r/SneerClub archives
So-called 'left-hereditarian' claims that anti-racism and HBD are compatible (https://np.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/lphu6c/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_february_22/goqvdi8/)

“Guys, of course I believe that black people are biologically inferior, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care of them and treat them with dignity, just like you would with someone with a disability, or a pet or something! I’m a leftist, I swear!”

Gotta love the commenters below being astronomically evil turds in response to the other arguments this poster made, though. Nothing says “I’m an upstanding moral citizen” quite like disagreeing with reparations because if slaves hadn’t been enslaved, they wouldn’t be american. Because that apparently is consolation prize enough in itself, and they should consider themselves lucky to get to experience what it’s like to be treated like shit in the “best country” in the world.

You thought a poster equating being black with having a disability was bad? Well wait until you hear what’s below!

Thing is, the mask is so off at this point you can see the jawbone underneath already Go even more mask off and they’d lose the ability to speak Admittedly not the worst possible outcome
It's a double-decker racism sandwich.
\>Nothing says "I'm an upstanding moral citizen" quite like disagreeing with reparations because if slaves hadn't been enslaved, they wouldn't be american. Because that apparently is consolation prize enough in itself, and they should consider themselves lucky to get to experience what it's like to be treated like shit in the "best country" in the world. ​ Literally a rationalization used by slaveowners -- taking slaves from Africa was actually "civilizing" them.

Christ all fucking mighty how fucking hard is it for a presumably educated adult to just state their fucking thesis at the top of the comment

well they are compatible insofar as there are anti-racist ppl that are dumbasses too

This comment is especially bad:

No thanks. If anything, reparations should be paid from blacks to non-blacks—as compensation for affirmative action, their high crime-rate, them being a net-tax burden to non-blacks.

If non-blacks are to pay reparations to blacks, it should only be in exchange for a voluntary citizenship buyout for relocating to Africa (not even necessarily limited to blacks). Maybe ex-American blacks, upon arrival, could try claiming reparations from the regions of Africa that sold their ancestors into slavery.

Real Stormfront hours.
Yeah. I got “downvoted to oblivion” for reporting this (and a few others in the thread” as well as some stern words from the mod
In case it wasn't already clear enough what kind of people are obsessed with discussing and "researching" HBD. They insist they have no racist intentions behind their little pet topic all the time, but come one person agreeing with the HBD thesis while also postulating that it still shouldn't be basis to treat black people badly? Well screw that, that's just unthinkable! "The blacks" should be the ones thanking us for allowing them to coexist within our genetically superior desired ethnosta- uh, er, I mean, they should be glad we, uhm... want to help them be better people despite their savage biologically determined criminal behavio- I mean... ah fuck it, screw them black "people", who cares about preserving the masquerade! But don't call me a nazi that's just super offensive to me.

They have two rhetorical modes – full mask off and concern trolling to try to catch the libs. [Quillette](https://quillette.com/2016/06/23/on-the-reality-of-race-and-the-abhorrence-of-racism/) has really managed to perfect this strategy.

The replies are basically “I would have some empathy for my fellow countryman, but it has to obey this axiomatic system of ethics that I totally apply to the rest of my life and non-black people.” If you can’t see how race shapes people lives in America, and the historical context behind that, then you are either dense or a racist. In the cast of the modal motte user, it’s both

Merriam-Webster’s take:

a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

When conservatives say the true racists are the people on the left, I guess they were all talking about this one guy.
The heaviest of emphasis on the air quotes indeed
> When conservatives say the true racists are the people on the left, I guess they were all talking about this one guy. I think they're usually talking about taking collective observations and applying them to individuals. i.e. "This is your skin color so you've had this experience. " While we can't think about social issues without lumping people into groups, if we fail to take those glasses off when interacting with individuals then we easily judge individuals by the color of their skin. Also, they're probably counting stereotyping people with light skin in addition to stereotyping people with dark skin. Further, the % of votes David Duke got from registered Democrats in his successful campaign was statistically indistinguishable from the votes he got from registered Republicans, so there's that, too. Trump won with formerly Democratic "deplorables" in the Blue Wall states who supposedly all left the party a generation ago because of the "Southern Strategy." Democrats do genuinely tend to greatly over-estimate the extent to which their party has been purged of some of the worst racists.
i also see a lot about "the racism of low expectations", where left-leaning people saying "wow these people have had it pretty rough, maybe we should give them a hand" is somehow transfigured into "these people are inherently completely incapable surviving and thriving in the world, and cannot survive without our assistance."
I get some strong *"unlike those cruel assholes over there, I'm a good person and I treat my slaves with respect!"* vibes from your comments man. It doesn't matter how benevolent you are trying to frame your opinion as, it's still insanely racist. You don't get to make a direct equivalency between being black and having a disability and then claim to have moral integrity because you don't discriminate against people with disabilities. You still believe they are biologically inferior in some regard which is an intensely fucked up position to have. Not to mention a position that is only backed up by biased pseudo-science that only far-right ethnonationalists bother to look up or research to begin with, like that's not indicative of anything already. This is modern day phrenology and there's a reason people exercize extreme caution when they hear guys get on these *"I swear I'm just an innocent knowledge-seeking scholar who wants to know why black people are so violent, I don't have any ulterior motives!"* discourses. We don't buy it the same way we don't buy the innocent knowledge-seeking hobbyist historians who just mysteriously happen to be obsessed with unearthing as many documents as possible disproving the holocaust having killed 6 million jews, for no particular reason other than good ol' scholastic curiosity. Even if it was true, which it isn't, the obsession with the topic in particular is already an indication of where the priorities lie.
It wouldn't be racist if it was true, I guess, sure. However, it isn't, and thus continuing to believe in it betrays a bias. In this case, as this whole thing revolves around race, it would be a racist one.
lmao, [I'm sure this guy posts in good faith](https://old.reddit.com/r/ainbow/comments/caljph/incest_belongs_in_lgbtq/)
Lol wait people actually try to pull that Destiny (some 'centrist' asshole Gamer who loves the N-word DebateBro) [incest bullshit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/7prtr3/what_is_destinys_argument_against_incest/)? Haha
I would put this in a more academic language but he doesn't deserve that. Fuck destiny and his vomit-inducing defense of Kyle Rittenhouse.
Destiny is a socdem and an antiracist, not a centrist. He does strongly support personal freedom and self-defense, which leads to some highly controversial takes (Rittenhouse, incest and some others), but the amount of shit he is getting is unreasonable, especially coming from the left.
I never said he was a centrist, and to be honest his overall political stance is completely irrelevant to me. I value his individual takes for what they are regardless of what he aligns himself with. I used to like him and listen to him a lot but there's certain opinions that if you say out loud will make me absolutely despise you even if I agree with 95% of the rest of the things you are saying. Same way I despise tankies for their defense of genocide and horrible crimes against humanity despite me agreeing with 80% of their opinions on other topics. His whole Kyle Rittenhouse schpiel is one of those opinions. He doesn't get unreasonable amounts of shit at all, those opinions were absolutely unacceptable on every regard. "Controversial" is way too soft of a word to describe the vile stuff coming out of his mouth on that topic.
Why the fuck do you think you’re welcome here?
low IQ post
and yet you argue that you can determine intelligence by skin colour.
You’ve drained the word superior of meaning.

Imagine thinking HBD and eugenics/ racism can be separated from each other.

Whoomp (there it is)! As soon as you allow for "but what *if* HBD?" you've already gone wrong. Reminds me of this study conducted by Drs. Mitchell and Webb ([link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=owI7DOeO_yg)). When something is evil and doesn't work, don't be the person asking "but what if it did work?"

From the mind that brought you “Consensual incestuous couples as an oppressed group” and “Incest belongs in LGBTQ+”

Truly the Most Good You Can Do™. Big brain instinct for what is important and useful.

Charles Murray, that you?