r/SneerClub archives

I want to preface this by saying that I am very ignorant when it comes to politics and philosophy, but here it goes:

Isn’t it logically inconsistent that rationalists/alt-right people, who usually are (always?) capitalists have such an aversion to cancel culture?

My reasoning is that they like free speech, so people can say what they want (e.g #FireGinaCarano) and by capitalism if a sufficiently large subset of consumers exclaim this the company realises that it is more profitable to fire the person. What link in this chain of events do they oppose to? Or am I missing something?

It feels like this “culture” they are talking about is just people expressing anger at bigoted people. Which implies that they really just agree with the “cancelled” party.

Please excuse my poor english and undigested idea. And feel free to critisize my argument.


Piggybacking this, but unfortunately the online Rationalist community at least on this side of the internet are very much into circlejerking really awful regressive "let us talk about the taboo" types that want to literally send black americans back to africa, want latinos euthanized, and all sorts of wacky ideas that most people would cease being friends / coworkers with someone spouting that nonsense. They want a society where they can freely say that shit in any context or any platform and face zero consequences for said crazy shit.
But also where you can't say how much you don't like the shit they're saying and how much you are not buying which ever product its associated with. Basically the paradox of tolerance but in inverse direction.
"what if......black people are.......BAD?!?!?!?!!?!? This is a genius idea never before considered" - a 800 IQ supergenius "seems racist to me" - a 99 IQ dumb idiot, probably doesn't even play that many video games "how dare you SILENCE ME!!!!" - substack's newest superstar and millionaire
And successfully canceling the Dixie Chicks!
(For those that don’t know, JK Rowling has been hip deep in some controversy over trans rights, and has been using the UK’s awful defamation les to sue anyone who calls her a TERF. It’s an extra irony given that I believe she signed onto the Harper’s letter about free speech, when she’s using the courts to silence it)
It almost seems as if you're implying that rationalism may act as a cover for something that isn't entirely rational... But that would be silly, of course.

Here’s a recent post I enjoyed that explains “cancel culture” https://weeklysift.com/2021/02/08/why-you-cant-understand-conservative-rhetoric/

Doug Muder is lovely! Glad to see folks reading him.
Oh nice, this article was kind of like what I wanted to say, but way way better haha.

NB: your English is perfectly fine; your argument makes perfect sense

Well yeah, but it’s not that big of a deal in terms of internal consistency for the ideology, it’s more a deal in terms of the underlying logic of the whole thing

Political realism (of which I am an adherent) in political philosophy tells us that that liberal values are very often fundamentally in conflict with each other: so it’s just no surprise when people who would otherwise boost for capitalism turn out to be in conflict with their own implied values (re: capitalism, rationalism, so-called “cancel culture”)

The basic point is that a liberal mind-set is fundamentally flawed if its alleged adherents are allowed to just talk shit all day on twitter and in Quillette, or on LessWrong or OvercomingBias: there has to be something wrong with that worldview

I take it you have knowledge when it comes to political philosophy, (didnt know it existes). Any introductory books you would recommend? Because that sounds fascinating.
It was part of my MSc My standard recommendations for introductions are to check out the Routledge introductory books and see what titles interest you, and avoid the Very Short Indroductions which are generally terrible - which is fun to say on this sub because we all had a good laugh about the time Scott Siskind used Peter Singer’s Very Short Introduction to Marx to summarise the whole of Marxism For political realism specifically, the two authors that motivated me in that direction are Glen Newey and John Gray, although both are respectively right of me and a bunch more right than me. Newey before his untimely death had a semi-regular and incredibly funny caustic blog at the London Review of Books which you can still read for free, and Gray is a fomerly Thatcherite political philosopher turned essentially popular writer and cultural critic. And you can always tool around on the SEP and IEP with whatever names turn up in whatever google searches you do looking up “political philosophy”, the former is a little more serious and the latter a little less rigorous, but it evens out a bit: just avoid the IEP anthropology articles
Thank you for the recommendations!

What link in this chain of events do they oppose to?

The part where they think they might lose their own job for having horrible opinions about minorities. But they’re convinced that those opinions are true (and that everyone else knows it’s true too), so they think they’re being forced to “suppress the truth” or whatever.

It’s all about their philosophy of power, ultimately. The right essentially advances the view that power is what the majority inflicts on the minority, and all of the words in that sentence aren’t literal but symbolic.

Even when the right isn’t the majority, they still see themselves as the “REAL majority” and being the only people with “common sense”. Even when designated minorities are not mistreated by society, the right thinks that they should be mistreated, just by virtue of being a designated minority.

Any disruption of this formula makes rightists lose their fucking minds. Bad enough that you can’t call people slurs and keep them in their place, but to criticize the right? The designated winners!? The world has gone mad!

there is nothing contradictory about it - they simply hate ethnic minorities, trans people and women, so anyone who thinks those people have been transgressed against must be silenced by any means necessary. if the government needs to step in to force blue-dye-hair SJW college kids to buy 100 MyPillows per month, then that’s what’s necessary to protect free speech.

I’ve seen many rationalist-adjacent capitalists oppose cancel-culture in the same way they’d oppose a commercial product – “yeah the government has no business here but also this shouldn’t be a product!”

Lots of alt-rightists do think the government should step in tho. This isn’t logically contradictory because it would imply that logic could get within ten feet of alt-rightists

It feels like this “culture” they are talking about is just people expressing anger at bigoted people. Which implies that they really just agree with the “cancelled” party.

Yes. This. It’s just this. This is the fundamental right-wing use of cancel culture. They are building another epistemic weapon (akin to “SJW” or “Woke” or “PC”) to be aimed at anything that resembles consequences or backlash for bigotry, and using it to further raise the profile of bigots. And since most rationalist spheres are, at best, overrun with nazis, that’s how it gets used.

You know what, I’m going to say no. It’s only logically inconsistent if they either:

  1. Use “businesses can do whatever they want” as a reason why you shouldn’t be angry at them for doing something.
  2. Want the government to intervene to keep business from kicking them off Twitter.

To be fair, some do fit either or both of those conditions. But by itself, there’s nothing contradictory about being mad at someone for doing something while also holding that they have the right to do that thing. You probably do it yourself on a monthly basis, at least.

Yup, you’ve got it in one.

More honestly, the aversion to “cancel culture” is more a negative reaction to the shifting of power. Plenty of talented people have been “cancelled” over the years by the rich and powerful; think about how many comedians had their careers cut short because they wouldn’t put up with Louis CK’s abusive bullshit?

Now, for better or for worse, some of that power has shifted from the traditional elite to the crowd, and oh boy does the elite not like it.