r/SneerClub archives
Oh, if only the ACX community paid the same amount of disdainful scrutiny they have for the field of nutrition to HBD and 'intelligence' 'research' (https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/bay-area-plant-based-meat-reviews#comment-1368078)

The actual OP is really unpleasantly written, but it avoids a proper sneer by making me actually sort of enthusiastic to try places like these.

I mean, it's the OK variety of Scott post. It talks about actual things that exist in the world at reasonable length without wandering off into 10,000 words of racism apologetics. It's about as good as he gets.
Didn't even realize it was scottposting when I wrote that (figured it out before you posted, though) because ACX just doesn't register for me fully yet. You know what? I think scottposting might just be objectively bad, even when it serves some reasonable good.
Normalizing manipulative rhetorical techniques and bad faith takes in the pursuit of a (self believed) social good is indeed a really bad thing. Even if it doesn’t end up in “the ends justifies the means” territory, it certainly leaves space for those who would use such techniques for ill.