r/SneerClub archives
Rat-adj guy tries to own Sneerclubbers with gotcha one-liner about non-vegan hypocrisy implying bad-faith, fails to notice OP is vegan. Then tries to solve problem by claiming vegan OP is still in bad faith anyway (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/ls0ct4/ratadj_guy_tries_to_own_sneerclubbers_with_gotcha/)


I know its unhealthy but sometimes I can’t resist. In any case, its a beautiful example of how a rationalist takes an object-level argument like “torture is bad actually” and moves it to the meta-meta-meta-level argument “I think you are in bad-faith for claiming that you are in good-faith after debunking my bad-faith insinuation that you are in bad-faith.” Classic.