r/SneerClub archives
You ever walk into a store only to find the owner making very loud farts into small vials, a row of which being aligned on the counter, pausing occasionally to take a whiff off one of them like poppers and laughing manically before trying to sell you one? Anyway here's Moldbug on, uh, HBD I guess? (https://graymirror.substack.com/p/if-a-lion-could-talk)


>Yarvin has constructed for himself a living hell: https://twitter.com/Outsideness/status/1364824863140159491 >... Most likely tragedy for Yarvin will be having to live under a woke absolute monarchy.
I mean, the “enlightened despot” was the hope for modernizing reformers across Europe in the 18th century. So it’s not that unthinkable that Yarvin would finally get his wish of getting a monarch and then being dismayed that said monarch ends up not agreeing with him. Everyone who wants a monarchy secretly thinks they’ll get to be king. Fortunately for the rest of us, that’s not how this actually works.


It's a shaggy dog story, except the dog is that Nazi pug.

1 word = +1 ego point

Moldbug writes like he totally misunderstood Sturgeon’s law. ‘If 90% of everything is crap, I can generate more good things by just producing a lot of crap.’

And as words approach infinity, we discover they converge to their expected value of crap.

A minor but telling point: he misinterprets the meaning of “sealioning”.

I am going to treat your words as unintelligible pinniped barking, and ignore them.

The problem with sealions (in the cartoon) is not that they are unintelligible, but that they are tedious and tend to invade communities and distort their discourse in the direction of their tedious beliefs.

Hot(?) take: the problem with the sealioning comic is that the sealion is obviously in the right and the comic thus completely fails to make whatever point it tries to make I'm still not sure what exactly the issue with 'sealioning' is - is it that the concern is fake, which is negated by the character being a literal sealion? Is it that the concern is petty or irrelevant, which is negated by the fact that the topic at hand is tolerance of the sealions very identity? Is the idea that people should just never interject to begin with, which is negated by the fact that that is a really fucking dumb idea? I honestly don't know
The deal with sealioning is very simple, it's from when #Gamergaters would team up to publicly harass anyone who expressed any opinion on them besides total agreement. The constant demands for proof and clarification and so on had nothing to do with whether the harassment campaign could be proven to be a harassment campaign, it was about sucking up energy and time from people and discouraging them from pointing out the campaign and its members' constant misbehaviour was bad. And this was back when yhe Twitter character limit was 140 and tools for making passive-aggressive swarming less effective didn't exist. It's not really a universal rhetorical slant, just referencing a particular tactic by particular members of a harassment campaign.
The author of the comic actually [addressed this reading](http://wondermark.com/2014-errata), which, strange enough, I pointed out in [the first comment I ever made in this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/a7zz6z/caplan_sorry_sorry_sorry_belay_that_previous/ec8e1b2?context=3)
I think it is a pretty common phenomenon when certain topics come up. Things like "Do you have any studies about the effect of trans people in sports?" or "Do you have any research showing that black people commit less crime?"
I don't think the idea is that asking clarifying questions is harmful in itself, it's that in some contexts it's not appropriate (e.g. going onto a trans-centred forum and asking a bunch of questions about why being trans isn't a mental illness). Or if it is appropriate, you're still not actually owed an answer to your question, because not everyone is obliged to provide an explanation for everything they say all the time. And I think part of the idea is that if the 'sealion' *doesn't* get a response, they pretend it's because the other person can't defend their position or is scared of battling in the free marketplace of ideas, rather than the obvious answer, which is that the other person doesn't really feel like talking about it, or finds the sealion annoying.

Such outrage that Wilkinson misrepresented his Cathedral “theory”*, yet Moldbug claims Wilkinson argues that “that all human populations are neurologically uniform”. Which is not in the essay. I know pointing out hypocrisy only works on the ingroup, but since we’re in SneerClub - wtf lol, could you make more of a straw man? Next up, “communism means that everyone should be the same”.

*Apparently, the theory is that “power” means “big government”, everything has gone wrong because non-monarchies occasionally take input from journalism and academia, and the background roar of phrenology noises. Plus, everything I don’t like is Soviet Russia. Don’t know why I read that;Wilkinson’s summary is basically correct, just excludes some of the stupider parts. Use of government power is a dominant idea? Well gee, I guess that explains why all the freed slaves got 40 acres and a mule.

The post is a really striking example of the "everyone secretly agrees with me about all my racist thoughts, but some people are just pretending to disagree with me" effect. Moldbug just thinks people are disagreeing with him because he's a Soviet dissident and they're a "slave to power", and not because... his ideas are wrong

Thanks for the new flair!

I would have preferred Wonderwall.

Instead we get Wonderwalloftext

I lasted until the end of the first section. Does it go anywhere?

I scrolled down a lot and stopped on "The Party is good and my ideas are against the Party; therefore, my ideas are evil. It really is as simple as that." So he's right about something.