blog every week and magically get the same percentage better in any metric week over week; life does not actually work that way.

“Unfortunately, the only way to find out is to experiment and take risks, that is to say, to live life, rather than to adhere to any normative measure of what constitutes a healthy, rational psychology’ of the individual.” -Otto Rank, ‘Beyond Psychology’ (I paraphrased it myself, but please read it for yourself as well)