r/SneerClub archives
The Bay Area Rationalist Community is basically just NXIVM for silicon valley nerds. A whistleblower has made allegations of rape, statutory rape, BDSM torture, blackmail, secret payouts, and coverups. (https://everythingtosaveit.how/case-study-cfar/)

Friendly reminder that topics like sexual abuse are serious. So the usual shitposty style of sneerclub isn’t appropriate here. (Not accusing anyone of anything, just want to put this out before anyone is tempted.)

It is really awful reading writing by someone who’s been damaged and screwed over by the Bay Area rationalist community, but I am not going to source my sneers from someone who says this:


If anything, the author seems to be someone with ultra-high-scrupulosity who thinks that Rationalism doesn't go *far enough* with its stated principles - for example, being disappointed that MIRI isn't living up to being a heroic secret society working to save the world. I guess what Rationalism needs is a firebrand heretic to transform it into something even weirder. : p
>I guess what Rationalism needs is a firebrand heretic to transform it into something even weirder. "Join us for our next Meetup at our newest location - Guyana!"
Ah, the Ayn Rand approach.
Somehow they took Ayn Rand’s general worldview and made it more verbose.
If they had an ounce of political acumen, they could try to become an Bavarian Illuminati.
This is exactly what I was going to come to the comments to point out: 1. How can you see all this happen and not question the underlying ideology or personalities that create the environment for this abuse? 2. Rationalists have the weirdest fucking way of speaking. People have to be trained into thinking and speaking in this manner. I guess it comes from LW? Distant third: The Bay Area really is a toxic hellscape even if you have no interaction with the rationalists.
> Rationalists have the weirdest fucking way of speaking So back in early 2010s one of the themes of LW was that many lesser-active members felt intimidated to post there, feeling like their posts would be scrutinized and nitpicked to death by comments. It seems like they progressively adopted more and more complex vocabulary, first to signal tribal affiliation (“hey guys, I'm one of your own, I speak your language!”), second to make it harder for people to tear their posts apart. They became what they criticize postmodernist writers for.
Is it so much worse than anywhere else?
Yes actually. Because it has been blessed with some of the greatest natural gifts from Mother Earth, the Bay's failure ripples across the continent dragging every city in the west down to hell by the invasion of migrants. It is already a city sized gated community. The lowest class are forced into 6 hours a day of communting from the central valley. The middle classes move to high deserts where there is no water for their suburban hell, sucking the Colorado River dry. The Bay has the ideal weather for human health and happiness. It is the most rational place to build long term sky high development for winter and summer efficiency. But the NIMBY locals refuse to build anything with an elevator in Pacifica. Development must happen, so it goes to Arizona, Texas, Utah, Oregon, Colorado, where people must be heated and cooled. The cultural revolution of the hippies was murdered and now oligarchs have turned it into a playground. The real estate bubble creates wealth for emigrants to spread their cancer culture. Edit: The rocky Mountains are the Bay's trash fence while they spread moop across the atmosphere poisoning the planet so Musk and co can keep new blood in the orgy dome. Oh Brave new world with such people in it!
I dream of a timeline where NIMBY-ism never took root in California and Los Angeles and San Francisco are cities with the density of New York but the climate of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Then I remember that I live in a world where the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in SF is $2,500 (and was $3,500 before the pandemic), and think sadly about the climate in the place I'm forced to live.
I gladly dumped piss buckets all over the mansions of Marin. #kissmypiss
LA is denser than people think. Dense enough for public transit to work well, if they had it. SF Bay Area is not actually the root of all the damage that capitalism has done to the country, but nice sneer!
LA Metro has the largest bus system in the US and the second largest light rail system in the US. Not saying it's the best transit system but the idea that LA doesn't have public transit bugs me. Edit: largest by ridership
It’s true,and they’ve made massive improvements over the last 20 years. Didn’t mean to make it sound like there was none at all.
LA should have Blade Runner level buildings. In Fear and Loathing Thompson refers to the way of progress that was coming out of the Bay, but was beat back. It isn't the root of the issue, but it is like the world Tree from Avatar that is now burning and spreading the flames. Even in the context of capitalism, it is a total market failure.
Market failure, sure. The root of all evil, no, not even the main current source of the rot in the country. You’re reifying the Bay Area in a way that’s borderline dehumanizing to the people who live there. I don’t want to take what seems like a very entertaining late-night stoned dorm-room rant too seriously. If I was eighteen and hated California I’d think it was genius, I’m sure. You’ve definitely got some excellent ‘dying wizard’ vibes going on in your prose, too. Btw, LA already doesn’t have enough water to support its current population over the long-term. It’s not really a better candidate for Blade Runner style highrises than, say, Utah.
LA is already getting Hedge funds to funnel all the water in Utah to them, so the main benefit is the reduced need to cool them. So they are already going to take the water, they could have desalination. I'm mostly focused on the Bay. The people that live there absolutely fucked every single state in the west with their terrible zoning. They got to keep their single family home, sell it and buy McMansions in other western states, creating a cascade of increasing rent that pushed many people into homelessness. There are problems with capitalism sure, but the citizens of the Bay area decided to keep the cutesy character of their neighborhoods and pushed for land use policies under the guise of environmentalism, but they didn't treat their Portland, Denver, and Salt Lake working classes as people who needed a place to live in a better environment, they treated them as trash that deserved to die in the cold. And they do.
Many people in the Bay Area didn’t vote that way, and many Bay Are residents who didn’t are in fact suffering from the status quo. You seem all too delighted to throw them under the bus. You don’t think people are dying on the fucking street in California as well? This is a class problem. This smells just like the assholes saying “Lol it’s Texas they deserve it” when poor people there were dying from cold.
I don’t think it’s annoying, I think it’s flat out tragic. I also don’t have any good way to evaluate these claims because the author is so clearly traumatized. I know some of them are true because I’m familiar with the Kathy Sierra tragedy and a few other awful events, so I’m not sure what this adds. Going through this site feels a bit like misery porn.
I think there’s a lot to be said for that. Like... Some rationalists are using it as an excuse for their racism, bigotry, and general unpleasantness. Screw those people. I sneer at them. Some rationalists are stuck in a cult. Empathy is a method for helping them get out. As you say: sometimes you gotta meet people where they are. See also the work people like Shannon Martinez do to help former neo-Nazis. Also thanks for the note on Marty Rathburn, I know very little about Scientology.
It's a hard problem of dealing with all kinds of radicalized people. On the one hand, it can be distressing to deal with people who believe awful things, even if they're moving in the right direction. On the other hand, if you refuse to accept people who try to change, it strengthens these ideologies in the long run. There isn't an easy answer, especially if you're someone who has bad experiences with these groups yourself.
That seems to be pretty common among ex-cultists, at least at first.

That page is so long and ridiculous that there’s no way to sum it up, but I want to point out one section:

MIRICFAR’s location in the Bay area, combined with the false community belief cultivated by these organizations that they are the leading/only orgs taking heroic responsibility for the hopes and dreams of sentient life across the world and time, results in:

the people who answer Eliezer’s phoenix call moving to the Bay area, and their lives falling apart

the people who move to the Bay either having to get a toxic job at a tech company that consumes most of their time in order to pay elevated rent, or burn through their resources and decay into worse and worse living conditions

For a while it could be said that even if the rationality community was very dumb, it had created a place where socially awkward people could make friends and find a home and ultimately be happier. That may have been true for some of the original bloggers and their friends, but it’s very much not true for the majority of the people in the community. There are dozens, maybe hundreds, of vulnerable people who have been drawn in and had their lives overturned in service of this stupid group, all because of Yud, who just gets to sit around, rake in money, and ignore all of the consequences.

The rationalists continue to demonstrate their idiocy, over and over again, by believing they can invent and run nonprofits, research institutes, self-help groups, start-up businesses, social communities, and sexual relationships from scratch based on rationalist logic, completely ignoring millions of instances of those things already existing in the entire rest of the world, because every other organization is not run by Rationalists and their experiences are therefore useless. This causes all of their ventures, with zero exceptions, to become hotbeds of drama and abuse while they fail at all of their stated goals (except for making money for Yud).

i've been following this stuff for a while, and still had no idea that there was anything like a physical community in which LW/MIRI types lived together and so on. and it was already *plenty* creepy without knowing that
There was a writeup a while back about Dragon House (yes, really) that was unintentionally hilarious. Definitely worth a read if you are interested in some of the specifics of why it failed. That said, I wasn't aware that there were *multiple* rational group houses. I wonder how weird they are - do you get a consistent amount and kind as you go from house to house?


That was my takeaway too

What a strange rabbithole. All of the bizarre jargon (beyond the typical rationalist stuff) makes a lot of this incomprehensible, and then further reading shows that the writer of the blog is part of some bizarre cult led by somebody named Ziz that is a schizophrenic version of rationalism taken to bizarre extremes. Does anybody here know more about this?

Basically they’re weird fanatics too
This webpage has a lot of the lowdown on this Ziz character https://zizians.info/ Ironic that it's written by a rationalist; so many portions feel like the [pot calling the kettle black](https://www.imgur.com/a/ahGcrgA).
Yep, it's like a cult inside a cult, jargon inside jargon. The ziz thing seems a bit more sinister though.
I went down the Ziz rabbit hole a few months ago and it is some wild shit. Her whole thing is even more cultish and detached from reality than rationalism, by a lot.
Yep. I can feel her speaking to my manic side when I read her material. Been hospitalized before for mania, so this shit is a legit "infohazard" for me lol.
I mean isn't that the inevitable consequence of forming a new family of religions? You will form the full spectrum of crazies too.
The links they post are just as fascinating.

I feel like I’m losing 1d6 sanity points with every page of… whatever this is that I’m reading. Every link I follow is 1d10 extra on top of that.

I should probably stop, but… I can’t?

I gave up after 10 min when I realized it would take two hours to read it all

Got to love how these cultists, even when they split off and accuse the main cult of pedophilia^*, still believe that the main cult is

one of the communities most capable of being aligned with saving the world from x-risks and g-risks.

^* which wouldn’t be surprising, a cult that tries to recruit young people with harry potter fanfic, is bound to go there. But you can’t find them guilty based on what a splinter crazy group of true believers say, without physical evidence or actual testimony, so it will probably take a while until they get properly caught.

edit: It’s like those split-off scientologists who still do the e-meters and thetans.

I have seen many others’ living conditions decay to near-homelessness. Even the most functional group houses I’ve visited are overpacked with people in tiny spaces (often multiple people to a room, sometimes “rooms” made from putting curtains in what were designed as common areas) and filled with clutter. Other group houses I’ve visited look like homeless camps.

OMG what? Is this real? Also, is this unique to rationalists, or a feature of group houses in the area in general? Like, I knew housing in the US is a fuck, but damn.

I used to live in the Bay Area. If you work in tech, no, this is not how you have to live (though the quality of the housing in the Bay is often very poor. My first apartment in SF had no central heat, which was bloody miserable during the winter). You should be able to get your own real room. It's definitely brutal for people who don't work in tech, though. I met a barista once who was living in a pantry, and a contractor who commuted in from east of Sacramento and slept at his jobs. I had assumed most rationalists would have some kind of coding gig, but I guess that was a bad assumption. If they're "working" for MIRI or CFAR instead, then yeah, they probably can't afford even a normal room with four walls.
Rents are extremely high around there, so cramped living conditions aren't rare. I've read similar stories about group homes in that region that weren't connected to the rationalist community.

NXIVM, huh?

Not a bad comparison. A friend of mine told me that it all reminded her of the stories about Bohemian Grove, too.

Maybe aligning yourself with trying to save the world via conceptual means just automatically turns you into a terrible person with the appearance of a morally and philosophically unassailable one?

Note that this post was published as early as 2020/04/24, judging from the comments. That wasn’t clear to me from the thread title.

Before the reunion, Emma had recently gotten out of a many months long abusive living situation with Alice Monday, where Alice had among other things been weekly beating Emma with a stick

What? Just what?

I mean that's utterly normal human cult and entitled asshole behavior. Why would we expect them to be any different?
You're totally right. It's just so rare to see rationalists doing something abusive that isn't wrapped in a million words of excess jargon.
How much you wanna bet that at the time it was actually happening, it was?
I'd easily bet $300 on that


I quite like people who have harmless weird geeky ideas, like the author's very cute theory that furries result from a genetic memory of our ancient lemur-like ancestors. I take issue with Rationalism because it tends to consume people's worldviews and demand everything be stated in terms of its jargon. But isolated quirky beliefs don't do that, and they're something you'd expect to see in a healthy mix of bright open-minded people, so that's fine. The split-hemisphere theory looks like a harmless quirky idea at first, but [looking further into it](https://hivewired.wordpress.com/2019/12/02/hemisphere-theory-much-more-than-you-wanted-to-know/), I am seeing a lot of red flags - it seems ripe for psychological manipulation (categorising people into 'good' and 'non-good', encouraging them to adopt new split identities), and there is a mention of a suicide (!) connected to it.
The Zizians have taken a harmless idea and made it very very scary. I played with the idea of separate hemispheric headmates, myself, during times I'd been particularly mentally unstable, and I never went anywhere so unhealthy with it as those folks. /r/tulpas is a good place to find the not-corrupted-by-rationalists harmless geekery.
From what I recall of the tulpa community, there very much were people who would torment themselves with all kinds of intrusive and scary thoughts - things like egocide or malicious or 'broken' tulpas. Interestingly, I didn't see any of same drama in other thoughtform communities (like The Daemon Forum), because they simply didn't believe that was how it worked. I guess that's the downside of coming from 4chan. I never committed to trying it myself. Aside from a lack of the requisite focus and visualisation skills, I don't like the idea of alienating myself from getting really close to people because then I'd have to explain that I have an imaginary friend in my head (even super high openness people find headmates to be odd). Also I tend to have a more integrated sense of self when I'm in a better mental / emotional state. I do appreciate the work they're doing in hacking the human mind, though!
...right. Okay. Okay. It’s turtles all the way down. I’m out.
That's neither here nor there, but I knew that concept reminded me of something, and it dawned on me that it's the ['I-split'](https://sci-hub.se/https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/88441) in the phenomenology of schizophrenia: >"The patient experiences his I, self, or person as being divided or otherwise compartmentalized, disintegrated into semi-independent parts, or not existing as one unified whole. The patient’s complaints must have an experiential quality that may form a continuum from a vague sense of split, ‘as if’ division, to a split that is elaborated in a delusional way" One of the examples given in the article I linked sounds almost exactly like what that weird cult is talking about: >"She says that her thoughts ‘divide themselves’, and she feels a split in herself. It is a question of negative and positive thoughts. She feels it as if there were two different parts of her which ‘carry out a war with each other’ I think it's pretty fucked up to try to deliberately induce self-disturbance, a basic symptom of psychosis, in already obviously unwell people as an apparent manipulation tactic.
Heretical, no. Cod-neuroscience, yes.
ah, gotcha. ty.

As much as the Rationalist community might be a cult, this post is pretty insane and without stronger evidence I would consider it potentially libelous.

interestingly, I had the archive.org version of those pages bookmarked, & apparently archive.org has cooperated with an effort to have them removed. https://web.archive.org/web/20141112000000*/http://miricult.com
even better, see if this link works: https://gofile.io/d/rzr3Tm (it's a PDF & the password is miricult)
fwiw, what i posted is the same page that's on Ziz's archive that you added above.
This hits my Qanon filters and bounces off...
i just put it up now from my own local save of the webpage. had no idea others would be interested or any other info about whether that info was valid or not, esp when it got taken down almost immediately. this is the first i've known about other such claims.
I think you may have misunderstood the purpose of sneerclub, you know? It's definitely not Amateur Detective Hour. u/completely-ineffable back me up here?

OP, can you summarize the linked page in a few paragraphs? I am extremely interested in this topic, but it’s very difficult to understand the allegations without a seeming mountain of context.

Anna participated in a coverup of MIRI paying out to blackmail using donor funds over allegations of statutory rape.

I have no idea what this means, but it sounds bad I guess?

This reminds me of #GameB which is a twitter postrat cult which wants to buy houses for its group

I ran into some postrats on twitter during the SSC thing but I really don’t understand what they are. Some of them seemed like they were post rationalism because they became more normal and others because they became more insane / fascist. Which is it?

Just pointing out that one of the people heavily quoted in this blog (Ziz, who was also mistreated/exploited) has been sneered at in the past: “What the hell are they smoking Vol. 1011.”

I understand the temptation to punch-down at people with off-the-wall takes but I think there are some lines that shouldn’t be crossed

They deserve each other.

What I document here is evidence of Anna Salamon, CFAR, LW, MIRI, and many individuals in those organizations and the community digging themselves deep into a culture built on defense of lies and cancerous optimization, covering up both crimes and ordinary bigotry, and thereby destroying nearly all of the value of one of the communities most capable of being aligned with saving the world from x-risks and g-risks. Among other things, this demonstrates that MIRI is not an organization anyone should trust to deliver a sentient-life-compatible utility function to the future light cone of this set of timelines

I am unable to understand it. Like my brain is physically incapable of parsing the intent in these sentences

This is a mix of horrifying, fucked up allegations, and weird Rationalist jargon that is honestly super hard to parse, and I really just… can’t make myself read all of it.

Everything on that site is highly suspect. I wish the author(s) well and clarity of mind in the future.

This author is weird and certainly wrong about many things, but spiritual opposition to AI is perfectly rational for a human being.

I’d like more information on the connection between MIRI and Epstein.
