r/SneerClub archives
Scott Siskind comments under real name in 2014 fawning over HBD crank Jayman and describing a review by scientist Jennifer Raff as a "race-denialist hatchet job", putting lie to his entire song and dance about "doxxing". Pretty clear that it's negative coverage that he had a problem with. (https://twitter.com/ArsonAtDennys/status/1363324455959883777)

Listen, your clinical psychiatrist should be able to post anonymously on the internet without it affecting his business. Free speech is important.

Ok, listen, your clinical psychiatrist should be able to develop a pseudonym on the internet and develop a massive following, as long as you can’t google his real name and connect it to the blog one. Free speech is important.

Ok, ok, listen, listen, your clinical psychiatrist should be able post about race science under his own name while yelling “it doesn’t count” seven years later when the consequences could impact his business and and free speech and and ….

[looking forward to the next position of the goal post]


Plot thickens... https://web.archive.org/web/20141001072514/http://raikoth.net/ So apparently he also claimed it wasn't him. Like some "former patient" would smear his name by responding to precisely the kind of extremely obscure racist shit that he'd recommend in a private email.
Maybe someone was smearing his name by endorsing MetaMed. It's like inception.
I still think that, while it’s not *the* darkest story I’ve heard about that crowd, it’s still somehow the most darkly funny story to come out about Siskind
Yeah considering we know Scott reads and considers JayMan's blog to be legitimate this is a pretty tough excuse to accept.
The best smear, one that aligns precisely with the "smeared" person's actual beliefs, and is so obscure that it doesn't even pop up until said beliefs are leaked otherwise. Good thing he had been reading that racist blog and noticed the smear, or he would've been caught completely unaware more than 6 years later.
Researching obscure race science to own ~~the libs~~ your former psychiatrist
honestly my first thought seeing these comments was that "Goddamn man, fucking thanks for this" seemed a little too human to be scott's prose
> honestly my first thought seeing these comments was that "Goddamn man, fucking thanks for this" seemed a little too human to be scott's prose I thought so also. Plus they seem *way* too short.
If I was a former patient trying to smear his name I'd, like, straight up reference him reading the Turner Diaries or Main Kampf. Like, if even the supposed slander is this wimp "I'm not touching you" HBD flirting it's probably legit.
Yeah I mean the only way for a former patient to nail the guy's obscure interest would be for him to have recommended that to a former patient.
> Yeah I mean the only way for a former patient to nail the guy's obscure interest would be for him to have recommended that to a former patient. Nah, he might have had some patients who went to him *because* they found and liked his blog. In fact, he’s being blogging famously enough and for long enough that I’d guess he probably has had at least a few patients like that, because how could he keep them all out?
Except he was rather mask on then, apart from that comment he seem to have blamed on someone (we don't even know for sure if it's this particular comment that he's disowning). edit: Ultimately, the thing is, something that matches your viewpoint to the dot, and is posted so obscurely that it has essentially zero chance of actually smearing (and in actuality doesn't even come up until more than 6 years later that viewpoint becomes widely known)... it is not a smear. It fails the duck test.

Whoa. This was seriously my psychiatrist. He was very monotone but a nice dude and helped me out

His articles about psychopharmacology were pretty good, I can see that being the case.
Good to know. Reading some of his stuff now. Just started following this sub a week or so ago and was caught off guard just scrolling down then seeing my old psychiatrists name. Went to him in 17-18.
From what people say he seems to be a very friendly nice guy irl, so I can certainly see how that would help with therapy. So good to hear. Just sad he holds a few weird opinions in private/online.
imo it's the most astonishing thing about him. his blog posts screaming about how feminists want to personally murder him would make me think of a basement-dwelling maladjust, but everybody says he's a normal-seeming guy in person. how does he manage to completely hide his weirdo views in real life when he's an extremely offputting dipshit on his blog?
And yes that.
I think there several reasons, first, 90% of his blog posts are not about this shit. Second, people want to like and be liked by people they look up to, parasocial relationships. Third, eventually people get via the debates on it, or peer pressure pressured into believing, or ignoring the bad stuff. Forth, a lot of what he has written is about acting in good faith, assuming good faith, being nice, not pulling out the bad rethorical tricks, listening to people you disagree with etc etc. This primes people for ignoring the bad stuff he has said, or interpreting as joking around. Fifth, this ties into the banality of evil (ow god, I'm ready to get flack for that(*)), Scott seems to be a nice rather boring dullish guy, and people don't expect that from him. People expect a shouting crazy person like Richard Spencer, or an utter weirdo who talks in complex riddles, like Moldbug. *: See that? That was an Alexandrian Retorical Move, the ARM lets you say despicable things (['the banality of evil'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eichmann_in_Jerusalem#The_banality_of_evil)) about somebody and get away with it by noticing it is despicable, by noticing your own shock. (This is in fact a double ARM, by explaining it, I did it twice!). Small example of 'jokes which might not be jokes' are the recent one from the email leaks, which I assume people are familiar with. But lets also look at what Scott had to say en reaction to his debate with [Arthur Chu](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/02/23/in-favor-of-niceness-community-and-civilization/) (who's recent righteous twitter rants on the subject have been pretty good (create links to threads Chu!)): > The respectful way to rebut [Arthur]’s argument would be to spread malicious lies about [Arthur] to a couple of media outlets, fan the flames, and wait for them to destroy his reputation. Then if the stress ends up bursting an aneurysm in his brain, I can dance on his grave, singing: >"I won this debate in a very effective manner. Now you can’t argue in favor of nasty debate tactics any more" > I’m not going to do that, but if I did it’s unclear to me how [Arthur] could object. Like, it is a joke, a hyperbole but also, 'here is what I would do if I wasn't so nice'. Now that you have been primed by my post to see this as iffy, you see it as iffy, but when first read (esp if you have not been keeping up to date on the whole drama (and how could you, half of it was on facebook)) it seems reasonable. And a few days before [he posted](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/02/20/effects-of-vertical-acceleration-on-wrongness/): > Whenever someone sneers “Evidence-based medicine? You wouldn’t demand a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of PARACHUTES, would you?” I feel a strong urge to use them as the control group in my double-blind parachute experiment. > Of course, deep down inside I know that this would be morally wrong. Groups need to be determined by random assignment. (Yes that was the whole article). Just casually 'joking' about throwing people out of airplanes without parachutes, he is lucky the 'throw lefties out of a heli' meme only started to show up a year later, else this would have also been a dogwhistle. But back to the article, notice that out of the 16 comments, nobody calls him out on this. (It was even posted in a friday fun thread, because your dear leader joking about killing people who are making basic logical mistakes is fun). And yes, the last three examples have been made to prime people into looking again when Scott is casually joking about murdering people he disagrees with (ARM).

Asking a person clearly heavily on one side of the issue to point him toward “unbiased sources”… i think there’s a word for that but it’s slipping my mind… something to do with being less incorrect?

Less wrong? Overcoming bias?
Bias... That’s it!!

The hits keep coming and they dont stop coming

can't stop won't stop

Has Scott said anything at all about the massive amount of damaging information that’s bubbled up recently, or is he just sitting back and listening to “You’re the Devil in Disguise” while his reputation outside his diehard fans goes to shit?

Nothing publicly. His last twitter reply was within half an hour of Topher releasing the email 4 days ago. Didn't comment on it on his recent substack articles either that I know of.
it's actually doxxing to say that this ever happened
In the future, degrees will be published using cryptographic certificates signed with the private keys of both the graduate and the university. This way, you can have anonymous and trustless verification of qualifications. This will be all paid for using a small amount of BTC, of course. Only the people you trust (those you shared your pubkey with) will know that you *earned* an MSc in Well-Actually Studies from Prager University.
This comment is so extremely cursed. Someone call Mirowski.

I mean, it’s not-at-all strange that he didn’t want to bring his real name into the mix when this would obviously trigger a movement to bring up all admonishable things he has said in the past.

I’ve never been a fan of science on intelligence, and I see people talking about the topic as a big, red flag that they are probably terrible people. If you are a member of Mensa, you are likely to be unpleasant and racist/sexist. Because having ‘intelligence’ as part of your identity means you are insecure at your very core. I recommend Jamie Loftus’ podcast My Year in Mensa for an introduction to its … interesting culture.

That said, I think it’s a very bad idea to let right-wingers enjoy a near-monopoly on the topic. Left-wingers have the advantage that they take science seriously and that they are (usually) more willing to explore the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding various topics rather than latch on to a black-and-white interpretation of things. For instance: you can’t separate nature and nurture. It’s inherently murky. The MAOA-L genotype (dubbed “the warrior gene”) has been associated with violent behavior in certain contexts. Right-wingers jumped on this to paint Māoris as inherently violent because a study with a small sample size found that this gene was expressed at a higher-than-average level. We need left-wingers who are willing to explain why this is bad science and morally abhorrent, and that can only happen if they are comfortable discussing these sensitive issues.

There’s also the ridiculously shoddy science behind evolutionary psychology. Something like 90% of their studies are literally just surveys handed out to psychology students. It’s basically trash. But reactionaries tend to eat it up.

Lately, I’ve been thinking that what the Rationalist movement really needs is a good injection of anthropology. Anthropologists tend to be really good at delving deep into topics and exploring them from every angle. And they have thought long and hard about this exact issue. Their insights could potentially act as an antidote for wishywashy neo-eugenicism.

EvoPsych's big problem, IMO, is that people who pursue EvoPsych as a career are doing so because they like the idea that Science says that it's just natural for a single high-status middle-aged man to accumulate lots of nubile young women around him. So the studies they do confirm their priors. It's the same problem with research on intelligence. Look at folks like Winegard and Noah Carl. They were HBD types well **before** they started their post-graduate careers in the natural sciences. The question is what do you do about a field that actually has something legit to say but which is also a Jackass Magnet? I don't know.
You could easily justify a Scooby Doo-meme where the gang pulls the mask off of EvoPsych and underneath you find plain old social Darwinism. The rhetoric between the lines can get a bit ... icky. Anyhow, psychology is dying. As research funds dry up, it will be difficult for subfields to sustain themselves. Unless, of course, various think tanks take it on themselves to keep them afloat.
>Anyhow, psychology is dying. As research funds dry up, it will be difficult for subfields to sustain themselves. Unless, of course, various think tanks take it on themselves to keep them afloat. Yep. Which means that it's going to get worse before it gets better.
I will comment that if you think people on the left (or liberals) should confront scientific racism head on by critically analysing the science involved, there are people doing that. I believe that Sneer Club's own u/stairway-to-kevin has a pretty good twitter feed where he consistently criticizes a lot of the race realist nonsense. [Cathryn Townshend](https://twitter.com/CathrynTownsend) is a bioanthropologist who will also criticize race realist authors and link to some good papers on the intersection of biology and social behaviour. She also has a [personal website](https://www.cathryntownsend.org/) where she lists some of the key influences on her academic research and a list of more popular works that she has written. In a similar vein [Holly Dunsworth](https://twitter.com/HollyDunsworth) is one of the contributors to the anthropology blog [The Mermaid's Tale](https://ecodevoevo.blogspot.com/) and has written a [paper](https://evolution-outreach.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12052-019-0109-y) criticising the idea that human races are anything like say dog breeds. As mentioned in the tweet thread, [Jennifer Raff](https://twitter.com/JenniferRaff), who I do not think is a socialist, wrote a critique of [A Troublesome Inheritance](https://violentmetaphors.com/2014/05/21/nicholas-wade-and-race-building-a-scientific-facade/). I think she still blogs at Forbes, but could be wrong there. Other people like [Augustin Fuentes](https://twitter.com/Anthrofuentes), [Jonathan Marks](https://anthropomics2.blogspot.com/), and [Adam Rutherford](https://twitter.com/AdamRutherford) are also involved in the biological sciences and critical of evolutionary psychological or race realist explanations. And another popularizer might be [Simon Whitten](https://twitter.com/Simon_Whitten). And there are also some people associated with the more progressive side of the New Atheist movement who have been highly critical of the bad explanations in evolutionary psychology -- [Jey McCreight](https://twitter.com/jeymccreight) and [PZ Myers](https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/). So there is a collection of generally liberal or lefty people out there with a fair amount of training in bio who are publicly and popularly critical of the new scientific racism.
Very kind of you! I’d also recommend checking out [my blog](https://kevinabird.github.io) for occasional critique of HBD or EP Recently I had [this piece](https://magazine.scienceforthepeople.org/vol23-3-bio-politics/genetic-basis-genome-wide-association-studies-risk/) in Science for the People taking on the core ideals of hereditarianism, genetic determinism and reductionism, and highlighting the connection to scientific racism. Also I recently published [this study](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajpa.24216) testing the hereditarian hypothesis in the context of race and showing it has no genetic or genomic evidence supporting it. (Please DM or email for a copy or check out the pre-typeset version on SocArxiv. I couldn’t afford open access fees and it isn’t on scihub yet)
I just want to say that you are awesome and the amount of work you do combating these intellectual justifications for racism is amazing and somewhat terrifying to see. Thank you so much! And I found the SocArxiv version of your [paper](https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/2qfkt/); linking because I had such trouble finding it through the search engine. Had to use DDG instead. I'm adding it to my reading list.
I would suggest adding Cosima Shalizi to that list.
Personally I dont think Rationalism can be saved (esp as there is the 'going into hiding' thing), but if you want to try there is r/leftrationalism, r/theschism, and there also was an anti hdb sub that somebody tried to create but I forgot the name.
In some ways, Rationalism does seem like a natural consequence of the cultural dominance of analytic philosophy and the derision of its continental counterpart. It reminds me of the behaviorist period in US psychology (which was never really popular in Europe), when logical positivism reigned surpreme. With the Cognitive Revolution, behaviorism died almost instantly. But the spirit of logical positivism lives on. If anything, it seems stronger now than ever before. I'm not sure that the answer is to create a leftist alternative to the Rationalist movement. From what I've observed, most people who identify as "rationalists" already identify as "leftists" (alternatively, libertarians). I think it would be better to educate its members by going deeper into the issues than they otherwise would, like Natalie Wynn of ContraPoints. I am a huge fan of hers. Her approach to de-radicalization is wonderful and I think she's an excellent demonstration of the type of thinking that can prevent the Rationalist movement from being an alt-right rabbit hole.
Somewhat unfair to blame any philosophy for spawning a movement led by autodidacts with insistence for reinventing the entirety of the discipline themselves though.
> In some ways, Rationalism does seem like a natural consequence of the cultural dominance of analytic philosophy and the derision of its continental counterpart I used to be very into lesswrong and ssc, as well as analytic philosophy, and I really think you're onto something here. I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater though, since I still think there are a lot of useful things at lesswrong. In some ways I still identify as a "left rationalist" as I believe we should all recognize and attempt to overcome our biases, as well as a healthy respect for empirical data. I just believe that thinking rationally will lead one to some form of leftism as opposed to libertarianism/alt-right.
>Jamie Loftus' podcast My Year in Mensa for an introduction to its ... interesting culture. This was great
Another plus-one for that podcast. I'm also appreciative of her Lolita podcast.

This looks like a smear job to me, esp as he clearly was already aware that he should keep this stuff on the down low and use pseudonyms.

Did he link this article on his blog? (As in the article under which the comment was posted).

But yes, his name always was an open secret, but i still think people should be allowed to become a little bit more anonymous, esp to protect patients, and if they have done nothing wrong (latter has become a bit dubious to say it lightly). But yes he always was a little bit hypocritcal (e: but he was at the time open about the fact that his name was out there, his description of the history of how easy it was to find just shifts a little bit in the retellings) and dodgy about the real name thing. But that is imho not the worst thing about him (and dont think we should focus on that as he/his fans will just spin it to be about the dox over and over again, and not the community doing a 180 on his stance on neofacism, and the obsession with people obsessed with power)

There is also the risk that reddit admins will see this as doxing and rm -rf the subreddit. That is iirc one of the reasons we didnt talk about this before.

E: imagine being doxxed because you stan prediction markets as a way to determine truth over democratic values. (Prediction markets are a bit flawed because it excludes the poor)

Simply put, you can’t have it both ways. If you want to remain anonymous, you can’t also act as a public figure, which he was doing with SSC. The average reddit user doesn’t command the audience or the influence that Scott Alexander cultivated. If you want to be a public intellectual - which he did! - you have to also accept the consequences of being a public figure. I’m sure Stephen King would have preferred nobody figured out who Richard Bachman was, too.
I also don't find Scott's stances on his doxxing to be contradictory. His stated goal was for people to not be able to get to his blog with a simple Google search of his name, i.e. to remove co-occurrences of " Scott Siskind" and "Slate Star Codex", not to scrub every mention of "Scott Siskind" from the web. Hence his frustration with the NYT which would have propelled the connection to the top of search results.
That worked well. Perhaps he should have foreseen that throwing up a cloud of chaff would make people wonder what he was trying to hide.
All of this goes to show that you need opsec years before you really need it. (I always love those stories about people tracking down hackers, neonazis, sexual predators, or darknet criminals by finding posts they made 10 years ago which accidentally revealed an email adress, which linked to a different email adress, which is linked to a site, which etc eventually a name or picture is found). Not that it was that relevant in this case, as SA wasn't any of the above, nor was it something that was really hidden.
I always feel slightly lucky there is a slightly more infamous person out there with a very close variation of my name. Though I occasionally get her hatemail...

I mean, there’s two options here:

  • He spent several years hiding his power level about scientific racism by not mentioning the extent to which he supports it even on his pseudonymous blog, then went and used his real name to post angry racist comments

  • Someone tried to smear him because they were mad at him

One of these seems more likely than the other!

So the question is how did whoever hypothetically smear him know precisely what his “power level” re: scientific racism was? Either way you answer that, it’s not a good look lol But I’m open to hearing Scott’s explanation that it was merely a very good mimic hah
Yeah, because those are features of smears: 1. They match your beliefs exactly and link you to someone you actually read. 2. You don't actually get smeared because nobody finds that post until your beliefs are otherwise well known.