r/SneerClub archives



Sneering is hate speech, you know.

“That’s not what a hate group is” “Well I hate it!!”
[me wrt to emergency work emails just before my EOD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EddX9hnhDS4)
Coincidentally, I was re-reading the story not very long ago at all

Heyo, we don’t even have to Darkly Hint at it now

Cool. Which hate groups?

This one... _apparently?^?^?_
Oh shit. I'm in a hate group? Am I... *cancelled?*
Based on my experience, I believe once you’re cancelled you’re supposed to announce it loudly on Twitter, YouTube, and go fund me.
anti-Scientology apparently
remembering [FIREPHIM](https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xU_RzKTjttsC&pg=PA64&lpg=PA64&dq=firephim&source=bl&ots=7IVfRFaLRX&sig=ACfU3U26a7_j319K-vMBGfj2R2-iNfztRg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis85Cv7YnvAhUoTxUIHXyFAJ8Q6AEwAXoECAIQAw#v=onepage&q=firephim&f=false), when a whole pile of cults got together to defend themselves from anti-cult activists they fell into infighting immediately of course
Wikipedia of course.
the worm fandom, one assumes EDIT for my hysterical stalker: this is a joke, dipshit

A lot of guilt by association stuff to Darkly Hint that Scott is some kind of racist.


But this [post linked above] shows the pure Rationalist Ideology, you are allowed to dislike something, but as soon as you have strong opinions it is bad. It is just Southpark but with more words and nazis.

I mean, aside from all the racist shit Scott has said when he thought he had anonymity. Why else would we think he’s racist?
Just listening to all sides (no commies!) on the streets, and racists under the sheets.

I love this hate group! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


> People only take IQ tests for vanity purposes. This is even more true now than when they had Greek and Latin questions as a blatant sop to the monied classes.